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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Hope to meet up with you in the next few months :)

  2. OMG I didn't realzie you were a Rocky Horror fan :)

  3. And apparently I can't spell :) I'd love to see a midnight show! It's one of my fav musicals ever. I saw the stage show in high school - it was amazing. I have a secret crush on Eddie and Riff Raff :)

  4. Will keep my eyes peeled for the PM. Hopefully UPS will stop by you soon :) weekend was good thanks, fun at the beach! Have a good day xx

  5. Hi Fellow SC girl! I'm down on Hilton Head! Have a good day!

  6. I was actually there for my birthday back in April. Went to Reds in Mt Pleasent for lunch, was so good. I'm technically from way down South (South Africa originally) but I've been here on HHI for 6 years! Have a good day :)

  7. Enjoy the book! Hope you get to have the wine and bubblebath too ;) I'll find some more pictures tonight as I actually have access to the pc! xx

  8. Thinking of you *hugs*

  9. Hope you're settling in ok. Can't wait to see pictures xx

  10. Hope you're doing okay xx

  11. YAY! Glad it arrive. Enjoy and hope it lifts your spirits just a little!

  12. Wow my English is bad today. I meant to say "arrived" ;)

  13. I got the package, thank-you so much sweetie you made my day. Hope you're doing okay xx

  14. Thank-you for my Art cards :) they're beautiful. I'm waiting for an IGI thread to be available so I can squee there! You brought a huge smile to my afce today! xx

  15. Hi sweetness xx

  16. Have a happy weekend *hugs*

  17. Writing you a loooong pm :)

  18. Missed you BFF XX

  19. Hey glum face... Next time there's a rainbow, look up. You'll feel better. - Rainbow Brite

  20. Ha ha I was startled for a second and wondered if I had the right Glambie. Love the profile pic - so silly <3

  21. Eh foot is ok, just tender and sore. Fun times! How are you? AC working yet?

  22. Anything arrive in the mail???

  23. YAY! Glad it arrived! :)

  24. Thinking of you *hugs*
