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Everything posted by Aviatrix

  1. Aviatrix


    This is indeed very bookish on me. Scrolls and dusty paper with a teensy bit of orange in the background, just enough to sweeten it up a bit. It reminds me of The Lurid Library, but with less smokiness.
  2. Aviatrix

    Venus Verticordia

    This is really pretty and fresh! I definitely get dandelion and some other kind of flower. Luckily not TOO much honey, as that sometimes goes wonky on me. This is just slightly sweet and goes perfectly with the dandelion. I am very glad to have a decant of this to wear from time to time
  3. Magnificent Autumn also smells just like an autumn forest
  4. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Hi there! Oh my, it sounds like you and I would have a lot to talk about, actually! Aside from me not being a designer, we pretty much share all hobbies and interests But on to the recommendations first: Since you enjoy tea, you might enjoy some of the many beautiful tea blends that BPAL have created over the years. Some of my favorites include Kumiho, Spirit Board, Eusapia, and Severin. For your love of all things fantasy and gaming, you might try any of the RPG blends. I have a hunch that something like Chaotic might suit your tastes well! My own personal favorite RPG is Elf, and I will always recommend it. Maybe for your odd personality, you might like to try Mad Hatter or maybe something like Mary Shelley; I am sure she was a bit of an odd duck in her time as well
  5. Aviatrix


    I wore this today for the first time, and already got a random compliment for it - always a good sign! To me, it stays true to form throughout the wet stages and drydown, with not much in the way of change. This suits me fine, as I love the wet stage; it's heavy myrrh with a little sprinkling of cinnamon (nothing too dusty, or it wouldn't be for me!) with something sweet overlaying the whole scent. This could be the honeysuckle or the copal, but I am not sure how either of those smell. There is something very intriguing, almost magical about this scent to me. As if it is constantly shifting under my nose, like shifting dunes in a desert - first this note, then that, and so on. But at the same time it keeps its distinct blended fragrance throughout. It is indeed difficult to explain, but I am very pleased with it! I can't believe it took me this many years to finally try it out, but I am so glad I did! This is definitely a keeper, and if you like spicy, deep or sweet scents, you will probably like this, too.
  6. Aviatrix

    Sugared incense

    Has anyone mentioned Loi Krathong yet? To my nose it is in the same family as Midnight on the Midway, only it is a distinctly tropical sugared incense with a background of banana and coconut.
  7. Aviatrix

    Orange Blossom and Neroli Recs

    Khrysee is also a very beautiful and invigorating orange blossom blend. It's vanilla, amber, and orange blossom.
  8. Aviatrix

    Fairy Thorn

    This is an extremely light, fresh and ethereal scent. I find it difficult to distinguish the individual notes as they mesh together perfectly to form a gossamer elfin veil with light to moderate throw. It lasts a fair amount on time as well. I get a bit of the moss underneath everything else, and it adds depth and grounding nicely. I am sadly not getting much in the way of violet or apple blossom, but they must be a part of the overall light floralness of the scent. I very much like this scent, but I doubt I will need a big bottle. For ethereal floral I already have a few in my collection, but I will certainly treasure my decant!
  9. Aviatrix


    Has anyone mentioned Tarasque yet? To me it is a very beautiful, but understated spicy leather
  10. Aviatrix


    This is rather reminiscent of Vixen, which is one of my favorites, so I am very happy with this! It goes on a little strong and sour at first, but it quickly dries down to a sweet and spicy orange blossom enveloped in the dryness of the amber and the sweetness and smoke of the vanilla. Very beautiful and comforting! It is a good scent for both summer and spring, I think.
  11. Aviatrix

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    I think Winter Stars has a rockrose note as well
  12. Aviatrix

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Hello and welcome to the world of BPAL I would say if you love Jareth, you definitely need to check out Dorian! They are both really beautiful and in the fougere family. Dorian is a bit more gourmand than Jareth because of the vanilla tea, but I think you would dig it In my opinion, Elf and Bewitched share an atmosphere of woodland magic. If you'd like to try a slightly darker woodland scent, I can recommend Black Forest. And for a more realistic "forest" scent, Druid is a good choice. Aside from that, I think a scent like Lady Macbeth has something in common with Bewitched, although Bewitched is fresher. If you like Villain, you should check out Whitechapel; they share several notes. You might also enjoy Embalming Fluid. I hope you find lots to enjoy ETA Forgot to add, Lawful is slightly reminiscent of Elf as well!
  13. Aviatrix

    Beautiful Death

    This one is very darkly elegant; certainly a little corpse-y as Beth wrote! I get mostly tobacco and black tea with overtones of sweet berries that calm down a bit after a while, but remain a fresh element in the scent. I am not overly familiar with the Laces, but from the few I have experienced, I would say this is definitely a Lace as well. A dark Lace, to be sure, but very elegant, like something a black widow might wear to a tea party at Edward Gorey's house. While it is not something I would wear super often, I am glad I sprung for a bottle. It will be perfect for halloween type events and just days when you feel like going a little goth.
  14. Aviatrix

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Hi there! If you enjoy Druid and Lawful, you might want to give the other foresty RPG scents a go: Ranger and Elf might be up your alley! Also, for Druid, Black Forest or Nocnitsa, if you can find it, although they are darker, more ominous forest scents. Something about Planting Moon reminds me vaguely of Tanuki No Doke Daruma, so you might want to try that, too
  15. Aviatrix

