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Posts posted by ian

  1. in my opinion this is a very fresh and clean scent. in fact while wet, it smells very much like soap, a lot like Cthulu. after a while, the soapiness dies down and the individual notes become more apparent. i get a very pleasent masculine musk along with juniper, i'm not sure if i'm picking up on the kelp because i have no idea what kelp smells like.

  2. the first whiff i took of Lambs Wool, i smelled the milk and the tartness of the apple and immediately thought spoiled milk and gagged. however, i decided to try it on my skin and found it not at all unpleasant, on me the spices and apple were very prominent and the milk was just barely there. the overall effect was of warm apple pie. i think this is a really nice home fragrance for my oil diffuser but just doesn't work on me as a perfume.

  3. well i got an imp of Coyote via a swap and after reading all the vivid and imaginative reviews of this scent I'm afraid mine is a bit mundane. on me i got a sort of dusty, musky, scent with a hint of sweet cherries, in fact it reminded me very much of cherry scented incense.

  4. what a pleasent suprise, finally one of the pirate themed scents that works for me! while its wet i get cool, aquatic, and sort of masculine notes. as it dries the spiciness of the bay rum becomes more apparent, usually i dont like spice notes but this is fairly subtle and works well with the overall blend. the wood notes, which are my favorite part, also become more apparent once its dry and seem to last the longest of all the notes... overall, i've got nothing but love for Jolly Roger!

  5. this is by far the most masculine bpal scent i've encountered. its very potent and while wet the smell reminds me very much of an aftershave called Brut, that my great-grandfather used to wear. underneath, there is a sort of metallic tanginess to it that could be blood. once it dries the scent settles down a bit and i get the leather notes in there. overall, this scent makes me think of a bad men's cologne from the 70s...

  6. Bittersweet bay rum, bourbon, and a host of funeral flowers with a touch of graveyard dirt, magnolia and Spanish Moss.

    this is a really interesting scent, it makes me think of a flower garden after the rain. to me it smells like flowers, and fresh soil, with a hint of spice underneath

  7. this was a really strange blend. wet it smells like sweet maraschino cherries and almonds but dry it smells like fall spices (cinnamon, clove, etc). i cant stand the spice smells so this one was a no go for me

  8. Spider does strike me as a more masculine scent but not overly so, i think it could really work on women as well. this is a pretty complex blend and its hard for me to pick out the individual notes, i think its a sexy scent or at least i feel sexy wearing it. the note that stands out to me the most is the bergamot, so this is sort of like a sexy Earl Grey Tea. Spider lasts for a very long time too, its definitely one of my favorites!

  9. in the imp: whiskey, whew its strong


    on my skin wet: whiskey and bananas? not like a fresh banana but like artificially sweet banana flavor, there is also a smokiness to it


    on my skin dry: very smokey, like the lingering smell on your clothes after a bonfire. i don't like that burnt wood smoke smell at all, it gives me a headache


    overall i liked the whiskey but couldn't deal with the smokey bananas, not a fan of this one...

  10. in the imp: wow powerful herbal scent! if i breathe in deeply it has a nasal passage clearing menthol-like effect


    on me: very green, rosemary and pine, the pine smells very natural to me, like fresh tree sap


    later: the other scents fade out but the pine is still going strong


    i really like this one!

  11. this scent really surprised me, i was expecting "truck-stop sleaze" but it ended up being very floral. it didn't change much at all from in the imp to my skin and in fact the dandelion (i never knew dandelions smelled so sweet) was about all i could pick up except for maybe a very slight hint of alcohol. i think Dandelion Wine might be a more fitting name than Roadhouse for this oil

  12. in the imp: alcohol and fall spices sort of like a spiced rum, there's also a woodiness which reminds me of Sri Lanka


    on me: more of the same, less of a sharp alcohol smell put plenty of cinnamon and clove, ooo and cedar, which i love!


    later: no more alcohol or wood, just spices


    final impressions: i didn't notice the "prostitute's perfume" or the "salty sea air". overall this spicy scent reminds me more of christmas than pirates. not likely that i'd order this one again


    update: in the oil diffuser the scent is a little different than on my skin and i totally get the salty sea air now!

  13. i bought a bottle of Sri Lanka on ebay and it arrived today! my first bpal! this is my first review so im not sure how sophisticated my scent palate is but here goes...


    in the bottle: earthy and very dry, almost dusty


    on me: smells a little sweeter on my skin but strikes me as a maculine scent, the cedar and patchouli are dominant notes. there is a sort of powdery sweetness underneath. i really like the cedar


    later: the cedar note has faded which makes me sad, most of what i get now is a muddle of incense and whifs of patchouli


    much later: has faded to a very soft sweetness, now for some odd readon, it kind of reminds me of perfume a grandma would wear
