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Posts posted by vampirate

  1. Xiuhtecuhtli, Bakeneko, Scherezade, and Couple Consulting an Enpon all had good throw on me, though they almost all have red musk, which helps. And I echo the "if you get warm, throw happens" theory. I tend to wear at my neck and cleavage and if I climb some stairs or briskly walk somewhere, I notice more throw as I heat up.


    Eat Me fills up a room with scent for me and is the one most noticed by others around me.


    Eat Me vanished on me after just a couple minutes, made me so sad...


    That being said anything I wear has passed the test of my skin not gobbling it up and vanishing within minutes, which it has a nasty habit of doing. Though I guess that just helps me narrow things down more easily to decide what I'd like to spend my money on. So I assume they're scents with general decent throw. But the two of mine that are strongest on me are probably Jack(General Catalog) and Now Winter Nights Enlarge(LE Yule).

  2. the ones that come to mind off the top of my head would be something along the lines of eat me/gluttony for foody, intrigue for vaguely oddball, something like the coiled serpent for patch/incense (but that may be a little heavy), and i actually really like needlework for floral/girly.


    Actually I'm a foody person and Gluttony just does not work me, which makes me sad. And Eat Me vanishes on me. So I guess they're not that universal. Maybe Bliss would be safer for a sweet foody scent?


    If she likes tea then I'm going to second Dorian and/or Alice.

  3. It smells a little juicy in the imp, like standing in a peach orchard on a warm sunny day. Dried down on me I get a lot of warmth out of the amber and sandalwood. And there's a mild sweetness from the peach blossom and vanilla bean hanging out with them. It kind of makes me want some peaches and cream pie.

  4. In the bottle and fresh it's very heavy on the caramel, but I love caramel! Dry it's more of a sweet incense with the caramel and honey peaking out underneath.


    I just wanted to come back and rave about this more that I have my own bottle and have been able to slather it: Now Winter Nights Enlarge is deliciously warm, sweet, and sexy! Just fantastic. It's definitely my favorite of all the Yules. I've started hoarding backup bottles.

  5. Ridiculous! Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom.

    I mostly get Fruit Loops out of this one. I accidentally dribbled some oil onto the outside of the imp and it got onto the label. So the outside of the imp smelled like Fruit Loops concentrate. On me that's more subtle and there's just a hint of something slightly spicy, which I assume is the white pepper.

  6. I thought I would love this one. In the bottle it smells like glaze on a spice cake. But on me it has a bit more of a stale smell, if that makes sense. Like the cake had been left out for a couple days and maybe even got a little dusty. It's not unpleasant, just for me it's at least not as amazing as I thought it would be.

  7. This scent is a morpher! At this point I've had it on for a couple hours and the hay and hazelnut seem to be the most prominent scents. But sometimes it would be all about the hazelnut and honey, sometimes the berries and the honey, sometimes the hay and carrot. So every few minutes I seem to have a new scent experience with this one.

  8. In the bottle Alice's Evidence smells like a tasty pastry or cobbler. But after it dries on me I loose the yummy fruity smells and the spices get way too amped up for my preference. So in the end I'd probably like it more as a home fragrance, but not so much as a perfume.

  9. O smells really nice in the bottle, sweet but I can smell more of the amber then than on. After its been on I get mostly honey with the vanilla and then a bit of amber in the background after that, which I love. It smells delicious. If I had something that tasted like O smells I would drizzle it over cakes!
