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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Positive thought for the day #40 mint mocha creamer in my morning coffee!

  2. Positive thought for the day #5 FRIDAY. Nuff said.

  3. Positive thought for the day #6 looking on the bright side of everything and turning lemons into lemonade (not literally mind you)

    1. Glambie


      Absolutely! But hey, there's nothin wrong with making literal lemonade, either! hehe ;)

  4. Positive thought for the day #7 being alive.

  5. Positive thought for the day #8 red lipstick, sparkling nails and pearl necklaces!

  6. Positive thought for the day #9 everything happens for a reason.

    1. Glambie


      Hell yeah, girly! :)) <3

  7. Sending love and hugs xx

  8. Sending you lots of love! Hope you're doing ok! xx

  9. So technically it's the 21st there in Oz land. Good luck ;)


  11. Thank-you for my Art cards :) they're beautiful. I'm waiting for an IGI thread to be available so I can squee there! You brought a huge smile to my afce today! xx

  12. Thank-you for my unbirthday gifts! I love it all!! *hugs*

  13. Thanks for adding me as a friend :)

  14. Thanks for being such a WONDERFUL witch :hug:

  15. Thanks for the request :) I like a lot of your interests too ;) photography, rainy days and the UK :)

  16. Thanks for the spreadsheet!!

  17. Thanks for the text this morning *hug* it went really well, can't wait for the next step! Miss you xx

  18. The smell of BPAL makes everything better.

  19. Thinking of you *hugs*

  20. Thinking of you *hugs*

  21. Thinking of you, sorry things are so crazy for you right now. You can do this though! I'm here if you need anything xxx

  22. Truly Outrageous Birthday weekend for my BFF set for Sep 20th :)
