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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Commanderd

  1. Commanderd

    After the rain has fallen

    Dear wonderful forum, I am looking for recommendations as to a BPAL scent that reminds one strongly of the smell the countryside gets after a rain shower - that lovely fresh clean scent of the air combined with the slight dampness of grass. Ideas gratefully received (also, if anyone can explain how I order the scents from the UK I will be eternally grateful)
  2. Commanderd

    After the rain has fallen

    Garden Path With Chickens sounds the best so far - I'm not a big fan of florals, it is more the wet grass scent I was after.
  3. Commanderd

    After the rain has fallen

    I love the sound of Black Tower - kind of reminds me of Glastonbury Tor in the rain from the description. Also, many thanks for the ordering information!