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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Sedge

  1. In the bottle, I smelled a kind of freshness and soap. Wet on skin, it continued to be soaps, but gave off a greener scent-- not plant green, but a high synesthetic green with a blueish hue. As it dried, it retained its greensoap smell, but developed a mellow spiciness.


    This was so strong on me that I ended up washing it off after a few hours, on account of the fact that it was starting to make me woozy-- tho' I suppose that could have just been medication withdrawals-- but! Like I said, vurreh, vurreh strong. Will have to remember to apply less next time 'round.


    And speaking of synesthesia... for some reason it really bothers me that the bottle is blue and pink, rather than green: "Clearly you're green with a mild brown and blue undertone, you fibber!" I yell at it, which in itself is probably indicative of an entirely different mental condition.

  2. According to my mom, this is floral.


    According to my dad, it's evergreen.


    Me, all I can smell is (burnt) pork soup base. JUMALAUTA! Please tell me I'm not the only one who smells pork in this! I'm afraid to put it on. I don't want to smell like pork (even more)!


    Fun Fact: when I went to Hawai'i, the volcano gave off a distinct pork smell. I don't even want to know.

  3. I haven't gotten around to doing a full review/study of this just yet, but I've got to ask. Am I the only one who got the distinct scent of Choward's Violet Mints off of this? Which is good for me, as I love their smell, but hate the fact that they taste like soap-- and now I can wear them! *victory*


    Also: there's patchouli in this? For reals? *bogglesniffsnort* I will never understand you, patchouli.

  4. In The Imp

    The metallic scent is quite prominent here. It has a mild alcoholic burn-- the sort you often get with perfumes-- but the other elements stop it from being unpleasant. There's a sort of sweetness underneath it all.

    Wet On Skin

    Much sharper then in the imp; it almost has a citrusy eucalyptus tang to it. The muskiness is apparent, but mostly covered by the metal.


    Dry On Skin

    The metal's calmed down, though still hanging around. Now the musky scents have come out, giving it a soft but masculine feeling, but with a hit of sweetness. I really have no idea what tobacco leaf or balsam smell like (or at least, I don't think I do), so I can't say how well they stand out individually. Heady, but nothing that'll make you feel like falling over.



    Expect this on to be on you for the duration. It's OK, go to sleep; it'll be there when you wake up.



    Silver and brass and brown-orange with a little swirl of light, light green-blue.
