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Everything posted by skylarkza

  1. skylarkza

    The Last Squished Jellybean

    I will admit, I am scared to try this. All the talk of licorice in the other reviews has put me off. In the imp: Hot cinnamon sweets! Wet: UGH! Licorice! Dry: Cinnamon gum. Yum! A while later: Hot cinnamon jelly bean. Delicious! Phew!
  2. skylarkza


    In the imp: Rose and wood varnish. Wet: Rose and pink sweets. Dry: Roses and old wooden furniture polished to a shine. A while later: Roses. Layered roses and lillies. A hint of wood. This smells like an old Victorian parlour filled with bouquets of roses and lillies that have been sitting in sunbeams. AMAZING.
  3. skylarkza


    In the imp: Fruity roses. Wet: Rosey fruit! Dry: ROSE. A touch of fruity-ness and wood. A while later: Vanilla and rose, with a slightly fruity tinge. I think the wood is grounding it, but I can barely smell that. Overall... quite sophisticated, but very nice.
  4. skylarkza


    In the imp: Smoke. But it also has a hint of what I suspect will turn to cat pee on me. Wet: Holy crow! No cat pee. Just dark, billowing smoke. Dry: Smouldering embers. The smoke wafting up from them. A while later: Slightly fragrant smoke. An amazing smoke scent that surprisingly works really well on me.
  5. skylarkza


    In the imp: Flowers and spices. Something that reminds me of cigarettes. Wet: Flowers and spices. Dry: Spice and flowers. And something else... perfume-y (amber?). A while later: Slightly spicy. A kind of "golden afternoon" scent.
  6. skylarkza


    In the imp: Orange sherbert. With orange fanta on the side. Yuck. Wet: Orange sherbert, happily the fanta has left the building. Dry: Fruit. Tangy, tropical fruit punch. Slightly peppery. Very fresh. 12 hours later: There is a fruity, peppery zing to my skin. It is slightly tangy - not unlike kiwi, so I suspect it may be kumquat. Pleasant and fresh.
  7. skylarkza


    In the imp:Vanil.. no... Amber? Wait! HONEY. Each scent takes a second to shout before the honey takes over. Wet: Van... HONEY. Dry: Fynbos honey. This is pure, unadulterated fynbos honey. It smells like it has been slightly heated - like it has been left in a beam of sunlight long enough to get really warm and syrup-y. Hmmmmm... Over 12 hours later: This scent has REAL staying power. I kept getting wafts of honey throughout the day. Even more than 12 hours later I can smell fynbos honey on my wrist. A little got onto my shirt collar which actually smells like vanilla and honey, but on the skin it is pure honey goodness.
  8. skylarkza

    Ile de la Tortue

    In the imp: Green and damp with many tropical flowers. I see huge white tropical flowers in the middle of a dark jungle. Wet: FLOWERS. Bit juicy, tropical ones. I want to go and grab a pina colada and find a sunset. Dry: Wow! This scent is incredibly sexy, but in a totally different way to what I consider "normal" sexy scents. It is incredibly floral and tropical - the smell of lush jungle vegetation and an abundance of flowers - the orchids in particular are starting to peek out. And I also get the impression of a beach nearby - there is a tantalizing "saltiness" to this - perhaps the limestone? But STUNNING scent. Many hours later: Orchids. My mom had a thing for orchids and this smells like a greenhouse full of orchids. And ocean breeze. I don't know how the ocean breeze got in there, but there it is there in the background. Tropical and quite lovely.
  9. skylarkza

    The Queen of Hearts

    In the imp: Cherry cough drops? Wet: Cherry cough lozenges. Halls brand. Dry: Lillies! Boquets of lillies! Lillies of every shape and colour you can imagine - with a cherry or 2 thrown in. A while later: Lillies. Sweet lillies. Just gently wafting over the skin.
  10. skylarkza


    In the imp: Wet, green and sharp with a camphor edge. Wet: Camphor and menthol. Green and biting. Dry: Herbs - including camphor. A little eucalyptus. It is dark and moist smelling. A while later: Like vegetation. It has lost a good portion of "herby-ness", so just a tinge remains. It is dark and green. Certainly different.
  11. skylarkza

    The Apple of Sodom

    In the imp: Soapy apples. Wet: Crisp apples, fresh and juicy. Surrounded by apple blossoms. Dry: More blossoms. The apple has faded. This is almost all blossoms, but with a spicy tinge to it. A while later: A creamy scent, but with a gentle cinnamon edge. Slightly floral, like newly opened blossoms.
  12. skylarkza

    Van Van

    In the imp: Acrid smoke and... herbs? Something resin-y. Wet: Rich smoke. Kind of like burning cocoa? And citrus... Almost like a chocolate orange that is smouldering. Dry: Smokey. And lemon-y. And herby. This has the potential to be vastly unpleasant, but is staying just this side of it. A while later: Only a slight smokiness lingers. This is herbal and sweet and kind of sexy. It smells almost like wildflowers and honey in a patch of herbs.
  13. skylarkza


    In the imp: Interesting.... smoke and ash. From burning paper. Wet: Very smoky and ashy. Dry: Now it is a more perfumed smoke. Dark and brooding. A while later: This went through a brief cat pee stage, but has now settled on a slightly acrid, bitter, smoky and almost OILY perfume-y smell. I don't know about sloth, but this smells like someone really, really mean and nasty. Beautiful, but MEAN. Not at all me. But I might well hang on to the imp for inspiration in creating nasty NPCs in games and playing them.
  14. skylarkza


