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Everything posted by patina

  1. patina

    Licorice Bats

    What's this? Cherry cordials? I may be insane, because this smells exactly like some raspberry-flavored licorice I had once. It's very sweet and there's some dry cocoa/ tootsie roll rounding it out. Not sure if it's something I want to smell like, but it's delicious.
  2. I find Othello masculine. Your milage may vary.
  3. patina


    In the decant I smell something light and floral with darker elements beneath it. The lavender smells disturbingly medicinal and cool. It does evoke the image on the lable- miserable and wild. The lavender smells a lot like institutional cleaning-fluid for added realism. On my arm it smells much better and the medicinal note goes away. The currant is thick, dark and sweet, the magnolia is lovely. Sadly that stage doesn't last forever and something turns bitter. Maybe it's the musk, maybe it's the currant. I'll have to retest.
  4. patina


    Ah, Hello there Mr. Nos...er, Cicuta. You do have a lot of candles around your underground lair. And powdered roses. This does remind me of the Rose Cross, though if I remember correctly that was more harsh. Lots of withered roses around here too. It's like Zombi with all the dirt and oakmoss scrubbed off. Zombi with waxy, parchment-like skin that permantly smells of yellow inscence and candle-smoke. There's little throw, but it's not faint either. I can't decide about this one- it's so much like some GC's and yet it has a charm of its own
  5. patina

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Nightsbridge? Hunter? Also possibly Panther Moon or Inagorok Jewlers.
  6. patina

    Mimosa scents?

    Sadly I think most, if not all mimosa scents were discontinued. But you might still be able to find imps of Eris, Madrid, Succubus, Masabakes, or Tanin'iver. None of those w ere pure mimosa, though. (There was a mimosa single-note released, but it might be even more difficult to find.)
  7. patina

    Magnolia scents wanted.

    Sadly I haven't smelled any magnolia scents that do the scent justice. I can detect magnolia in Unheavenly City (it's a lot like Hell's Belle I've heard) but it's more of a spicy scent and the magnolias take back stage.
  8. patina


    I like this twisted little goblin. It is very smoky but the tonka and black musk ensure it's more of a dark perfumy scent than a pure smoke. It reminds me of a charcol drawing on brown paper- maybe one of Arthur Rackham's renditions of Rumplestiltzchen. Wicked and perfect for autumn.
  9. patina


    Murky dim and lightly spicy. If it had a color it would be dark brown- dark brown water in a dark brown cavern with the air full of rising tobacco and inscence smoke. Polluted...but in a good way. This does really smell a bit like chocolate dirtied up with tobacco and clove.
  10. patina

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Cool, a Changeling player! Give them my regards; I'm a consummate White Wolf fan. Awesome! And I was afraid people would throw tomatos. I sniffed Destroying Angel and got bell peppers weirdly enough but I'll have to give my friend the imp (enabling yay!) I'm also considering Zombi and Yorick. The great thing about black phoenix is it has almost any character you want already covered. Boggan? Dana O'Shee and so on...
  11. patina

    The Deep Ones

    phooey. I wanted to like this so badly. There is indeed some murky aquatic but I mostly get detergent...and fruit. That's right. There's grapefruit and a strong overripe bananna smell to this.
  12. patina

    The Phantom Wooer

    This is powdery on me but not in a bad way. Not bad at all. It's one of those scents that is incredibly cooling in the middle of summer. I'm reminded of cool powdery limestone with non-offensive wispy white flowers and some far-away citrus. Beautiful.
  13. patina

    Reptoid Dominion

    This reminds me of some 1980's cologne or perfume that I can't think of right offhand. It's got that vibe: predatory power-hungry but conservative. Very dry. Too much so for me.
  14. patina

    Black Rose

    This is lovely and I can occasionaly scent a soft, lush rose through the musk- however, the amber turns out to be a razorblade in the candyfloss. It's too sharp on me. This occasionally takes a turn in the hardcore grandma direction. Aww. Had the soapiness/powderiness not come out it would have been exceptionally lovely. 2nd attempt: Now it just smells lovely. A little powdery in the background though. I am confused.
  15. patina

