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Posts posted by cfrancesca

  1. This is so interesting, and not at all what I was expecting. I get some rice porridge, which is creamy and wholesome, but for the most part I get nuts, lots of heavy, buttery, dry roasted chestnuts and possibly another nut as well (walnut?). It reminds me a lot of Nut Crack Night Spray and I'm also getting some similarity with Hearth 05'. The nuts eventually take over the rice porridge. I get no clove, Lebkuchen or candied fruits, and it has almost no sweetness on me once it's dry.

  2. This is mostly beer and mince pie on me. The pie smells warm, pruney, creamy, (I'm not getting much sweetness) and softly spicy, a mix of light cloves, and maybe a smidge of cinnamon and nutmeg. The dark beer is very much present throughout but actually blends really well with the pie. The beer amps more than the pie on me and I think I'm getting a little bit of spruce. I also imagine this as a Yule "pub scent". I like it, but I don't think I'd wear it because of the beer.

  3. I had high hopes for this one since I usually love masculine, leather scents, but this was pure failure on my skin. I amp the vetiver, cumin and black pepper, as it dries I also get some oakmoss, the leather is way in the background for me. I'm really not a fan of this one, I had to wash it off when it started smelling like

    B.O. on me

    (must be the cumin).

  4. I really like this, it's a very refreshing scent! It smells like a chilled white wine spritzer, but it also has a bubbly/effervescent edge. I was worried about the chamomile but I think it works really well in here. I like that the scent is not too sweet either. Hm..I don't know why I'm getting hints of pear as it dries. I think this will work well as a New Year's Eve scent!

  5. Mmm...wow, this is really nice! Mostly strong and slightly creamy woods. I'm getting mahogany, sandalwood, beeswax, and some dustiness, the woods an "old" feel to them. I'm really impressed by this one, though very atmospheric, I also find it very wearable, masculine and sexy. I wish I could wear strong woods, unfortunately they're usually headache-inducing.


    It's a very sophisticated and vintage-type scent, I think it might become a popular one.

  6. Lots of grass and damp dirt! I'm also getting a little bit of smoke in the background. It literally smells like I've been rolling around in the grass and dirt. I was expecting this to be darker scent, but it's actually very fresh-smelling to me, especially the grass, which has a light lemony edge on my skin. I might look for a partial bottle of this one.

  7. 2010-


    I initially get a strong blast of spicy cinnamon, the same type I get from Blue Pumpkin Floss which I'm sensitive to. The gingerbread thankfully fights through the strong cinnamon and the throw is mostly warm vanilla and soft, spicy gingerbread. Overall I'm really liking it, just wished it wasn't so cinnamon-heavy in the beginning.

  8. This is very different than I'd imagined, I usually seek out scents with White Sandalwood (because I love creamy sandalwood), but I'm not sure I like this SN. White Sandalwood starts of as creamy and soft nag champa, a little bit of sandalwood, and some cedar, which is making it have a lemony-like edge.


    It settles into a softly incensey, complex and slightly creamy sandalwood/cedar.

  9. This honey smells green ( a little herbal even), bright and slightly floral on me. This reminds me of the honey in Litha. Honey is one of my favorite notes, but I like the musky-type honey better.

  10. This is different than other freesia's I've tried. It start out tart, crisp, green, watery, slightly heady floral, with an underlying tropical feel. I don't get any sweetness. It settled into crisp tart apple and watery florals.

  11. I also found this one odd in the beginning and I think it confused me because I was not excepting it to smell like this. I thought it would be straight up snow. However, I think it's better than I'd expected! The snow has an icy, minty quality and I also get vanilla, cream and maybe some soft amber, sandalwood and possibly a light musk. Apart from the soft sweetness, it also has a slight tartness. It actually reminds me of The Anti-Saloon League, but a winter, snowy, minty version of it. I really like it! :wub2:

    And now, without a word of warning from the Ghost, they stood upon a bleak and desert moor, where monstrous masses of rude stone were cast about, as though it were the burial-place of giants; and water spread itself wheresoever it listed, or would have done so, but for the frost that held it prisoner; and nothing grew but moss and furze, and coarse rank grass. Down in the west the setting sun had left a streak of fiery red, which glared upon the desolation for an instant, like a sullen eye, and frowning lower, lower, lower yet, was lost in the thick gloom of darkest night.

