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Posts posted by iletaitunefois

  1. I'm afraid I didn't really like this scent--though I think it may have been the aging process. It's just so strong!


    When I first applied this scent, it smelled a bit like a butter cookie with a splash of rum. Not so much my thing, as I prefer my cookies to be non-alcoholic, but not bad at all. The longer it stayed on my skin, though, it became almost...syrupy, for lack of a better term. Within about ten minutes, it smelled more like a sickeningly sweet, boozy syrup with a dollop of butter thrown in for good measure. A few minutes after that, the cloves started kicking in and I had to wash it off. This might be what some people are looking for in a scent, but not me. :(

  2. I'm having a really hard time putting my finger on what is in this scent. I've tried it on about three times now, and I always sit down to write a review...but then I'm not sure what to say. On me, this is a very dark scent. I smell wood and herbs and maybe smoke and...I'm not sure what else! It makes me sneeze when I sniff it for too long.


    Altogether, this scent just strikes me as jumbled and not really in a pleasant way.

  3. ...how odd! In the imp and on my skin, this was straight-up cherry Twizzlers. It lasted like that for a little while before fading a little bit into something a little darker. Twizzlers with a dash of cough syrup, I think. It's right on the edge of being unpleasant, but doesn't quite tip over into that category. It's mostly just twizzlers with a darkish undertone for me after about 10 minutes of wear.


    I think I'll keep this...but only wear it on movie nights. XD In my head, it's inextricably connected to twizzlers and sticky soda underfoot.

  4. Fairy Wine is quickly becoming my favorite BPAL scent. I was a little worried about it as I'm not particularly a boozy kind of person, and I'm kind of allergic to a lot of plants, but...wow. I may not drink alcohol, but I do love to cook with it, and that's exactly what comes to mind when I smell this scent. On my skin it smells just like a good red wine cooked down to become a base for a sweet--but savory!--wine sauce. It's heady and just a little bit sweet, and it smells simply divine.


    I know there are a lot of other notes that are in this scent, but they really fall by the wayside with me. It's just sweet, rich wine.

  5. I wore this scent on a recent trip to New Orleans (it just seemed to fit!) and I really liked it. In the imp, it smelled like pure sugar--maybe candy floss. I got this overwhelming sense of PINK. Once on my skin, it came out smelling just like Double Bubble bubble gum. No lie. It was exact.


    The only real problem I had with this scent was that it doesn't actually hold up that well in a hot environment. And since I live in Florida...that's kind of a problem. I had to liberally reapply it every couple hours to get any kind of scent at all.


    I'm probably going to go through my imp, but I can't see buying more after I run out. I just have to use way too much at a time!

  6. Roadhouse, Pa-Pow and my ulitmate Envy are the top outdoor/grassy/meadow scents that I've tried and loved. And as an added bonus Envy is a sleep aid to me.


    Can you tell me where to find Pa-Pow? I can't seem to locate it via searching here or on the BPAL site.


    ETA: Never mind. I figured it out - it was an LE. I think the search engine didn't like the hyphen.


    I need to second Pa-Pow! I originally bought a bottle because it was such a good cause, but I really love it when I need to remember summertime up north. (FL doesn't smell the same at all. :cry2: ) It's all freshly smooshed grass, like when you're tromping around a little too roughly or roughhousing and also wildflowers. It's a really gorgeous scent, even if it makes me sneeze a little. At least that's accurate to meadows, too! XD



    Also, as for the hyphen thing, the search thinks the hyphens are minus signs! So you're actually typing out pa minus pow, so pa-pow is taken out (because y'all asked for no pows). So annoying, I know!

  7. Ohhh, I wanted to like this oil, but it just didn't like me. Well, it might be warming up...


    Let me start at the beginning. When I first opened up this scent, I was like WOW, lemon! Yum! I love citrus. So then I applied it. Eek! Pine-sol. Pure and simple. After about a half hour, it started to mellow itself out, and headed back to its delicious lemony roots. However, a half hour is kind of a long time to smell like a cleaning product.


