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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by skylarkza

  1. *hugs*

    I see that the sick has caught you too. :(

    Hope you feel better soon, pumpkin.

  2. Ahh, tell Paxton thank you for the kisses.

    Yay! My witch says that there is a package in the mail for me! O.O I am excited.

    And I am close to having all the bits and bobs for my witchee's package. I have to get to wrapping. *grins*

  3. I am home sick today. Boo. :(

    How are you?

  4. That was over the course of a GOOD couple of hours. I wasn't chugging them back like they were water. :P Plus, they are tequila based (except the PC), which is the alcohol I am somewhat resistant to.

  5. You are muddling your Disney movies! It's "Al, Al, he's our man..." in Aladdin. Eric is from The Little Mermaid. Oh, the confusion! ;P

  6. Oh no! Not mad at all! Just been really busy. Between work and fending off a crush *points at recent posts* and squeeing about said crush to poor chris, I have very little time to reply to emails! *hugs*

  7. Nopes, they are not. It was a snap decision.

    SW depends on if I can fill out the form in time for the cut-off today. o.0

  8. ... yes I did. I'm sorry. :( I'm a bad bad person for getting a tshirt. :P

  9. I just did the Fantasy Five list... I blame you, you hear me? YOU!!!!! ;)

  10. *pokes* Hello! *run-by-hugs*

  11. You and your quizes. :P *hugs*

  12. That works for me! *chuckles at using the bpal comments to organize*

  13. That would be awesome! :D Drop me an email to let me know when would be good for you. :)

  14. *pokes the Lilly*

    Where are you? I miss you! *sniffles*



  15. Eeep! I just saw your comment in the newbie mixer thread. Have you gotten any recent PMs from the seller? :( If not, I would suggest contacting the sales forum mod. I hope it gets sorted out! *hugs*

  16. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I have the smellies! The smellies are LOVELY! *weeps* I do appear to have one of THOSE skins though - the opposite problem to yours! Cannot wait for my cold to disappear so I can smell properly. *hugs and love*

  17. Hello hello! Nice to see you here too. I find myself on here more than DoA at the moment thanks to SUPER LAGGY internet in SA.

    Anywho, hello and welcome to these forums! :)

  18. I added a comment - but this thing eated it. :(

  19. Kougar? Is that like the cat or like women who go after younger guys? ;) *hugs*

  20. Oops! You DO have an avatar - gorgeous pic of you and the boy. ;)

    My word - we are finally on the same internet forum *le shock, le gasp, le horror* ;)

