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Posts posted by cfrancesca

  1. I was hoping Joulumuori would be a little foodier. It's hard to pick out the notes for me, but I seem to be getting boozy wine, citrus, smoke and a little bit of effervescence.

    That's all I'm amping, no rice pudding :( or mead :( . Darn skin chemistry! I had high hopes for this one!

  2. Lovely, creamy pink scent.

    I don't really have anything new to add, completely smells like Snow White and Rose Red combined.


    When I was wearing it I actually thought I was wearing Snow White. On my skin, I can't tell the difference, which is ok because I love Snow White so much, but was sorta hoping for a different scent. Still very nice and keeping my bottle!

  3. This was a huge morpher on me.


    In the bottle, it smells of a rich, sweet and spicy pastry. On my skin it turns almost immediately into spicy coconut cake, and it stays for around 10min. Then it slowly started turning all CLOVE on me. I dislike clove immensely and I'm starting to learn that I unfortunately amp it!


    In conclusion- very sad, but it's not for me... :(

  4. I forgot to also mention Boo! (Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream) a vanilla note isn't listed, but on me (I wearing today actually :) ) it smells more vanilla cream than DP, I bet she'd like it. Love's Philosophy is great too, I see many have recommended it already. I personally don't get any vanilla from Dorian only lemon tea.

  5. Try Detestable Putrescence (melty vanilla ice cream) its probably the closest to a vanilla only scent we're gonna get (except for the Single Note but that's near impossible to acquire).It's a bit french vanilla, but has turned plasticky smelling on some (including me, but I pretend not to notice because I like the vanilla so much! ).


    Even if she likes vanilla only I would also consider Pink Snowballs (roses, vanilla and snow) or Snow White (flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers) this is a beautiful scent and age-appropriate. Good Luck! :)

  6. Snow White 07'


    Wow, I totally understand all the love for this beautiful blend!


    It's lovely, soft, fluffy and has just the right amount of sweetness. Dry I smell a mix of light coconut, almonds, florals with some slight greenery in the background and I also smell some light musk.


    A couple of hrs later it turns into fluffy marshmallows, pink flowers and skin musk.. The throw is strong. I got my first two ever bpal compliments in less than one hr. of me wearing it! It's just like I would imagine Snow White would smell. I'm in :wub2: !!!


  7. Pa-Pow is so beautiful! It's making me all weepy! *runs to kiss and hug her doggy*


    Aldercy said it perfectly-a warm, sun-baked, snuggly, slightly green scent. It's a very comforting scent.

    I was a bit worried about the grass note, but once it dried I couldn't really smell it. It's very well blended, hard to pick out the notes on this one.


    It really smells like a happy doggy running around in a field on a beautiful sunny day!

  8. It's a really nice Pumpkin Spice smell (I think one of the best I've smelled), but as I got out of the bath it feels like a have about little ants biting me all over, I have goosebumps from the sting (wierd because in the bath I didn't feel anything) :(. It's the cinnamon, and I usually I do ok with cinnamon. I might have used too much, I thought the smell was too faint so I added a little extra. I will have to try again using just a little.


    But it might not be a keeper for me, so sad.. :cry:


  9. So far my "Sex in a Bottle" scents are:

    Boomslang, Mead Moon, O, Desire and Giant Vulva is growing on me. But I'd say it's pretty subjective, because perfumes can differ so much with different skin chemistry and what different people find sexy (or scent associations).


    I find citrus scents the least sexy (IMO) as well as real bright fruity ones, the sexiest scents usually for me contain contain honey, musk, cream, vanilla, amber and sometimes smoke and chocolate.


    Any more recommendations?

  10. This ended up being my FAVORITE of all the Lilith's B-day scents, and it's the last one I ended up getting (I have the other 2).


    Wet it smells like creamy tangerine-vanilla bubble gum (but in the best way), then I the benzoin comes out and it's smells like a creamy tangerine American Dream (from Lush) and it's strong too. It put me in a good mood! :) Yes it does smell like the orange Mr. Sketch marker (I was using mine earlier today :blush: )

  11. Wow this has a lot of throw on me!


    I put it just a little on and I keep getting strong whiffs of sweet pumpkin chocolate coffee. I'm not getting the Starbucks Pumpkin Latte association others described, the pumpkin latte scent for me is softer, spicier and creamier smelling, I'm getting a stronger coffee scent from Pumpkin V, no hazelnut though.


    I really like it and it's nice to have such a strong scent because I can dab just a little bit on and my bottle will end up lasting awhile.

  12. I'm loooving Cake Smash!

    First I gotta say how cute Lilith looks on the label, she looks like she's having a blast! Such a cutie!


    In the bottle it's definitely a delicious buttery cake with cream cheese frosting. It does smell somewhat like Eat Me (which I love)..

    When it dries it gets more complex, I can smell a little bit of musk, smoke and a tiny bit of fir from Doc Constantine. I wish it wouldn't change so much on my skin because I love the way it smells in the bottle! I'll try it in my locket.


    And I may have to have another bottle... :D

  13. Ok so this is my little Nosferatu story


    Reading all the reviews I was so excited to get my imp..

    As soon as I got it's first thing I pulled and quickly applied. As I got a strong whiff of my wrist I got so CREEPED out I burst into tears, it SCARED the hell out of me...I've never experienced anything like that before.

    It's more than just being dark and unsettling but I can't put my finger on what it is that freaked me out. It was like by smelling this I was smelling Evil :evil: , and being enveloped by it. It must be I'm associating it with something. I washed it off quickly...


    Because I'm persistent, I wanted to try it again and did a couple of days later and told myself I was just being hormonal last time and there's no way a scent can really give me those emotions...so I tried it again and the same thing I got very scared and nervous.



    Note: I told my brother about it and he was curious to try it, he LOVED it and asked me "Where can I buy a Gallon of this?" :confused:
