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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by iletaitunefois

  1. I finally have my computer back! Oh life, I love you.

  2. aaand now I have food poisoning. AWESOME.

    1. Zombiefleur


      Awwww! Enjoyed chatting with ya and hope you feel better!!

    2. iletaitunefois


      I enjoyed talking to you, too! And I appear to be doing much better today. :)

  3. This is what I get for attempting to be healthy. WOKE UP AT 4 AM, SICK.

  4. Yay! My dog likes Glenn Miller. GOOD dog.

  5. just remembered how much she loves old school swing music. Pulling out the Glenn Miller CDs...

  6. Starting to rebuild my sad, depleted music collection...
