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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Yes we are :) Hope you don't mind!

  2. I know, I cannot wait for Fall it really is my fav time of year. I might have to create a coutdown timer too :)

  3. I saw your post about blogs ... you're moving to South Africa? What part? When? Why?

    I'm originally from there ;)

  4. You just made my day. I know it's just things are moving too slowly for me. I want to start scheduling appointments right this second! *hugs* will keep my fingers crossed for Brazil! xx

  5. Morning gorgeous!


  7. Have a lovely weekend *hugs*

  8. Your package should arrive early next week!

  9. Thank-you for my unbirthday gifts! I love it all!! *hugs*

  10. I met you in my dream last night!!!!! Details in the GUSP thread ;)

  11. I know sweetness! I wish I could just pop over and go for coffee too! Maybe oneday *hugs*

  12. Sending love and hugs xx

  13. I totally got excited and thought the 1 msg from you was my witchee!!!! Ha ha!!

  14. Thanks for the text this morning *hug* it went really well, can't wait for the next step! Miss you xx

  15. Thinking of you, sorry things are so crazy for you right now. You can do this though! I'm here if you need anything xxx

  16. Hope your "talk" went well xx

  17. Hope you're doing okay *hugs*

  18. Hi new friend *waves*

  19. Mis u too, we'll catch up soon xxx

  20. Sending you lots of love! Hope you're doing ok! xx

  21. You are the best!

  22. Hope you're doing ok hun xx