    In the imp: Tar and herby. A hint of camphor and menthol? Wet: Sharp and tart, like a sour sweet. Getting menthol. It is like a small subset of Olbas oil. Hint of sweetness too. But not unpleasant. Dry: Sharp with a herbal undertone. A slight musky air is over it. It smells like being in a glade filled with herbs in a dark forest. These aren't kitchen herbs mind you - they are more dark and brooding. A while later: The sharpness has faded. It leaves a lovely dark herbal scent with a tinge of sweetness. Overall, this scent smells slightly "serious" and complex and deep. This is what I would expect a very experienced fantasy setting healer to smell like. Very nice.
  15. skylarkza


    In the imp: Honey, wood and cat pee? I think that is vetiver. Wet: Smoke. Wood. In fact it smells like smouldering wood - slightly acrid. The myrrh is rounding it nicely though. Dry: Smoke and ash. The wood is burning now. This smells like my hair does if I have been standing around a braai (barbecue) before the food is put on. A while later: Slightly sweet smoke. Wood ash. A drizzle of honey? The cardamom is adding a nice spiciness to the honey.
  16. skylarkza


    In the imp: Grass with a sharp bitter edge. Something is causing a bite. Wet: Grassy. Sweet. LILAC. I can smell LILAC! Dry: Ferns and Lilac. And something herbal... complex, yet light and refreshing. A while later: Sweet and herbal. With ferns and a slightly more floral lilac. Lovely!
  17. At some point, SOMEBODY is going to have to explain what a headshop is. I have no idea if my reccomendation is headshoppy or not, because I don't know what it is. The Hell Gate of Ireland is amazingly sexy on me, but it is LE. Hunger is also a very sexy scent that I have tried recently (and is GC). Hope that helps.
  18. skylarkza

    Raven Moon

    In the bottle: Myrrh, wood and hot spices (chilli!) Wet: Something slightly cologney. Myrrh. A high fine note that has a slight metallic tang. Dry: Oh... back to myrrh, wood, chilli and vanilla. I want to bury my head in in my wrist and get lost in this scent. Many hours later: Smoky vanilla with nutmeg and a hint of bite which I suspect is the chilli. DIVINE.
  19. skylarkza


    In the imp: Chocolate, caramel and nuts. Decadent. Wet: Caramel. Sugar. Cocoa. Nuts. Dry: Cinnamon. Ginger. Burned sugar. Nuts. Vanilla. I seem to be in a dessert alternate reality! A while later: A gorgeous scent of slightly burned sugar, over caramel and vanilla. I smell like a crème brulee on my wrist. With a sprinkle of cocoa powder and some extra caramel beside. Delicious.
  20. skylarkza


    In the imp: Herbs, wet dog and cold water. Wet: Men's cologne. Cheap men's cologne. Dry: Men's cologne and brass polish. Clearly, this does not mix well with my chemistry. Hours later: A long time later there is just a bit of ozone and wetness. Cold. Like storm winds. It is finally nice, but it is not worth the hours of waiting for it to become nice with my chemistry. Might smell nice on a guy though.
  21. skylarkza


    In the imp: Medicinal. Cut grass. Odd. Wet: CLOVE and MUSK. I smell like spicy sex. o.0 Dry: Smoky. Like burning leaves. And spice. Still sexy as heck. And not particularly masculine. A while later: This one lasts for HOURS. Incense-y, smoky, sexy and earthy. Oddly, there is nothing masculine about this on me. I think I am getting clove, but beyond that - this is an intensely earthy and sexy blend.
  22. skylarkza

    Hell's Belle

    In the imp: Mandarin and cinnamon. An odd combo. Wet: Mandarin and oleander? I think that the floral is oleander. Dry: The mandarin has faded. Leaving the heady floral scent of oleander and magnolia mixed together in a near overwhelming mix. Playful but threatening to tip over into "TOO MUCH" without quite getting there. The spices are starting to come back, giving the florals a very interesting edge. I am really enjoying this scent. It is very playful, but has an underlying darkness and edge. Nice! A while later: Sweet and sensuous. The magnolia lingers on the skin, beckoning - while the cinnamon and other warm spices heat it up and make it come across as naughty and playful. Over all this scent says "Don't mess with me, I'm dangerous" and "I want to play! Come play with me!" at the same time. I think I will wear this next time I want to go out and meet guys.
  23. skylarkza


    In the imp: Pear juice! And honeysuckle! Wet: Pear and lillies. Very "clean" smelling! Dry: The sweetpea is dominant now, but the other florals are just behind it. The pear is starting to back down. A very clean and gentle scent. A while later: A very light, clean floral with a tiny waif-like body from the pear. It is making me imagine a white organza curtain fluttering in a breeze. Very delicate, feminine and innocent.
  24. skylarkza


    In the imp: I can't quite place it - almost clove like? And musk? Wet: Still cloves. And smoke? Or is it alcohol? Kind of astringent. Dry: Still a little smoky and something that smells like a dab of cologne (probably the orange blossoms there... they smell like cologne to me), but supported by a sexy, sensuous musk. And a dab of something creamy is peeking through. Not bad. A while later: Murky floral and musk. And vanilla. Very enticing. It imagine what I think a love potion would smell like. VERY nice.
  25. skylarkza


    In the imp: Smoke from a peat fire and leather. Actually pretty yum. Wet: Tobacco smoke and a stale brandy stain on leather? YUCK! I think my skin has issues with vetiver. At least it does not smell like cat pee this time. Dry: Cigarette smoke. Ugh... I hope this changes. At least the old alcohol smell is gone. A while later: Not as bad as before. The smoke has calmed down to a trace of old fire smoke - like after a bonfire. There is something creamy and leathery. Not really for me, but I would love to try this scent on a willing male participant. This imp might just be kept for attempting to enable the next poor bloke who dates me. Or to help get into character for my next subtle-semi-sexy-male-villain when I run a game. But sadly, not me.