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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by iletaitunefois

  1. Oh Beth, why have you done this? I was worried as soon as I heard this imp was coming my way. It sounded wonderful...and super rare.


    Unfortunately, it was even nicer than I'd expected. :( It was everything I'd hoped Bite Me would be and more. It smelled as if someone had whipped together creme caramel and Mexican hot chocolate. Creamy, sweet, and just a little bit spicy. Absolutely swoon-worthy.


    This is seriously gonna have to be a once in a blue moon scent for me. And as soon as I use it up-- :ack:

  2. To me, this is the quintessential birthday scent!


    Wet, it smelled very much like sugary icing. Not something I'd particularly like to eat, but a totally nostalgic scent, nevertheless.


    Dry, it instantly became a perfect replica of YELLOW CAKE BATTER! How exciting! It reminds me of the dilemma I have every time I make a cake--cook it or eat the batter! It smells super yummy and lasts a really long time...it left me wishing I'd ordered more!

  3. I have somewhat mixed feelings about this scent. At first I liked it, but the longer it stayed on my skin, the worse it smelled...


    Wet, it smelled a bit like a very sweet wine. As it dried down, I started to be able to pick out a whole host of fruit, with berries heading the expedition. I was in love! It was beautiful! It was like harvest on my skin! And then...a strange artificial note started to come out. It was the artificial base that you get from a lot of really cheap room sprays, and the longer I had it on, the stronger it got.


    I think i'm going to be trying this oil again if just because I liked it so much in the beginning, but I'm just not so sure about that back note. :(

  4. Ugh, what an awful surprise. I can honestly say that this is probably my least favorite BPAL scent thus far. It literally made me gag before I even managed to try it on. When I was really little, I heard that my parents had eaten flowers at a fancy restaurant. Being very little and very dumb, I immediately tried to eat the dandelions in my front yard. It was one of the absolute WORST things I'd ever tasted--and this oil smelled exactly like how that tasted. Dandelion sap with a little bit of pumpkin thrown in. YUCK.


    ...and to make matters worse, I spilled a little of it on my kitchen table. Oh, the scrubbing that ensued.

  5. When I first heard that this smelled just like Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte, I absolutely had to order a whole bottle. I was not disappointed! It smells wonderful, with a lovely mix of chocolate and pumpkin and coffee and cream. There was really only one downside...for my dog, anyway. He kept smelling food on me, so he'd wander over and lick my wrists. Unfortunately, perfume oil does not taste as good as it smells! XD

  6. What a disappointment. :/ I was hoping for a wonderful almond and caramel, but no such luck. This went horrible and sour on me, like something that'd gone bad on the counter. This happens sometimes with sweet foodie scents, so it wasn't so much of a surprise...just a disappointment. It smelled amazing in the bottle (all caramel and chocolate) so I'm hoping it'll smell super yummy on someone else, though. :)

  7. This was AMAZING, probably my favorite of the Weenies. No one that smelled it on me could agree on a description, though!


    Wet, it smelled a little like burnt sugar and vanilla--yum! Once it dried down on my skin, I was delighted to find that I smelled just like marshmallow fluff! I've gotta admit that it's too sweet for me to eat it, but I've always liked the smell. As soon as my father smelled it on me, though, he declared that I smelled just like a snickerdoodle! Hey, I have no qualms with this.


    Finally, I put it on for a hardcore night of partying (Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at Disney!) and my friend said that I smelled like sugar candy and vanilla. :) Lovely. I shared some with her and I'm happy to tell you all that it lasted 'til the very end of the party, about 8 hours later--and in 96 degree weather, too. Super-long staying power.

  8. To me, Tattie Bogle is the perfect autumn scent. I'm starting to realize that all of my reviews are what childhood memories scents bring back to me, but you'll just have to bear with me. :)


    I live in Florida now, but I used to live way up north where there was actually fall. Every year, without fail, we would go to a fall festival. There would be the amber scent of dried out cornstalks, the sweet smell of freshly cut hay on the hayrides, and best of all, the spicy scent of the bonfires that we would all gather around as it started to get dark. This perfume captures all of these things perfectly.


