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Posts posted by outcrazyophelia

  1. On a whim I tried my imp again today. I have to say that I really love this. The vanilla isn't cloying or sticky sweet but it reminds me of buttercream. The ginger reminds me of lemon. It's a tasty scent that isn't super foody or cakey. I don't pick up anything green and I'm not sure where the oud is--maybe it's the age of the imp? In any case, I'm not complaining. It reminds me of irish potato candies.

  2. I just got a bottle aged about a year so maybe that has a lot to do with it. When I first put it on I get a really strong stale sugar cookie scent. There's a huge wallop of vanilla that smells artificial for the first three to five minutes then it mellows into a tasty cake-y buttercream-y vanilla that sticks with me for hours. I never pick up any currants but maybe that's because of the aging.
