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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by malibusunny

  1. Our applesauce is decidedly impure: mashed apples with sugar and honey, slivered with tobacco tar and black tea.

    I know people are waiting for a review of this one, so I'm testing it straight out of the mail. In the bottle, I get pure, sweet apples somewhat similar to Snow, Glass, Apples (although that's one of the only apple scents I own, so the similarity may be negligible for others.) Once on my skin, this is exactly sugar and bright apples! Once it starts to dry, things become more complex. It stops smelling only of fresh green apples and sugar. There's a twinge in the background of the tobacco tar or the tea. Just a twinge, mind you. With that, it begins to smell much more of cooked, tart apples. Decent throw. The more it dries, the more the honey note begins to peek its head out. It smells so good. Really, really good - and I'm not normally a foodie-scent person. This is perfect for summer or fall weather, and I can see myself reaching for it often :)

  2. I never would have thought I'd love this. Someone sent me an empty and I sniffed it and managed to eek out a tiny tiny bit to rub on my arm and I'm so in love. Sigh. Now that I read the description, it's totally oats and wine and pear, but I didn't know what it was, it's well blended. no spice on me, which is lovely and amazing given how I normally amp spices.

  3. I've been wearing this for a couple days. It was my favourite of the vamps wet in the bottle, and I like it on my skin as well, but I can't seem to describe it. It shares a quality with Arcana's Holy Terror, though I don't think they share notes. It's well blended in that no single note stands out or dominates on me; I can tell that it throws a sweetness that is normally not able to hold out against BPAL patch because students id it as nag champa instead of patch. it's very unisex, more headshop than sensuality to my skin. In the bottle, it's lusty and musky and wicked, though.


    I cannot do it justice, and I'm glad I have a bottle.


    editing to add this: a student who adores Banshee Beat just mistook this for Banshee Beat last hour, "oh, you are wearing that hippie perfume again" LOL.

  4. This is so familiar. It's reminding me strongly of something I absolutely love, and already have, and I cannot believe I don't know what. At first, it's leather leather leather, with a bit of sweet vanilla and that background of patchouli that doesn't smell like dirty patchouli, but makes it not foodie.


    ps. not western diamondback LOL. I just checked.

  5. This went on so so dirty, I wasn't sure if I could make it through the day. It actually made my to act hurt a little. But now it is that perfect earthy patch I know from my favourite bpals. However, it's also going a little dryer sheet on me, it very clearly can't stand alone against my body chemistry. Huh. A dirt scented dryer sheet. There's a novelty product for you.


    Eta: just ate some chocolate, and dayum, does this smell good with chocolate. :thud:

  6. Wearing today, arrived yesterday, so v fresh.

    First impression: dryer sheets

    wet: ack, kook aid. Why?

    Warming on my skin: sweet, odd, not floral or herbal but just an odd sweet. Like a fragrance oil that would come in a craft kit.

    Settled on my skin: tolerable. Honey with a bit of thyme and ginger. If I press my nose to my wrist I can maybe ind a hint of the florals, but mostly they are invisible.


    I'd like to see how ths ages.

  7. I don't see a review here -- that surprises me.

    I'm testing VILF against WILF today, and finding that I like WILF better, which surprises me greatly, as I initially felt just the opposite. This is a well aged sample, since I bought it when it was first released three years ago...


    VILF is worn leather (like red rider), a bit of vanilla sugar, and cedar. It goes to pencils on me, which is typical of cedar. Like WILF, I've lost the smut of this, and am left with the remaining notes on my skin.

  8. Warm fur coupled with red and black musk, vanilla bean, patchouli, champaca flower, juniper berry, chocolate peppermint, frangipani ( had to to google this -- plumeria!), browned sandalwood, ferntop ash resin, and massoia bark.


    Testing this against VILF today, don't see a previous review and, looking at the description, I don't think I've ever seen the description. This is sweeter than VILF, no leather, honestly just not similar at all, though I recall thinking that it was when I first received it. It is not masculine, which I remember it as being masculine as well; I tend to see juniper as masculine so maybe that aged out. I also don't recall the chocolate peppermint in my first impressions, but it is decidely there now -- even before I saw the notes, I was craving a chocolate mint candy bar, and now I know why. LOL.


    overall, this is another of those bpal scents that ages SO WELL. I was hoping to eliminate it from my keeper box today and that is not happening. WILF FOREVER! LOL.

  9. I bought a bottle f this at c2e2, then swapped for it, too, thinking I had bought a different scent. Good thing I *love* it. The sandalwood doesn't go powderery in my air the way it des on my skin, and the fig is rich and glorious and sweet.


    I like my own gloss better as a hair product, but this gloss is fine. The sprayer sticks, though, on both of my bottles.

