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Posts posted by cfrancesca

  1. I mostly get vetiver from this one, but it's a note I usually amp and it's all I end up smelling even if the blend has a small amount. It reminds me of the Geek Show CD proto actually but not as smokey. Later it turns more complex and wearable, I start getting some black musk and rum, but I don't get any blackcurrant, overall I just find it too bitter and vetiver smokey for me.

  2. On my skin, this scent reminds me of a slightly tart version of The Harp of Cnoc l'Chosagair. I get creamy white sandalwood, soft vanilla, and a blend of florals and there's also something in here giving it a slightly tart scent.


    Not a bottle-worthy scent for me, but I'm a fan of Jane Eyre so I'll be definitely keeping my decant!

  3. Wow, this is SUPER boozy and strong in the vial, I almost couldn't bring myself to test it. On my skin it's still very boozy, almost to the point where all I smell is booze, with occasional hints of almond and cherry (but more cherry than almond). The coconut is very soft and keeps threatening to turn to plastic on me. Not a fan of this one.

  4. I get a very sweet, slightly tart, pink fruity scent and lots of pastry. The pastry smells like a warm, creamy, baked custard tart and it's really delicious! :yum: It reminds me of the pastry note in Toothsome Banketsaaf but that one ended up going a little plastic on me, in here it's perfect and thankfully it doesn't turn on me. I also get some similarity with The Confectionary prototype. At times the blend gets tiny bit too sweet and fruity for me, but over-all I'm really liking it and I'm very much in love with this pastry note. It has really good throw too. A definite keeper! :wub2:

  5. This is Pumpkin Latte with a triple-shot of espresso! I get a blast of strong espresso in the beginning, as it dries it gets softer, creamier and I start getting more Pumpkin and some vanilla, but the espresso is still very pronounced (I also amp coffee). It reminds me of a slightly creamier Pumpkin V 2009.

  6. I get lots of caramelized, sticky honey and what must be horse chestnuts (I've not smelled horse chestnut before, but I do get a soft chestnut scent so perhaps the scent is similar?). Unfortunately for me, there's also some kind of brown sugar or maple syrup, slightly smoky thing happening (what I first got as "caramelized") and my skin usually doesn't like those scents, perhaps that's coming from the horse chestnut. It's very foody, thick and sweet.

  7. I'm getting bright, sparkling red and pink fruits softened by light creamy vanilla. The fruits in here do smell like rhubarb and strawberry, more rhubarb to me, maybe another sweet, slightly tart fruit. I also get a soft and delicious booze note, I think it is cognac because apart from the lab's champagne it's the only other lab booze note that I like, but I also get something almost effervescent and light (but not like the lab's usual champagne or fizzy note), I can best describe it as sparkling (it could be a soft musk). It smells like a delicious soft bright, fruity, pink cocktail. At times this actually reminds me of Blooddrop's Noyer, but this one is brighter, sweeter and fruitier. I really like it at this stage. Unfortunately (or fortunately) after about 30 minutes of wear it changes rather dramatically on me and I start to amp a scent that reminds me of those generic fruity alcohol sprays. Not for me!

  8. 17 Rich and very foody. Vanilla, slightly nutty caramel, sticky butterscotch and rum cake. It's making me hungry! :yum:


    509 I get a foody, less creamy Love's Philosophy. I'm getting saffron in here and just like Love's Philosophy I get a slight cool mintiness/wintergreen scent, with a soft bakery-like note that is almost nutty. It's like Love's Philosophy cookie. :)


    400 This one is more complex. Foody but light. I get bright, sweet vanilla and light orange chocolate. The chocolate I'm getting is very light, a little nutty, dry, almost dusty and cocoa-ish. After a few minutes the orange or citrusy scent fades. This actually smells like cool (almost minty but not quite) vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It's a light scent, this type of vanilla doesn't like my skin, it reminds of the vanilla in Spooky.


    94 This one is really sweet (almost candy-ish and syrupy) slightly tart fruits, and creamy vanilla. After it dries I get delicious sweet cherry (almost maraschino cherry) and vanilla. I'm also getting some pomegranate now, maybe a few more fruits, it's like red fruit punch. It's a very sweet and bright type of scent with red fruits (the fruits in here are a little artificial smelling) and vanilla. Reminds me of one of those red Starburst candies, with some creamy vanilla thrown in.


    471 Sweet vanilla, soft, slightly powdery roses, a book note, little balsam and resins. It dries very sweet (a bit too much for me) and rosy, but after about an hr. the book note and resins start to amp a lot and the roses and sweetness fades. It's a really interesting and beautiful scent!

  9. Hmm..incense, musk and leather. Almost immediately the rusty metal and stone start to amp, after settling on my skin for a few minutes the candle wax appears, it's a very warm scent on my skin, it's slightly sweet too (I think maybe a little skin musk?). It all becomes very well-blended and the scent is quite evocative. I really like it! :)

  10. This one is incredible for resin lovers. Very complex, and a little mysterious, I think a very suiting blend for the "world's greatest detective". I get almost all the notes listed; the frankincense, wood, and the cumin (which works surprisingly well on my skin adding a little mildly sweet warmth and spice), a little myrrh and the balsam. I'm also getting some dustiness which would probably be the sand. I'm not getting any patchouli or benzoin. It's slightly sweet on my skin and the combination of these notes create a kind of dusty, spicy and warm dark tea-like scent on my skin.