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Hmm, if I wanted to enable a friend who does the RP thing...what scents would be appropriate for Changeling's Slugah? Maybe something on the damp, dark or musty side would work.
  16. I love, love Szepassony (and once I thought no aquatics would work on me). It is a bit floral and it smells like cold rain on flowers. Amersterdam and Danube are ok if you like bright, clear aquatics and I've heard good things about Sea of Glass though I haven't tested it yet. In Undertow, the lotus just takes over- you may like it, though I didn't. The Gillman House Hotel (le) is very, very green and a little musty with some water there. Yemaya and all the Arkham aquatics were a little too sweet for me, but you may like them.
  17. patina

    Pink Mood

    I had some problems with this one. Not because of the anise, although it did smell a bit weird in this blend. It does eventually move aside to let some flowers through. It's just that I think the vanilla plus soapy violet-leaf and neroli give it a somewhat cloying, dryer-sheet like smell. Which is heartbreaking, because I love cherry blossoms. I really can't decide whether I love this or not.
  18. patina

    Womb Furie

    My reaction? See Sirensea's post. Yep. Not too cloying, just niiice. (I think it helps that I have an imp rather than a bottle- the decant form speeds the aging.) I think the closest relative to this would be Asp Viper, except I don't have to wait for the citrus note to go away or for the myrrh to sweeten up. Not terribly complex, but terribly good. I don't normally wear honey scents, though. Hopefully I will not be attacked by bees.
  19. Yep. New Orleans won't exactly cool you down, but it does mesh well with hot days.
  20. patina

    Candles Moon

    There's a tiny bit of blackberry at first that smells almost citrus-like. Then a little bit of ozone. I feared the milk, because I've found it very unpleasant in blends like White Rabbit and Lambs-Wool. I shouldn't have feared. This milk is somewhat sweet and mild. Really, I don't smell much of anything from this. When I put my nose to my wrist I can almost get the texture of beeswax, though. While wearing it, I would occasionally get the faint scent of a blackberry smoothie with milk (yum), however it was faint and far-off. I can't really say this smells like The Winter Maiden bath oil- that blend had white rose and amber, and to my mind it was the better-smelling of the two. I think I'd prefer a more spicy scent, however if you're looking for something cold and subtle and a bit fruity, try it.
  21. patina

    The Zadok Allen Vineyard

    Wow, this is sophisticated. It smells really dry and bitter, then turns sweet (the cherries), then the dark inscence heats up. As someone else said, this is a really lovely red-purple scent. The closest I can compare it to is the Purple Phoenix, which is also reiseny, but is more a fruit than a wine scent and also is, well, purple. Midnight Kiss is sweeter, however Zadok Allen doesn't smell at all like peanut butter and jelly on me.
  22. Really? I smelled cloves and cinnamon.
  23. patina

    The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife

    I got this thinking honey would help the aquatics work on me. I like kelp, but I'm put off by overly-soapyness. On: I can smell some nice kelp and ambergris floating around, but on top of that it's soap. Pure detergent with that acrid-soapiness I can practically taste coated with overly-sweet honey. Moreover, it clings to me and will not let up. Get off! I don't like you that way! No! Bad Tentacles!
  24. patina

    Black Lace

    This is...pretty much as already described in other reviews. It has a smoky, musky vanilla, which to my mind is very hard to make smell bad. (however, it does have that "new vanilla" smell which is rather faint and disappointing. I hope it gets better.) The tobacco doesn't smell like an ashtray and the whole scent alternates between overly clean and overly dirty. The only problem for me is the cognac. I'd tried Hellfire, which should have logically been wonderful, but it was disappointing. I think I'm less than in love with cognac- which is odd, because I have irrational love for the smell of other types of booze. However, this is just me. If you don't have an odd issue with cognac or tobacco you'll potentially love this. Edit: Oh, grr. Now it's turning sour. The cream must be curdling. Not good. You know, I really think I prefer Hellfire.
  25. patina

    The Unheavenly City

    Portland? This doesn't smell like Portland OR the infernal realms. With the magnolia and gardenia, the deep red musk and spice, this smells of straight-up southern belle. I normally amp gardenia and jasmine, but the musk keeps it from getting *too* sharp.