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Posts posted by earlgreyellie

  1. Ellie, my first thought for you was Black Opal - night and glittering colour, and the opal's numerous associations with misfortune would speak to your darker side, I think. It's an unusual and unique fragrance and not one that many cite as a favourite, but hard to forget once you've tried it. It seems apt. You sound like someone I'd like to know.



    I'd like to play too; this is an interesting thread, so hopefully I don't make it too dull by contributing. So here's my "personality" and a request for recommendations:



    Well, my first inclination is to write that I don't have a personality, but I suppose that would elicit a recommendation to splash myself from a bottle of water and have done with it. So, here goes:


    Publicly, I'm snarky, brainy, and drier than wind, though careful to avoid cruelty in my snark. I've been told that I'm intimidating, "terrifyingly persuasive," and that I should maybe "dumb it down a bit" if I want to make more friends. I'm known for going on ridiculous rants of escalating hilarity about things that annoy me (which prompts others to deliberately discuss subjects that get on my nerves, just to watch and giggle at the flail). I enjoy subtle elegance, deep private time with friends instead of large gatherings, and shocking remarks inserted at random into conversations. I work as a medical transcriptionist, because it allows me to labour in solitude with neither supervision nor responsibility.


    Privately, I'm convinced that I'm awkward, ridiculous, and utterly unlikeable. I'm actually of a rather religious bent. I love to read and write, thrill to poetry, would learn every language ever spoken if it were possible, and at a party - like anyone invites me to parties, ha! - you'll find me hiding among the potted plants and the household pets, and/or listening to someone else's problems over canapés. I don't speak much of my affections, just quietly see to it that the people I love are well-stocked with groceries, cooking, and amusement, and that they always have an ear and maybe an unexpected gift when times are hard. Even my cats know who the sucker is, and they use me as a bed, transport service, and tuna-provider at every opportunity. (And if anyone notices these things, I admonish them to stay quiet about it - lest my reputation be ruined, and I be forced to be an unbearable @$$hole to everyone for months on end in order to recover.)


    People/characters that I've been compared to include Sylvia Plath, Daria, and the Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin of Sherwood. And I was flattered by all three.

    thanks. i will have to try to get my hands on that one. i would return this favor with a recommendation for you, but, sadly, i don't know enough about bpal to help you out. sorry, lady.

  2. well, this seems fun. i haven't ordered from bpal in a long time, so i guess i'll give this a go.


    i'm ellie. i'm a playwright and part-time bartender, so i'm almost completely nocturnal. i'm a former geologist. i'm sarcastic, cynical, and outspoken. i talk like a sailor. blame my new jersey roots. i have a pretty dominant personality, to say the least. i'm a fighter, quite literally. i get into a lot of fights. i can't deal with idiots and they don't like when i call them out and i don't back down easily. i don't trust people who don't smoke. i'm obsessed with death and i really love funeral homes and cemeteries. i also love glittery, shiny things. drag queens are the best ever. my favorite movies are the shining, the royal tenenbaums, and the silence of the lambs. as for music, i like alternative, rock, dance, electronic, house, and cher...because cher is a genre. my favorite food is granny smith apples and my favorite drink is diet coke. also whiskey.

  3. my first impression is that it's fruity, but also has other scents (that i can't pinpoint) to cut the fruity-ness so it's not overpowering. it's pretty sweet and remind me a little of sweettarts candies. it's not very strong on my skin, so it's pretty nice. it's not one of my favorites, but i like it.

  4. i'm usually not a big fan of fruity scents, but this one is amazing. at first it's overwhelmingly apple-smelling, but not a sickening fake apple smell like most mainstream apple perfumes. it actually smells like i just bit into an apple. lovely. a few minutes after i put it on i started to smell the other notes. the apple is still very prominent though. overall, i really like this and recommend it to anyone who likes the smell of fresh apples.

  5. this scent is very sweet with a hint of...artificial fruit or something. to me, it smelled exactly like the red tootsie roll pops i used to eat as a kid. it's not a terrible smell, but i don't really want to walk around smelling of candy. in short, it's not for me, but would be good for someone who really loves red tootsie pops.

  6. this scent reminds me a lot of my grandfather. i think it's from the tobacco and oak. it's a very warm scent and quite masculine. i don't get much of the vanilla, which maybe would've helped it to smell less manly, but i don't know. my boyfriend says it reminds him of the really weird eighty-something man in his his college theatre class. i don't think i'll be wearing it again anytime soon.

  7. this is quite possibly my new favorite scent. i can't really pinpoint specific notes, but i will say that it brings memories of vatican city, which is suppose it kind of strange. i think it is because the smell is somewhat reminiscent of the incense the catholic churches use. it is not overpowering because the incense-y smell is balanced by something earthy. sorry, but that's the best i can describe it. i really love it though and, in my opinion, it is worth trying out.

  8. i'm a huge fan of absinthe (the drink), so i HAD to try the bpal scent. it pretty much smells exactly like absinthe verte and it's wonderful. the anise is very strong at first, but eases up after a few minutes of wearing it. the only problem with this scent is that it doesn't last very long. i definitely need to re-apply throughout the day. overall, i would definitely recommend this for anyone who loves absinthe or licorice.
