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Everything posted by cfrancesca

  1. cfrancesca

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    The ones that immediately came to mind were a couple of the new Shungas: Lovers in a Carp Steamer and Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand. I think to go with something youthful, fresh, fruity and a little complex.
  2. cfrancesca

    Clockwork Couture: Male

    On my skin I'm getting only a slightly musky (almost animalistic type of musk), dark amber scent. It's cologney and quite masculine for me. It smells like expensive men's aftershave, it has a freshness to it, but it's also a bit cloying. I can't seem to figure out what other notes are in this, they seem very well blended with the amber, wait! maybe leather? Mmm..perhaps I'll try layering this with the Female version.
  3. cfrancesca

    Clockwork Couture: Female

    This is a creamy vanilla sugar musk, it does smell like marshmallow and I get a little amber too (sugary amber). It reminds me a lot of the creamy base in Underpants, I was going to say the base in TKO but it's not as sweet to me. If I smell really hard I can detect a faint lavender or some flowers but they are barely there, I also get a little bit of a dirt note but only when I sniff really hard, lol, but it fades. It's beautiful and I think it will be also be nice for layering with other scents. Conclusion it's mainly a soft, creamy, vanilla marshmallow musk. I love it! Only downfall is it doesn't seem to have much throw, it's very much a skin scent, or else it would be have been heaven for me.
  4. cfrancesca

    Candles Moon

    In the bottle: I'm getting the milk note from Nonae Caprotina and the Milk Moon's, with tangy blackberry a drop of beeswax. Wet: still the same milk, followed by blackberry and honey, I'm starting to get a little ozone (similar to Whirling Wind Moon). Dry: As it starts to dry the ozone note starts competing with the milk note and the ozone is winning. Ok, ozone is the winner and the milk is quickly fading, the blackberry is still in the background. For awhile it's creamy, fruity ozone/snow, the throw is almost pure ozone for me. Around an hr. later it has faded a lot, and I'm left with a faint musky beeswax (similar to The Light's of Men's Lives), with a hint of ozone and just barely, barely any blackberry. Conclusion: Mm..this one morphs big time for me. It's hard to figure it out, different notes were amped in all the different stages. I'm not sure if I want to smell like this, but it's an interesting scent, that's for sure. I'll test it again in a couple of days. I would say the strongest note is ozone/snow once dried, if you like snow scents I would recommend you try it. ETA: Now that it has settled a bit, I get more of the "snow" note than the wind/ozone note, so I revised my review a bit.
  5. cfrancesca

    Konseishin the Penis God

    This scent is perfectly fitting for a Penis God . This scent is one of my favorites- complex, sexy, strong and masculine. The myrrh is just gorgeous, I was worried about the champaca but thankfully it stayed in the background and is well blended with the other notes. I'm hardly getting any apple blossom at all, which is fine by me, it's also very well blended in there (perhaps the apple blossom is in there to prevent it from getting too masculine). I also get some get pine, resins and smokiness, and the Tan Xiang is a really nice sandalwood. . Very well blended.
  6. cfrancesca

    10ml bottles...Where did they go?

    10ml were discontinued in 2006, this thread has more info click.
  7. cfrancesca


    Ronin is definitely my favorite of all the 2010 Shungas. In the bottle it reminds of a little of Harikata (one of my top 5 scents), I love the sexy honey musk of these type of Shungas more than the floral, fruity or tea type ones. Initially I get honey and then later more honey and then it finishes with honey..Well, I amp honey *shrugs innocently * Ok, ok, I also get some sandalwood in the background, and it's such a beautiful, airy, slightly creamy type of sandalwood, it works amazingly well in this blend, the oakmoss is adding a slight masculinity and earthiness, the black pepper stays way in then back for me, and the lovey rice flower adds some pretty. To me this is the sexiest of all the Shungas, but subtle and understated sexy, it has an ethereal type of feel to it too. I'm in love.
  8. cfrancesca

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I'd seen it too! I ended up using Natalie Wood in Splendor in the Grass for the icons because I thought this one was too R rated, but I'm doing a an icon with this picture now because if Beth decides it's ok then I agree . I think it's perfect picture for Womb Furie. Yay! I can't wait to see your icon You're way more talented than i am! Thanks, it's just practice, really. I liked the Black Heart you did, I think you should try doing some more! I'm liking a lot of the label art and considering keeping some scents that are not working on me just for the labels, which is probably not very smart
  9. cfrancesca

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I'd seen it too! I ended up using Natalie Wood in Splendor in the Grass for the icons because I thought this one was too R rated, but I'm doing a an icon with this picture now because if Beth decides it's ok then I agree . I think it's perfect picture for Womb Furie.
  10. cfrancesca

    Saint Foutin de Varailles

    Yes, I can't think of another word to describe this except for gorgeous. I can detect all the notes. The musky and sweetness from the beeswax, the roses are sophisticated and add femininity, the wine note is delicious and the frankincense is definitely apparent and prevents the other notes from getting too sweet and rounds out the scent to be very classy and "grown up". It's a very decadent scent. I imagine wearing this with a beautiful flowy dress and red nail polish, I don't why but that image come to my mind. ETA: After awhile, the frankincense gets much stronger and takes the forefront.
  11. cfrancesca