    The Doom of Beauty

    This is a review of the 2015 version! I didn't know what to expect from reading the notes, but a Rennaissance-inspired scent was definitely intriguing to me. On me it's surprisingly fresh and almost citrusy! It doesn't actually morph much, so it retains that freshness throughout. There is something vaguely herbal, but at the same time not really "herby". Maybe sage? Or rosemary? Something like that. I am sadly not getting any of the parma violets that I love dearly, so if violets are iffy for you, you might still like this! Overall, it smells like a freshly picked bouquet of various wild flowers and herbs with an emphasis on something like melissa or some other citrusy herb. It feels fresh, light and springy; perfect for a warm day of spring or summer!
  16. Aviatrix

    Riding in the Palanquin

    I was very excited to try this, as the concept made me think of a beautiful ornate wooden palanquin with silk drapes being carried through a blooming jasmine corridor. Now, jasmine has a history of going bad on me, with a few exceptions like Theodosius and Kubla Khan. So while I was excited, I was also wary. It turned out, however, that my fears were unwarranted! The jasmine in this, while definitely the most prominent note, is very well-behaved and lovely. There is a greenish background of bamboo, and the rest of the notes are well-blended and not easily distinguishable to me. I wish I got a little bit more wood from this, but I am still more than pleased. It really evokes the wabi-sabi elegance of a palanquin under blossoming jasmines, and I can definitely see how it evokes silk and mother-of-pearl. (As a side note, if anyone is scared of the mother-of-pearl note being briny or aquatic, no need to fear, because there is not a trace of aquatic in this at all!) Definitely one of my favorites out of the decants I got this Lupercalia, and I might be getting a full bottle in the near future! You will like this if you like jasmine, first and foremost. Or if you're interested in trying something very atmospheric and a little different
  17. Aviatrix

    Pleasant Embrace

    This is the juiciest, loveliest pear ever! BUT ALAS, as soon as it hits my skin, it fades into practical nothingness :( I am so, so sad about this, as it was a most beautiful and promising scent in the bottle.
  18. Aviatrix

    Venus Genetrix

    I initially get a lot of jasmine tea, and luckily it's a very well-behaved and lovely jasmine. Jasmine can go really bad on me, so I was very pleased to discover this was not such a case! After a while of drying down, the amber starts peeking out, and eventually it takes over the scent completely, with only the faintest trace of sweetened floral tea in the background. I never really get any of the vanilla, unless that's the sweet quality of the tea? I love this! If you love elegant tea salon scents and a bit of flowers doesn't scare you, I am sure you will love this too!
  19. Aviatrix

    Fairy Market

    I had high hopes for this one, and unfortunately it didn't really live up to them. I get a lot of the grassy notes, and a teensy bit of incense. I don't get any of the candy, sadly. It has rather low throw on me, but lasts a fair amount of time. I'm happy to have my decant, but probably won't be needing any more.
  20. Aviatrix

    Sherlock Holmes

    Sherlock Holmes is very faint on my skin, but it actually suits me just fine, as this kind of scent does well as a close-to-the-skin scent. It does indeed feel very "clean" and a little soapy, but not in a bad way, more of a cheerful way. There is a distinct tobacco note underneath, and sadly it is not the sweet tobacco note I love the best. But it'll do! I do however get a little whiff of something sweet, that I assume is the leather and rosin, hiding in the waaaay back. It is a difficult scent to describe, I think, as it seems more like a feeling than an actual scent. But so far I quite like it. I wear it to chemistry class to boost my science-ness!
  21. Aviatrix

    Comparison of Celebrated Beauties

    This starts off as sweet, sweet almond - not too strong, but with a nice throw - and after a while it settles into the skin with a teensy bit of floral quality from the mimosa, and the longer I wear it, the more the vanilla cream takes over. I find it utterly beautiful, a truly romantic and soft blend that I could even see myself wearing in winter, because of the sweet atmosphere in it. It is not foody-sweet, however, so if you're worried about that, you might want to take a chance on this. I am so glad I bought a blind bottle - my collection was completely lacking in almond/almond blossom blends, and this is a most worthy addition. It has a definite Lupercalia feel to it, and I feel beautiful when I wear it!
  22. Aviatrix

    A Lady Tall and White

    This starts off very icy and with the typical minty snow note in front. For a long time that is all I get, but after a few hours I get a wonderfully soft vanilla scent with slightly more warmth because of the wood. If you are unsure of this one at first, try giving it some time to settle.
  23. Aviatrix

    Yellow Metal With Mingled Purple Blushes

    At first this smells rather soapy and not very interesting. But as it warms onto my skin, I get much more of the fruitiness, especially blackcurrant and I quite like it. I am not sure I get any metal from it, though. It has decent throw and good wear length. Overall, it is very pretty, but I can see how it could come across as a little generic because there are so few notes and all. But I am glad I bought a bottle blind! This is the right sort of warm fruity scent I need.
  24. Aviatrix

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    If you're looking for a scent that captures that beautiful "old books smell", you might want to check out either Aziraphale from the Good Omens line, The Book from the ParaNorman line, or Limited Edition scents like The Lurid Library, Conservatory Tableaux or Scholar's Tower. For your combined love of Lovecraft and books, I'd definitely suggest Miskatonic University. Maybe you would also find Halfling fun, to complement your hobbity nature Even though there is sadly no Dark Elf scent, for your fascination with Morrowind I might suggest Elf. And since you like a lot of fantastical worlds and intriguing music, you might find a love in Jareth, which is also a great masculine scent!
  25. Aviatrix


    This is seriously good, people! I like it way more than I thought I would, as I am not usually in for the darker scents. There is a faint booziness shrouding the scent, but nothing too overwhelming if you're worried about that. The rest of the notes blend seamlessly together to create a warm, decadent and deep scent, perfect for the scent description. As it dries down, the vanilla peeks out a bit more and sweetens the whole blend. It doesn't ever go sweet-sweet, though, but remains perfectly dark in an almost gleaming sort of way, evoking imagery of deep, dark velvet and leather and dripping wax candles. I might need a big bottle of this in my life!