    “What place is this?” asked Scrooge.

    “A place where Miners live, who labour in the bowels of the earth,” returned the Spirit. “But they know me. See!”

    A light shone from the window of a hut, and swiftly they advanced towards it. Passing through the wall of mud and stone, they found a cheerful company assembled round a glowing fire. An old, old man and woman, with their children and their children’s children, and another generation beyond that, all decked out gaily in their holiday attire. The old man, in a voice that seldom rose above the howling of the wind upon the barren waste, was singing them a Christmas song—it had been a very old song when he was a boy—and from time to time they all joined in the chorus. So surely as they raised their voices, the old man got quite blithe and loud; and so surely as they stopped, his vigour sank again.

    Windswept moor grass, grey moss, mud, and stone warmed by a small, comfortable fire.

    This was a total risk for me based on the notes, but I got it because I love anything based on the Moors, since to me it's evocative of Wuthering Heights, my favorite novel. This starts out almost exactly how I imagined it would, and I don't think that's ever happened to me before! I get grass, ivy, sweet ozone, and some damp stone. As it dries I sadly start to amp the ozone, and as per usual, it turns into slightly sharp men's cologne, I also get something like lemony citrus. I don't get the warm fire, any smokiness or mud (but I'm not sure how mud smells like, to be honest), which I'm happy about.

    Though I really wish it would have stayed as it smelled in the beginning, I kind of like it (but I know I won't be able to wear it days were I'm headachy because it's a little too strong). More so than Scrooge, this makes me think of how Heathcliff would smell if he were running through the Moors looking for Catherine (yes, I'm a dork :lol: ). I find it masculine.

  13. This is truly Christmas in a bottle for me. I find it starts out well-blended, but the standout note for me is the snow/"crisp winter air" with the other foody, pine cone, cranberry (similar to a warm, spiced cranberry cider drink I've tried), bayberry smells lingering in the background. It's completely evocative and powerfully emotional scent for me. I'm transported outdoors, walking through the snow, pine trees abound and all the warm and comforting Christmas smells from the nearby houses waffling around me. Interestingly, after a while, the cranberry (now it reminds me even more of that cider drink), pine, and a little bit of pie start to get stronger, like if I'd entered into an inviting, warm home after being outdoors, with a Christmas Tree and other wonderful holiday smells, the snow and crisp now way in the background. Just breathtaking! :wub2:

  14. I get peach and strawberry pie (but no crust) with extra filling. I don't get any cheesecake. At times, the throw smells more like cherry pie filling (without any of the medicinal smell I sometimes get from cherries). It's very sweet, foody and yummy. :yum: I like this one more than I expecting to.

  15. This starts out as sweet, fluffy snow, vanilla, mint and pine. I also get the comparison to Snowblind, the mint-vanilla combo smells foody to me. As it dries, I start to amp the snow, perhaps a little ozone, pine, and the mint has a period where it goes slightly sharp and loses some of it's sweetness, perhaps it's the black pine and mint combo that make does this. As I was beginning to get disappointed, that sharpness started to fade, it only lasted about 10 minutes on me. The final dry-down is just gorgeous, like a slushier/icier, vanilla version of Snow White with some pine and Snowblind. Beautiful! :wub2:

  16. I love this! :wub:


    I get freshly baked, buttery, spicy, sugar cookies sprinkled with sweet cinnamon. :yum: I also get a little bit of wood but it's way in the background and I think just keeps the blend from going super foody. I know I will be reaching for this one a lot come the holidays (and a few sprays will trick everyone into thinking I've spent hrs. baking! :lol: ).


    ETA: I noticed this leaves behind a lingering smokiness. It's very evocative of an amusement park and the food scents and smokiness in the air. I'm not a big fan of smokey scents so I may have to re-test it to see if it's a keeper for me.