  11. This is a must have for coconut lovers! The coconut is not very creamy, it's like icy coconut milk. The florals stay in the background but I do get wafts of plumeria (one of my favorites) and a little pikake, I'm happy they're well-blended and not sharp. I do get a similarity to Snow White but this is a lighter, cooler, refreshing, tropical summer version of it. It's the perfect summer scent! :heart:


    I will be needing a few more bottles!

  12. This is so interesting! I get no butter whatsoever, but it is smooth, so maybe that's were the name comes from. Resins and black musk? At times I think I get some black opium. I don't know, I'm somewhat lost with this one. There's something else here I don't think I've ever smelt before. Dark, masculine and strong. At times it reminds me of Romanti.Goth but that one is much sweeter. It's not bad, on the right person it could really work.


    One of the darkest scents I've ever tried, it really does smell poisonous!

  13. I got 3 Vanilla CT's:


    CT: Vanilla #67 - This ones a foody holiday type blend, I get: vanilla, spices (cloves especially), egg nog, cookie/cake, possibly some pumpkin too. Maybe a teeny bit of coffee? not too sure about the coffee.


    CT: Vanilla #110 - Foody, sugary, it smells slightly "pink" in the beginning, I starting get vanilla, cake (not buttery at all), berries (?), candy or something very sugary (but not candy-floss), maybe some nuts. When I first smelled it I thought it reminded me of the Confectionary prototype but after testing them together the proto is much more fruitier and sharper, this one is softer and not as "pink" after it settles on my skin.


    CT: Vanilla #191 - I'm lost with this one, it's my favorite of the 3 but I cannot figure out the notes. It's vanilla, with something tart, slightly citrusy, a bit dry, at times it reminds me of Anti-Saloon League but not as creamy, so maybe sassafras? I know I've smelt this before, but I can't remember it! I will edit if I figure it out. Tons of throw!

  14. Hands down the PRETTIEST label I've ever seen!


    Getting lots of sweet pea and cotton candy, it settles into a slightly creamy, acai berry (reminds me of Australian Copperhead!), tart, sweet pea cotton candy scent, with a hint of lemon blossom in the background. I find it surprisingly complex. It takes me back a little to my younger years when I used to wear the B&BW Sweet Pea line. Just lovely!

  15. In the bottle and for the first minute on my skin it was very mentholy, herbal and boozy (I believe from the Angelica), but most of that quickly went away (thankfully)and the coconut amped along with some black pepper... but it finally settled into mainly boozy coconut on me. I find it very beachy, like a boozy coconut drink.

  16. Initially I get mostly cardamom, it reminds me a little of Khrysopelex (which was basically cardamom SN on me, but that one was much stronger!), after a few minutes I start getting the sugary tonka and vanilla. For a while it's vanilla, tonka and cardamom in equal parts, the cardamom wins for the first half-hr, then the vanilla takes over. The vanilla and tonka here is lovely but too light (the cardamom doesn't let it shine IMO) and doesn't have much throw. I hardly get any Egyptian Musk :(, I get hints of it every now but not enough to stand out. I was really looking forward to this one! :(

  17. AquaNet hairspray, judging by the cloud my sister left in our shared bathroom every morning ...


    Love's Baby Soft or Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth perfume - googling that says it was a citrus scent (I couldn't recall, it's been a while!), so maybe something citrusy, sweet, and with a lot of throw? Citrus seems to go with the loud colors & geometric prints of the period.


    I love Electric Youth, it's one of my favorites! Everytime I've seen it for sale I just have to buy it, I think I have 10 bottles of it around. :lol: Jean Nate was also popular, I remember.


    I'd recommend: Bon Vivant, Hollywood Babylon, Velvet Unicorn, and Velvet Pink Kitty. These two are hard to find, but Glitter or Stardust might work too.


  18. For a spicy and creamy floral I'd recommend Three Brides. I think most carnation, gardenia/tiare blends are usually a little spicy. Some more florals I find spicy: The Witch Queen, Dolce Still Nuovo, Red Rose, Et Lux Fuit, Bakeneko (though the cherry blossom is hardly noticeable on me it's such a nice spicy blend) and Tiki Queen. I've been compiling a list of creamy florals I've tried (most of them contain vanilla), I don't know if it'll be helpful to you since you are looking for a both spicy and creamy blends, but here it is in case: :)

    • Chaste Moon 05'
    • The Oval Portrait
    • Signior Dildo
    • Echo
    • Gaoler's Daughter
    • Victoria
    • Voyeurs Among Cherry Blossoms
    • Haloes
    • Cheshire Moon
    • Staged Moon Landing
    • Lady Lilith
    • Defututa (find it a little spicy because of the champaca)
    • Litith Victoria
    • Vasakasajja (another one with champaca)
    • Penis Admiration
    • Monna Vanna
    • Marae
    • Lyonesse
    plus the ones you mentioned!