    The Zadok Allen Vineyard

    This is the only bpal wine scent that has worked on me, thus far. I find the bpal wine note to be a tad to too realistic for me, compared to other wine scents I've tried from other companies that I find to be more wearable. I've changed my mind... This is smokey, robust and oh so sexy. I want to bathe in it, it's pure luxury and oddly comforting too. I get the slightest cherry, plum and rose undertones in the background, and I'm getting tiny smidge of coffee and blood those two are hardly noticeable on my skin (I personally prefer it that way). It's gorgeously blended so I don't get any single note that stands out, all the notes just make it a very complex and rich scent. I love it and it's met all my expectations.
  12. cfrancesca

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I got my order ! Here's a pic of Womb Furie and Saint Foutin de Varailles:
  13. cfrancesca

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I've been testing my bottle of Hony Mone today and at times it reminds me of Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth perfume (which is a good thing btw, I LOVE that perfume).
  14. cfrancesca

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    This is definitely powdery Nag Champa on me, which is so odd due to the notes (which I love separately). Not really liking it.. has one strong throw too.
  15. cfrancesca

    The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love

    As soon as I sniffed this in the bottle I fell in love. It's a luxurious, sexy and comforting scent. I love the smokiness of the incense mixed with dark chocolate, the salt is very light and keeps the chocolate from getting too sweet. After a few minutes on, I start amping the aquatic notes (ocean plants and kelp) a little more than I'd like and the chocolate starts fading... ... nooo come back...men's sporty cologne nooo... I think I'll have to try it in my scent locket, it's one of the best chocolate scents I've ever smelled and my skin is ruining it. It does smell masculine, almost like a male version of Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (without the musk).
  16. cfrancesca

    Ü Mütter Museum

    This is very different from what I was expecting, but I love it! When I first sniffed U from the bottle I get a whiff of creamy vanilla, leather and the balsam gives it a resiny, slightly cooling, green/planty scent, it reminds me a little of aloe. On my skin I got almost the opposite experience from GoldenRubee- the leather faded almost completely, the balsam softened and became beautifully blended with the vanilla. About 20 min. later my skin is amping the raw vanilla and it's an amazing vanilla. Like a vanilla flower just blossoming and it's not a sweet, cloying or foody vanilla. I am in love with it. Very "grown up" and fresh smelling. It's a really beautiful blend. It's unique and it's quite a morpher for me.
  17. cfrancesca

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    I just tested Iago and it's dries to a powdery musky vetiver with just a hint of leather. I'm surprised I like it.
  18. cfrancesca

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    I'll have to try those two out, Sybaris especially, I love vanilla and violets!
  19. cfrancesca

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    After reading through this thread, I think that I actually really like the slightly sweet, powdery musky smell I get from some oils. It's possible that since I always use powder after I shower, I equate that smell to just showered, slightly musky skin. I recently was frimped Queen of Sheba and I love the musky, almondy, slightly foody, powdery scent it dries to. I also noticed a lot of my favorites dry a little powdery on me: Snake Oil Boomslang (prob. from the Snake Oil) Australian Copperhead (again from the Snake Oil) Black Phoenix (prob. from the black musk, but I find black musk to have a slightly crisper sharper powdery scent on me) Scherezade (gorgeous red musky powder) Haunted (I think this is the only Amber that has gone powdery on me) Smut (a little powder on the drydown) I'm looking for recommendations of more like these?
  20. cfrancesca

    So you're devastated about Antique Lace...

    From the ones I've tried, these three are definitely very, very similar to Antique Lace: Mouses Long and Sad Tale Morocco (on me it's almost exactly like Antique Lace) Black Lace
  21. cfrancesca

    Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse

    This is really well-blended and lovely. I get a sweet, slightly tart, pretty carnation. Carnation Wine? After the dry down I seem to get a lemonade in the background, but it's probably the white grapes, they are smelling slightly citrusy to me. I love this, it's like a softly musky vanilla sugared and creamy pink limonade. Very nice and fresh for the spring/summer.
  22. cfrancesca

    Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre

    To me it smells like a Fat free Sugar Free egg nog, if that makes any sense. I really was expecting this to be creamy (because of the milk) but it's not. When I first apply it I get the egg nog but goes away quickly, it then dries to a water down, coffee w/skim milk, vanilla and sugar scent. It's ok but when I wear it I keep feeling something is missing from this scent. It's a little to light for me too. I'll keep it because I love almost any Milk scent (except Milk Moon 07) hopefully it will age well.
  23. cfrancesca

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Here's two more plus my goodies! (sorry it's is a little dark)
  24. cfrancesca

    Sue's Great Old Puppet Show

    Well I'm almost embarrassed to say this because baby Lilith's face is on the bottle but.. this is the SEXIEST chocolate smell ever on my skin! This beats out Boomslang for chocolate sexiness on me. I'm not getting glue (thankfully) but just deep musky vanilla cream and chocolate, and I keep getting hints of honey musk. I'm in !
  25. cfrancesca


    Sophia reminds me of a perfume from bnevertoobusy called Love. I'm getting a jasmine/lavender/rose scent but I also get some citrus or lemon and that's what ruins it for me. It's a lovely perfume, but just not for me.