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Everything posted by malibusunny

  1. malibusunny

    Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono

    Pink vanilla. Little sweet, in a not foodie but not floral way. Stays close to the skin. On me, this goes to sugary incense, like most everything, but with a youthful, happy top. I'd take a bottle of this if it was offered, but I don't need to run it down on eBay or anything. It's about a seven or eight (of ten)
  2. malibusunny

    Butter Rum Cookie

    Is this really from 2008? Or do I have a reboot? I don't have the bottle with me, so I will have to check that later. I did a random bottle grab ths morning and ended up with butter rum cookie. It was in my favourite s, but I have not reviewed it, and I sort of understand why. It is just exactly as it says: a butter rum cookie. Warm, buttery, sweet, with a layer of (non boozy) spiced rum. Normally, I amp spice to unbearable, but this stays reasonable on me. It is not the typical clove cinnamon burning but something closer to masala. I could believe that this is from 2008 because it has that depth of vanilla that comes with aging, but it just surprises me that this could last so long, because it is just delicious. Eta: reading other reviews, the citrus/orange to me is not noticeable, just what keeps this from being cloying. Also, I am allergic to almonds but this is not a problem for me, while some blends that list almond as a note are.
  3. malibusunny

    Coraline Jones

    When I sniffed this at C2E2, I knew it had to be mine. Even though I had told myself I was not buying any GCs, I bought this one... it was so clean and refreshing, like youth and happiness. When I put it on this morning, it smelled exactly like my memory of Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth. Exactly. I walked around all morning smelling like 1989. And it had that same characteristic about it that I love about Lawn Gnome -- it's something that I just keep smelling, no olfactory exhaustion. But the berry here is definitely similar to lawn gnome. Now, 7 hours later, I can still find it if I press my nose to my wrist, and it still smells like electric youth, but now it faint, and a little bit like if they had made electric youth dryer sheets. If I think "fresh mown grass" while sniffing it, I can find that note now, but it was no where to be found initially.
  4. malibusunny


    I had forgotten the description when I put this on, and after a few minutes, I was thinking 'wasn't one of them sugared rose? This must be the sugared rose. Because it is the perfect blend of white, billowy sweet and pink roses. I don't particularly like rose, not n my skin, but I love this blend.
  5. malibusunny

    The Turkish Village

    In the bottle, all I got was dark, dirty coffee at first, and then, when I looked away, there was rose. I have only sniffed it from the bottle at this point, but that rose surprised me (I think I forgot it from the description, and was thinking this was going to be coffee and spicy cooking fires, for some reason, so it snuck up on me. Interesting.
  6. malibusunny

    The Court of Honor

    Creamy but not in a cream sense is exactly true! Musk and tobacco and amber, with a little extra richness. I expected this to be a cold sandalwood (which, for me means baby powder) but that was not my impression at all. can't wait to skin test this one!
  7. malibusunny

    Notes That Don't Work, Blends That Do

    it's Red Lantern!
  8. malibusunny

    Notes That Don't Work, Blends That Do

    I hate coconut but there is a blend I like with coconut... Now I wish I had my spreadsheet!
  9. malibusunny

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    To me, this is birthday cake candles, and paired with loves philosophy, is exactly the smell of the joy of birthdays.
  10. malibusunny

    The Arbor

    This is a light grapey floral vanilla more than it is a red musk patchouli, but that is there too. I love this a ridiculous amount in the bottle, and this is v good with my skin, but it stays very close and it dissipates quickly. I alternate between wanting 15 bottles more so I can slather it, and thinking I don't need the bottles I have.
  11. malibusunny

    April Fool

    Context: I am going through my box of 'keep' bottles, trying to eliminate the things I like but don't absolutely love. This was pushed to the back and I could not remember the last time I wore it, so I put it on my wrist this morning to test. Straight from the bottle, I thought, yeah, this is one of those scents from my bpal beginnings, where if I didn't dislike it, I kept it. I couldn't place any specific notes, it was well blended, smooth, and just a little 'perfumery' which I associate with rose scents. Then it warmed, and had almost an eat me quality to it, and I thought, what is this? And came here to see. Never, ever, ever would I have chosen this from the notes list... It is all fruit and roses! Not my style at all. But it fooled me because I do like it. The citrusy top note is what I get the most of just going about my business. The dusty rose stick close to my skin, and the overall effect is c,ean, but with a dirty little secret. Still, if there s someone out there coveting this, it would get more use being passed on. I can't decide about this one.
  12. malibusunny

    A Sudden Invitation

    I do not get any one scent over any others... Very well blended. If I didn't have a description I would not be able to pick out notes. This is sweet and light and fresh and a touchy fruity, but warm dark fruit, that contradicts the light and fresh. I do not get aquatic, but I do not like aquatics, so that may be my bias showing.
  13. malibusunny

    Noh Mask and Maple Leaves

    I have this on right now, though just a tiny tiny bit since I am decanting it. In the bottle, it was green, but an older green, starting to turn colors. After a bit it loses that entirely, becomes an almost vanilla wood. I like this much, much more than I expected from other reviews, except sadari, I think you are pretty close!
  14. malibusunny

    Signior Dildo

    Are we reviewing the 2013 version here, too? This is nothing but sweet musk. I do not get the usual plasticky unaged BPAL vanilla here, though I assume that the "sweet" is the vanilla.
  15. malibusunny