    This is a scent that I am going to have to keep on my person at ALL times here in the Florida autumn. It's the only way I'll ever be able to remember leaves that turn colors!

  9. I absolutely love this scent! I'm wishing that I bought more so I could wear this on every horrible gray day that has me wishing for a little greenery.


    Wet, I got the sense of wet herbs drying, but dry it was wet leaves all over. I was very much reminded of when I'd tromp around in the woods as a kid--only to come home with soaking wet stained sneakers. :blush: Not only is there wet and crushed leaves in this blend, but I also get the feeling of a good rain after a bit of a drought. The kind that sits on the surface of the ground for a little while. :) I loved this so much!

  10. Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance: shining, moonlit ebony musk with benzoin, myrrh, smoky vanilla, patchouli, nutmeg, and dried red chili.

    Well, I was hopiing to like this just as much as everyone else, but I guess it's going on the swaps pile. :(

    Wet, I got up close to the wand and then jumped back. It was a little spicy, yes, but more than that it was horribly, horribly bitter. To the point where my nose was smarting.

    Dry, it came out to solid cloves and cinnamon. I've noticed in the past that my skin tends to really amp cinnamon, and I guess it struck again. Everyone else seems to have all these lovely, complex scents... This was like biting into a cinnamon stick--spicy and a bit bitter.

    Here's hoping that it works better on someone else than me!

  11. I am starting to get a sinking feeling that my skin just hates vanilla. This is leaving me slightly panicky as vanilla is one of my FAVORITE smells in the world. At any rate, Detestable Putrescence went the way of Dana O'Shee with me. It smelled lovely in the bottle. It smelled just like sniffing a bottle of vanilla extract.


    And then I put it on. Ugh. For a few blessed seconds, all was right with the world. Then the smell went abruptly sour. It smelled plasticky and artificial--and not as much as in DO'S but yes, the diaper was there as well.


    I am a wreck. :( But at least I know that there are a lot of others who will love this to bits, so I bet it won't stay on my swap list for long.

  12. I was given a frimp of this scent along with a decant from edenssixthscent (thank you!) and was surprised how much I loved it. When I was really little, my father had a spearmint plant outside in our garden. Wet, this scent was very strongly (almost too strongly! I sneezed) spearmint. It had a lovely drydown, though. All I could think of was that plant from my childhood. It smelled just like it. Not so much like when my father would pick sprigs off to chew or to add to dinner--but when the leaves were still alive and on the plant. I could smell the wet dirt accompanying the fresh mint and it was just overwhelmingly nostalgic and alive.


    I never imagined that a scent could smell so perfectly like a memory, but this one was really overwhelming for me. Definitely know that I'm not letting go of this one.

  13. This is actually the scent that got me into BPAL. I am a long time follower of Neil Gaiman, and when he mentioned this scent I was intrigued. It took awhile, but I finally managed to get my hands on an imp and I was not disappointed in the least. This is an absolutely gorgeous scent. In the bottle it was all dry heat and resins, and when applied to my skin, it was firmly evocative of the desert. It reminded me a lot of Morocco, except it was a little softer, with more amber and resin and less spice.


    In the end, I've gotta admit, I've been smelling my wrist all day. I love the way this smells. Definitely recommended.

  14. When I heard 'milk, honey, and grains', I knew that this would be a scent to try. When I first opened the imp, it was like walking into a candy shop. It was a very light marzipan and was generally very lovely. Not quite what I was expecting, but as an almond fan, who could complain?


    The trouble came, though, when I put it on my skin. I'm not sure if it just reacted absolutely horribly with my body chemistry, but it was truly awful. I kept trying to think of a nicer way to put it, but it honestly smelled just like a baby changing station. There was milk and baby powder and a vague perfumeyness that was just trying hard to cover up something acrid and awful. I wonder if perhaps the milk turned to more of a spoiled milk on me? I don't know.