    I think I'll give this baby another try or two, because I desperately want to love it. Thinking it might be a crash and burn, though.

  8. I was given an imp of this for Christmas and was both excited and apprehensive towards it. Cherry blossoms hold a special significance for me, so I desperately wanted to try this...but florals also tend to cause extreme allergic reactions in me. D:


    So I put it on, closed my eyes, and waited--and nothing bad happened! Seriously, you guys cannot comprehend my intense glee. In the end, this was an incredibly soft, light, pretty floral on me. So exciting!

  9. I had heard a lot about ozone blends, so I decided I really wanted to try one.


    What did I learn? Ouch! I don't like ozone! It's like being in a room full of pennies, and it kind of hurt my nose. I think the ambergris played in here, too, but it was just sharp and ouchy. I think that's the point, but I did not like it. Swap pile for sure.


  10. I went into this expecting full well to adore Osun. I'm extremely happy in an herb garden, and honey and I get along famously.


    Not this time.


    In the bottle, Osun smelled extremely green to me. A bit sharp, but green. On me? Ugh, the honey went rancid! The herbs amped and amped until I found myself sneezing and the honey just did me no favors whatsoever. Bah. My skin + Osun = doomed romance. It was just not to be.

  11. It's kind of funny. When I first applied Elegba, I didn't really like it. Now I can't get enough of it.


    In the bottle, it smelled very strongly of coconut and booze. Rum! Not really my thing, but okay.


    Once it was on me, there was the barest hint of coconut, a large dollop of rum, and a bitter sort of undertone that I'm guessing was the tobacco. Yuckola! Let's just say I was getting ready to wash this one off.


    But! Just when it was about to face the wrath of my sponge! The tobacco faded to nothing. The booze was cooked off! After about 10 minutes, this was creamy sugared coconut all over. Delicious!

  12. Spooky in the bottle was straight up mint hot cocoa for me. When I drink hot cocoa, I always drop a mini candy cane in along with it. Wet, that is exactly what Spooky smelled like to me. once on my skin, it was a little more like an after dinner mint. Dark chocolate and mint. After a few minutes, though, I'm afraid it's starting to warp. It's going almost chalky, like really lousy chocolate, and I'm so sad. At the end, it was mint chalk. So, so sad. This smelled amazing when it first went on. :(

  13. Hod is...different. It's very, very difficult for me to put my finger on what this smells like on me. In the bottle it smelled like wood. Not dead wood, but live wood. Like a stripped tree, almost? Odd. I can't place what kind of tree.


    On my skin, it's mellowed out an awful lot. There's still something vaguely woody there, but it's also a little bit sweet, almost honeyed. Maybe a little incense, too? I honestly don't know. I keep sniffing my wrist and contemplating. XD


    A very complex blend. I'm not sure I like it enough for a bottle, but it is very interesting.

  14. Oh my god. I knew I wanted to try this because I love this story and I love apples--but I was not expecting to like it nearly this much.


    In the bottle, it smelled like very, very sour apples and something a bit boozy. Hard cider?


    Dry, though, this smells just like taking a bite out of a granny smith apple, tart and immensely satisfying. There's the barest hint of a floral, like bygone apple blossoms, layered beneath.


    I absolutely have to get my hands on some more of this scent!

  15. This was a scent I'd been dying to try for a while. Somehow, through a disastrous oversight of my own, I neglected to order this when Halloweenies were out. Someone gifted me an imp of this for Christmas, however (squee!), and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. This was everything I was hoping it would be.


    Wet, it was almost like a warm apple sauce, very strong on the apple.


    Dry, it was like a wonderful mulled apple cider. It was warm and smelled absolutely delicious. It was a wonderful memory of fall in a bottle. :)

  16. Every so often, notes just go horrifically awful on me. Some yummy foodie scents, in particular, turn into a particularly repulsive plastic.


    I'm still kind of hmmm-ing about this blend, I'll admit. I was extremely happy to receive an imp from a fellow forumite a few days ago. I adore black licorice, and I have heard that this is THE black licorice blend, so...match made in heaven, right? Not quite. I honestly get barely any licorice from this at all, on me or in the bottle.