    Out of the bottle, this smells like pencils being sharpened in a glass of champagne. The cedar mellows and the whole thing changes. An hour later, this has changed to a musky leathery amber, which is pretty masculine. It really does smell "antique." I'd call this sort of bronzey.
  16. malibusunny

    Rum-Soaked French Tonka

    I love tonka. So, when I saw that the single note was tonka, I had to have it, even though the description frightened me a little -- I didn't want clove (I hate it AND I amp it!) and I was afraid of being boozy. Not to mention, I'm allergic to almonds. Still, I jumped in, and I am so so so glad I did. When I opened the bottle, I fell in love. It's not often that I like something so much in the bottle. It's warm and sweet and has none of that chemically aftertaste that normally comes with similarly warm and sweet commercial scents. I skin tested boldly, and even on my skin, there is nothing clovish about this. Honestly, it barely changed at all on my skin, which is odd for me. My only complaint is that it's not a long lasting scent; after a couple of hours, no one was noticing it anymore. I'm with different people all day, so it's not a matter of olfactory exhaustion, it just disappeared. Overall, I'd give this high marks, like a 8/10. Bonus: it's perfect for layering with something I need to fem up a bit.
  17. malibusunny

    Product Limit Reached?

    Is there really a limit to how much I can order?
  18. malibusunny

    Orange Pumpkin Floss

    This hurt my skin. Sometimes that happens randomly and never happens again, so I am sort of hopeful it's a one off, but at the same time, I didn't love this as much as I hoped I would so I don't know if I'm anxious to try again. In the bottle, this is great. It is pumpkin and citrus and a hint of sweet. But on my skin, it goes through a wicked transformation, where it gets all spicey and weird, clovey almost? Like when people say "pumpkin" but really mean "pumpkin pie spice." It eventually settles into a warm baked pumpkin cake sort of smell, with the zest of citrus but not the sour, but I was really disappointed by the spice phase.
  19. malibusunny

    Torn Candy Bag Bath Oil

    I have only sniffed this, so I will be back to say more when it has actually been out of the bottle, but I have to agree about the plastic note. Does bath oil age well? I've been able to age the plastic out of many of my favourite oils, like Lawn Gnome, which started out smelling like someone dipped strawberry shortcake doll in patchouli, but now is wonderful and deep and complex. Lots of lemon sweet and plastic.
  20. malibusunny

    Sexy, heady, incensey recs?

    lust. third charm. scherezade. romanti.goth. midnight bell. -- if you like holy terror, i rec. this al azif. oh! and mme moriarty.
  21. malibusunny

    Third Charm

    When I opened this bottle just to sniff, I was immediately in love. It's the perfect grapey red musk that I love! I kept trying to figure out what this was like, because it's SO familiar, and maybe it is Scherezade, only a dirtier, deeper, darker Scherezade. I was thinking that it was Lust that it reminded me of, 'only dirtier' and then I was thinking, what could be dirtier than Lust? LOL. When I put it on it did something funky for a bit, but then settled into being good again. It really retained the original, in the bottle scent, except that my skin turns everything incensey so it did that. Eta: this isn't scherezade, it's lust. Defitely. I have one on each arm and third charm is a butter musky lust. Other than the difference in the msk, there is nothing to separate these two, and that's just my skin chemistry bringing out the musk in the third charm... Wet they are practically indistinguishable.
  22. malibusunny

    Fizzy Jack O' Lantern

    This is absolutely fizzy! In the bottle, it is like opening up a carbonated beverage in the way that it tickled my nose; I actually checked for bubbles! On my skin, it retained the super fizzy for about an hour, and now is gently flat. I like this much more than I expected to. I thought it would be a novelty scent and it is actually very wearable. It has a dry, sweet quality that I can't put my finger on. It's not at all beverage like at the two hour mark. I do smell pumpkin, but not foodie pumpkin. More like gourds.
  23. malibusunny

    Mango-Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte

    I am wearing this now. In the bottle, it's MANGO to the extreme. Like mango and a bit of spice, but mostly just fruity. On drydown, I was getting coffee along with my mango, and it was oddly unpleasant. It's possible this was actual coffee, because I did make some, and had nothing to do with the oil. LOL. Then the coffee ran away and I was getting vanilla chai tea and mango, which was awesome! now, two hours later, I have mango. Just mango. There's a slight vanilla warmth in the background if I press my nose to my skin, but otherwise, it's all fruit. It smells almost like mango lotion, sort of gentle like that, rather than the sharper initial in the bottle smell. eta: the poster below me was from my decant circle, which just goes to show you how different two people can see the same oil! I promise I rolled it well!!
  24. malibusunny


    I don't think I've reviewed this, at least not the 2006 version. This is my favourite apple of all time; sweet, crisp, utterly delightful, slathered in buttery vanilla burnt sugar caramel and spiked with just a touch of spicy rum. I don't get coconut at all, which is good for me because I don't like it.
  25. malibusunny

    Mouse Circus

    In the bottle, this is sugared popcorn, like buttered popcorn jelly bellies. On my skin, this is sugared, buttery popcorn. It seems a little 'thin' when compared with the richness of B&B up there, but I need to try it totally on its own so that the comparison factor isn't messing with it. Eta: I am wearing this today and I keep thing omg, I love this! I need to buy all the bottles! So I thought I'd come find my review and amend. On my skin, it is this amazing sugary buttery incense y not foodie deliciousness. It is not deep, but its certainly not thin... It's just perfect. Editing again... It is like a woody, slightly salty boo!