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Posts posted by Aviatrix

  1. This smells soapy in the bottle, but on my skin it turns into a dreamy, ethereal wisteria and clove, if that makes sense. Wisteria stands out, along with a bit of spiciness from clove, but everything seems well blended in a way that transforms it into more than the sum of its parts.

    This is my favourite among the shungas this year, which I was not expecting!

  2. Ink and musk!

    The ink is overpowering the parchment for me, but I still get a distinctly bookish feel from this. The lilac is really only a whisper.

    I found it to be a rather powerful scent in terms of throw and longevity.

  3. A memory of Antique Lace, Formula 54s pink pepper, and a splash of Dorian's white tea and lavender fougere.


    White tea and a sweet lavender - definitely sweetened by some fluffy vanilla in the background!


    It feels like a perfect sleep scent, at least if you are the sort of person who enjoys lavender for sleep. It reminds me a little of The Serpentine, but not as much as I had expected. This one is softer than The Serpentine, and it feels well balanced with the sharpness of the white tea.


    If you enjoy any of the notes listed, you should check it out. Chances are you will love it!

  4. This is like a .... tea cologne? It definitely has a cologney vibe on my skin, but not so much that I couldn't envision a woman rocking this as well. The tea is prominent on me, with a woody background, but I'm not getting much vanilla.

    It is unisex, but leaning on the masculine side, and feels comforting, like a man you love sitting in his favourite chair reading an old book (I agree with the old book smell mentioned in the review above too!)


    If you like bookish scents, or anything unisex, really, you might want to check this out.

  5. This one is pure sweet lavender on me. I imagine it works well as a sleep blend.

    I can't say I am getting any coconut, really. But the lavender note reminds me of the one in The Serpentine, so if you enjoy that one, you might also like this!

  6. This is very heavy on the pepper, with a slight coconutty background. Much spicier than I had expected!

    The spice gives it a certain autumnal vibe, so.....a tropical fall scent?

    I am still undecided about how much I would wear this normally, even though I like it, but if you love a good peppery scent, this might be for you :D

  7. This reminds me of A Pale and Glimmering Light from last year's halloweenies, and I think it's because this is mainly oleander on me. So it's rather sharp at first, but mellows out after a while. There is a berry-like sweetness to it and something almost citrusy, but I do think that's just the oleander too. I am not getting much wisteria, which is good, because that rarely works on me.

    I got a compliment on this today, so I think it works well on me. But it's also a decidedly unique kind of scent, so it's not for everybody, I imagine. But if you like oleander, or you're curious about smelling like a poisonous garden, you should give this a try :)

  8. The wet stage is a little soapy on me, but I hope a little aging will take away some of the soapiness.

    The drydown, however, is lovely; like snow-covered (kind o minty, slushy snow, similar to Almond Blossom) flowers. It was pretty much what I wanted it to be! I think the tea lends some of that freshness that I interpret as snowy. Also, the cypress is present, but not sharp or overwhelming in any way.


    A lovely unorthodox Yuletide blend :)

  9. I'm a sucker for lilac scents, but I was worried the cream might make this one too heavy and foody on me. It didn't! There is a creaminess here, but it is mostly a light, airy lilac, not too much honey either, and a drop of light spice from the cardamom.

    I really like this, but it is faint on my skin. It would be great to wear in everyday settings, though, as it isn't in-your-face in any way, and a lot of people would find this pleasant :)

  10. This is mainly white tea on me, with a hint of jasmine. I am not getting much leather, except perhaps an edge in the background, but it's hard to say if it's really leather or an edge from the sharp jasmine blossom. There is something in this that smells vaguely like bergamot as well, but it could be something in the tea note, perhaps?

    This actually makes me think of a floral version of Severin - the leather in that is also very light on me, and they both share the bergamot-like tea note.


    Overall, like sipping a cup of slightly citrusy white tea next to a blooming jasmine. You might be wearing leather boots, but they are clean and polished and very unobtrusive, because you can hardly smell them here.

  11. I love The Perilous Parlor, so I was curious how close this would be to it. Instead of the sweet vanilla, we get rice milk that isn't cloying at all, but actually feels rather fresh and not entirely unlike vanilla. If there is a musk in there, it is very subdued on me.

    The pear is sweet, but very subtle, as is the entire blend.

    I feel like I am all set as far as pear scents go, but I really like this, and it feels calming and sweet.


    Overall, I feel like this is an Asian Perilous Parlor :)

  12. Hahaha, I couldn't have said it better than the review above XD


    This is ultra-sweet jasmine sugar, and upon drydown a bit of the anise comes forth and gives the blend a bit of an edge, which is nice, because it is veering on a little too frilly. BUT, that said, I love all things cute and frilly, so of course I also love this one. I can't imagine wearing it in an everyday setting, but probably when I wanted to feel uplifted and happy, or wear a really cute dress.

    I am not a jasmine hater at all, so maybe for those who don't like jasmine, this won't work too well. But for jasmine lovers, this is perfect!

  13. This is very boozy on me, so I'm definitely getting the cognac! The background is all sugared flowers and candy, with a distinct rosewater note as well. This is more foody than I would have expected, but not in a too cloying way. Maybe a *little* bit too sweet, perhaps, because it feels like the booziness really amps the sugariness in this.

    Overall, it's a fun and festive springtime scent that would work well for a quirky tea party (with spiked tea, of course!) around a table covered with mountains of rosewater macaroons and sugar pastries.