  17. I get a sweet, slightly creamy vanilla and Egyptian musk base with soft cognac, lots of mandarin tea lightly sweetened with honey, hints of rose and unfortunately for me, lots of olibanum (both in the bottle and on my skin). Since it's not a note I particularly love, my nose kind of zeros in on it. I don't do too well with frankincense blends with citrus or vanilla, they have a tendency to turn slightly bitter on my skin. I wish it smelled like Dorian on me, I find Dorian to be sweeter and more vanilla on the dry-down.


    I'm a little disappointed with it, I was hoping for more rose, bourbon vanilla and Egyptian musk. I'm pretty sure it's the olibanum that's ruining it for me, it's quite strong on my skin and overtakes the entire blend. :(

    This year, Lilith, our little Beans, is having a pirate-themed party, and the perfume created to commemorate her second birthday possesses a silly, playful scent - a toddler's nod to cartoon pirates. Rum cheesecake with a hardtack crust, topped with rum ice cream and a drizzle of butterscotch topping.

    Happy birthday, my angel! I cannot believe you're already two!

    This is pretty amazing! In the bottle and for the first few minutes I mostly get butterscotch and rum, but, little by little, the cheesecake starts amping like crazy on my skin and becomes a sinfully rich rum and butterscotch cheesecake. It's like a mix of Creepy (without the apple), Beaver Moon 05, and lots of extra buttery, slightly salty butterscotch on top, I don't get too much ice cream but there is a creaminess throughout. This one is super foody and strong.

    ETA: A few hrs. later it's still going strong but most of the cheesecake has faded, it's now mostly butterscotch and rum ice cream. It's interesting how this scent changes!

  19. This is so pretty! I get a blast of realistic seedy strawberries, tea, rosewater (I'm getting tea rose like the one in London), and lots of buttery, creamy baked goods, namely scones with a light spread of clotted cream (one of my favorite things ever) :yum:


    After 10min. I sadly start amping the strawberries and the tea, which unfortunately goes almost minty on my skin (but I almost always have trouble with tea notes). The baked goods are still there but have taken more of a backseat. I'm going to test it a few more times, but I think it's a keeper. The label is so adorable!

  20. #1: In the bottle I just get a light hint of sugar. However, on my skin the scent completely blossoms and it's sugar heaven! I get Sweet Cream, Vanilla Bean Sugar and hints of soft, creamy Caramel Cappuccino and toffee (could also be butterscotch but it reminds me more of toffee). It smells like a Creme Brulee with a side of cappuccino and a shot of vanilla bean syrup and extra cream. :yum:


    #98: In the bottle I get lots of milk and vanilla plus a hint of something fruity. On my skin the fruitiness disappears almost immediately and it smells like a soft caramel, vanilla bean and milky cream version of Boo.

  21. This is 70% sweet cinnamon candy, 25% spicy pumpkin and 5% blackberry on me. I don't know why I'm getting cinnamon, if there's no cinnamon (or even "spicy" pumpkin) listed in the description? I'd also tried the prototype and hoped this release wouldn't be cinnamon-heavy as the prototype was for me, I was happy when the notes didn't list cinnamon so I'm disappointed with this one. :(

  22. Oh, not a fan of this one. I get lots of thyme and star anise, with red musk in the background. I usually don't mind star anise, so I'm not sure what happened here, it must be the blend of the other notes with the star anise, but it's not working for me all. I think this is my least favorite Weenie. Need to wash off now.

  23. This is a really nice blend of smokey goodness. I find it similar to the smokiness in Devil's Night, but without the sweetness (and slight creaminess) I get from that one. It's very wearable and not too strong. I would definitely recommend this blend to lovers of smokey scents.

  24. I get a mix of cajeta (caramel-like but not quite, it's darker and slightly salty on my skin), cocoa, strong, spicy smokyness, and the tequila is definitely there. It's an experience but not something I'd personally want to wear.