    I might still recommend this to others if just because it smelled so amazing in the bottle. It's entirely possible that it was just me. My skin has a habit of warping scents. I gave Dana O'Shee two chances on me, but that was really all I could stand. Definitely going to try to trade this away.

  15. When I ordered my first batch of imps, Morocco was the one I was most excited about trying and I was not disappointed. In the bottle, it smelled like heaven; smoky, sensual desert all layered through with spices that instantly brought to mind a bazaar full of wondrous things. On my skin, it sank right in. It wasn't overwhelming, but it was continuously warm and exciting as I went through my day. This was completely gorgeous and I can't wait to put it on again. :)

  16. Nocnitsa was a scent that I was incredibly anxious to try. Growing up in Ohio, I grew to absolutely love quiet forests. After I moved down to Florida, there wasn't much of that same sort of landscape and I missed it more than anything else. This scent sounded like it'd be a walk down memory road, and I was super excited. XD


    After putting it on, though, it's very different than I expected. Wet in the bottle, it reminded me very much of dried herbs and some grassy accents. Once I put a little bit on, though--WOW. This is an incredibly strong scent. I don't dislike it, per se, but next time I apply it I need to make sure to put on even less. It was overpoweringly pine, almost to the point where it made me dizzy. It has a slight sweet edge to it, but other than that it was just pine, pine, pine. After two showers and a day and a half (!!!) it had died down, for the most part, and I was finally able to my finger on what it reminded me of. More than anything else, smelling Nocnitsa is like walking into a Christmas store. Lots and lots of pine, but also some sweet spices like you might find in eggnog or a Christmas pie.


    I'll have to use this extremely sparingly as my family is very sensitive to pine scents, but I think that I'll take it out around Christmas this year. It makes me a bit jolly just thinking about it. :)

  17. This was one of the strangest transformations I've encountered, scent-wise. When I first opened up the bottle and took a whiff, it smelled just like really, really strong grapefruit to me, strong and a little bitter. A bit strong for my tastes, but as soon as I put it on it changed drastically. For the first few minutes that it was drying, it smelled like a lighter grapefruit, maybe like a candy. Shortly thereafter, though, it went a little powdery on my skin and for some weird reason started to smell exactly like the white mints my grandmother keeps on her person at all times. I'm not sure where the slight mintiness came from, but this does bring back a lot of memories...

  18. All I can say is OH MY GOD ROSES. There might be other scents in here, but they are utterly smothered by the roses in this blend. I've heard a lot of people mention cinnamon, but I honestly don't smell it at all on me, wet or dry. Floral scents aren't really my thing so I'm pretty sure this isn't one I'd choose for myself, but most other people who smelled it loved it. If you like the smell of roses, I would definitely recommend them. While the rose scent is strong, it's also very gentle. There's no way to ignore it, but it isn't overpowering.

  19. I was very disappointed by this scent... Pumpkin is one of my very favorite tastes, textures, and SMELLS. Unfortunately, I couldn't really detect any pumpkin in this at all. Wet it smelled like butterscotch to me. (My friends, who were around when I opened it, said they preferred the phrase 'rotting sticky buns'.) However, as soon as I put it on, it instantly turned to red hots. Unfortunately, this involved a lot of sneezing on my part so I had to try and wash it off almost immediately. After a long shower, it had faded to a sort of brown sugar smell which, while tolerable, was still just too sweet for me.


    I'm trying a few of BPAL's pumpkin blends this Halloween and I really, really hope that these smell a lot more pumpkin-y. :)

  20. Oh my goodness! As a Floridian, I could pin down the scent as soon as I smelled it. Wet, it smelled just like fresh orange rinds. It was really pleasant and not nearly as overwhelming as that scent can easily be. After putting it on and wearing it a bit, the aloe started to come out, making the rest of the orange more apparent. A few minutes after it dried, I could smell the sweet flesh of a ripe orange. But now, a little while later, I smell almost like orange blossoms. A very strange shift, but a welcome one.


    This is a scent that could easily be way too much, but it rounds out at gentle and bright. This will always be one of my favorites, I'm sure.