    Wet in the imp, this smelled sort of like butter cookies on a plastic tray.

    Wet on my skin, it warped into something even worse--butter cookies at the DENTIST'S OFFICE! Something slightly minty along with the smell of sealant. Gross.


    As it dried, though, it did get better. After 5-10 minutes, I got butter cookie with a very slight amount of licorice. I think I like it, but whether it's worth the trip to the dentist remains to be seen...

  17. When I got my hands on this imp (from a very generous forumite!), it was a little leaky and stained due to a post office mishap. I don't know if that caused it to change or not, or if my sniffer is just messed up. As it is, it smelled BIZARRE wet!


    On the wand and wet on the skin...get ready for it...it smelled just like PICKLES. That spicy kind of salty brine smell. It was so strange. I haven't read about anything else like that, so I'm gonna assume that my nose is just weird.


    As it dried, though, it changed to more what I was expecting. It smells like what Jelly Belly bags in my family smell like before I get them. I'm the only one to like the black ones, so when I get my hands on bags, they usually have a whiff of all the assorted jellybeans that have been eaten--along with the very strong scent of all the black ones that my family wouldn't touch! :P


    All in all, it was a little fruity, a little cinnamon-y, and a lot black licorice-y. Fun for a sometimes-snack!

  18. Not super fond of this blend, which really surprised me. I love pomegranate, so this seemed like an obvious one. This doesn't really smell like pomegranate to me, though. When I first got near my skin to sniff, I found myself sneezing. There was something itchy in there that really irritated my nose. Something floral or incensey? It felt like the way clove hurts my nose, but didn't quite smell like it.


    Either way, this was way too heady and (flowery?) for me. Swap pile for sure.

  19. Melon! Though there are a bunch of notes in this blend, but it is mostly the melon that stands out to me. THe mint pops its head out a little bit a little while after drydown, but still mostly melon!


    This may sound like a very strange description, but this smells exactly like the artificial melon I smelled in a Japanese soda I once had. Very sweet, very juicy, and just a touch artificial--but not in a bad way. I remember being really disappointed that I couldn't finish that drink due to the sugar content, but now I can smell it whenever I put on this perfume!

  20. I think I'm pretty much incapable of comparing this smell to anything but candy. When I first pulled out the wand and took a sniff, I was surprised by how exactly it smelled like Bubble Yum. Not a bad smell, by any means, and a cute trip down memory road, but not what I was expecting at all. Once I got it on my skin, though, it started to get a distinct citrusy edge to it. So now it smelled like bubble gum with a twist of orange! Still, not bad at all. After the final dry down, though...Pez? Yes, this is definitely Pez. Sweet, strawberry Pez.


    While smelling like a candy shop is nice every so often, I think this scent's gonna have to be a sometime snack. I don't have the stomach to smell this sweet all the time!

  21. This was a little bit of a disappointment to me. When I first opened up the vial, it was like a sharp blast of chocolate liqueur. Yum! And on my skin? Divine. It smelled like a very, very rich hot cocoa with just the slightest edge of cinnamon. Five minutes later though? This scent is almost completely gone. Just like good hot cocoa, this one got drank up fast. I'm now left with a fair amount of cinnamon and very little chocolate at all. So sad! I was hoping that I could easily go to this once my imp of Anaconda ran out, but no such luck.

  22. This is an absolutely gorgeous scent. It's hard for me to pick out all of the notes individually, so I'll just say that it smells like the most decadent dessert in the world. It's full of all kinds of honey and brown sugar and delicious cream. It's warm and delicious and heavy and absolutely amazing. To be used for special occasions definitely--just like you can't have cake every day, this would be way too rich for everyday consumption. :)

  23. This is a really beautiful scent. :) It reminds me of dried herbs left out in the summer heat. Dry, warm, but still a little green. To give it a little pop, though, there's a touch of spice that leaves me smelling my wrist over and over. I'm not sure I'd wear this that often, but it seems like it'd be really good for a cold winter's day, just to remember what the sun is like!
