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Posts posted by litaphoenix

  1. Oh, yes! This is the Green Fairy. :lovestruck:


    Nummy anise, a bite of lemon, and an underlying bitterness under a bit of flamed sugar. I slathered, and was rewarded with a lovely, balanced anise-y cloud. :-D This imp is going in my purse with my Pain imp for anytime I need a olfactory pick-me-up! I will need a bottle, asap. :biggrin:


    The throw seemed pretty good, and lasted a while on me... definitely for a few hours. Scents (that aren't resins) don't usually cling to me, so I was very pleased.

  2. Wet - Mint... spearmint? Yum. A hit of ozone, too.


    On skin - Okay, promising, though I'm getting weirdness.


    After a few minutes? SOAP. Sudsy, frothy soap. :cry2: My skin says a big, resounding 'No'. I snagged this unsniffed, unreviewed, hoping it would be minty. I'm a mint addict. But no.... other than the first 15 seconds, no mint on me. I wish I was getting the eucalyptus some people bring out. Bah. It may even be triggering a headache. This is the second time I've tried, and rolled it well before application. Bummer. Oh, how I wanted to love this!


    This is going to the swap pile, for someone else to love.

  3. Hmmm... this smells exactly like my mother. No, really! Bright, white flowers, with the barest hint of sweetness. Dried down, it goes slightly powdery on me. It's not bad, but not me - too feminine and fussy. Will definitely be gifting this, but I can see this being popular!
