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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by skylarkza

  1. Just thought I should specify, in case you think I have REALLY been holding out. NOT my new girlfriend, Ian's new girlfriend.

  2. Hello! *glomps*

    I am so sorry! I need to talk and tell you stories and stuffs... but the packing compels me! *cries* Stupid packing!

  3. Yip, arrived safe and sound. :)

  4. I have been a very, VERY naughty friend. And I don't even know if you will like it. *blushes*

  5. Well, do you like chocolate?

  6. Well, the real question should be do you like smelling like chocolate?

  7. Murgle. How are you doing? What you been up to? *hugs*

  8. *hugs hugs* Lilly-pie!

    Are you and the hubby OK? I am just on the other side of skype if you need me.

  9. OK. I will admit it. I am DYING to hear if it smells good on you. :P

    How are you doing otherwise? Work keeping you crazy busy?

  10. Merry Christmas to you too! *hugs*

    No package yet, I suspect that it will arrive in a few days though. :) Hope you are having awesome holidays! *hugs*

  11. Hope you feel better soon my lou-lou-belle. *hugs*

  12. Good luck with the move! I am sure it will go well! *hugs*

  13. I am doing OK. *hugs*

  14. It arrived! :D Thank you! *hugs* And why so many imps! You could have kept them, but THANK YOU! :hugs:

  15. Clearly you and I have VASTLY different skin chemistries! XD

  16. Yip! I am SOOOOO happy that no perfume has smelled like cheesy feet on me. Mind you, I don't think you have had cat pee perfume before. :P

  17. Just wanted to say hi and say that you come across as having a totally awesome sense of humour. If you are ever in Ireland and want someone to hang out with, let me know. :)

  18. Please to be explaining the "Happy :) Happy :) Happy :)" in a PM. Kthnx. Bai!

    Seriously, just wondering what is up. Night night! *hugs*

  19. Thank yo so much for the beautiful card! *hugs* I love you too, my friendly friend.

  20. Miss you, Boo! *hugs*