  10. Wood, yes, but not pencil wood or plywood like most woods, but more of an oaky old wood. Maybe, if I strain, there s vanilla. The thing I couldn't identify before is the pumpkin; without the brown sugary spice that normally goes with pumpkin, it is more of a dry gourd smell. That sounds bad, but I don't mean it badly. It's not the pumpkin from a can, it's not the fresh cut of a jack o lantern, it's a dry, grounded, earthy gourd.


    Of course, sugary incense on my skin, but ith that deep, grounded pumpkin keeping it from being too headshoppy.


    Eta: this is a review of it today, so obviously it is aged. Sometimes I copy and paste old reviews.

  11. Pink vanilla. Little sweet, in a not foodie but not floral way. Stays close to the skin. On me, this goes to sugary incense, like most everything, but with a youthful, happy top. I'd take a bottle of this if it was offered, but I don't need to run it down on eBay or anything. It's about a seven or eight (of ten)

  12. Is this really from 2008? Or do I have a reboot? I don't have the bottle with me, so I will have to check that later.


    I did a random bottle grab ths morning and ended up with butter rum cookie. It was in my favourite s, but I have not reviewed it, and I sort of understand why. It is just exactly as it says: a butter rum cookie. Warm, buttery, sweet, with a layer of (non boozy) spiced rum. Normally, I amp spice to unbearable, but this stays reasonable on me. It is not the typical clove cinnamon burning but something closer to masala.


    I could believe that this is from 2008 because it has that depth of vanilla that comes with aging, but it just surprises me that this could last so long, because it is just delicious.


    Eta: reading other reviews, the citrus/orange to me is not noticeable, just what keeps this from being cloying. Also, I am allergic to almonds but this is not a problem for me, while some blends that list almond as a note are.

  13. When I sniffed this at C2E2, I knew it had to be mine. Even though I had told myself I was not buying any GCs, I bought this one... it was so clean and refreshing, like youth and happiness.


    When I put it on this morning, it smelled exactly like my memory of Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth. Exactly. I walked around all morning smelling like 1989. And it had that same characteristic about it that I love about Lawn Gnome -- it's something that I just keep smelling, no olfactory exhaustion. But the berry here is definitely similar to lawn gnome.


    Now, 7 hours later, I can still find it if I press my nose to my wrist, and it still smells like electric youth, but now it faint, and a little bit like if they had made electric youth dryer sheets. If I think "fresh mown grass" while sniffing it, I can find that note now, but it was no where to be found initially.

  14. I had forgotten the description when I put this on, and after a few minutes, I was thinking 'wasn't one of them sugared rose? This must be the sugared rose.


    Because it is the perfect blend of white, billowy sweet and pink roses. I don't particularly like rose, not n my skin, but I love this blend.

  15. In the bottle, all I got was dark, dirty coffee at first, and then, when I looked away, there was rose. I have only sniffed it from the bottle at this point, but that rose surprised me (I think I forgot it from the description, and was thinking this was going to be coffee and spicy cooking fires, for some reason, so it snuck up on me. Interesting.

  16. This is a light grapey floral vanilla more than it is a red musk patchouli, but that is there too. I love this a ridiculous amount in the bottle, and this is v good with my skin, but it stays very close and it dissipates quickly.


    I alternate between wanting 15 bottles more so I can slather it, and thinking I don't need the bottles I have.

  17. Context: I am going through my box of 'keep' bottles, trying to eliminate the things I like but don't absolutely love. This was pushed to the back and I could not remember the last time I wore it, so I put it on my wrist this morning to test.


    Straight from the bottle, I thought, yeah, this is one of those scents from my bpal beginnings, where if I didn't dislike it, I kept it. I couldn't place any specific notes, it was well blended, smooth, and just a little 'perfumery' which I associate with rose scents.


    Then it warmed, and had almost an eat me quality to it, and I thought, what is this? And came here to see. Never, ever, ever would I have chosen this from the notes list... It is all fruit and roses! Not my style at all.


    But it fooled me because I do like it. The citrusy top note is what I get the most of just going about my business. The dusty rose stick close to my skin, and the overall effect is c,ean, but with a dirty little secret.


    Still, if there s someone out there coveting this, it would get more use being passed on. I can't decide about this one.

  18. I do not get any one scent over any others... Very well blended. If I didn't have a description I would not be able to pick out notes. This is sweet and light and fresh and a touchy fruity, but warm dark fruit, that contradicts the light and fresh. I do not get aquatic, but I do not like aquatics, so that may be my bias showing.

  19. I have this on right now, though just a tiny tiny bit since I am decanting it. In the bottle, it was green, but an older green, starting to turn colors. After a bit it loses that entirely, becomes an almost vanilla wood. I like this much, much more than I expected from other reviews, except sadari, I think you are pretty close!
