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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Positive thought for the day #15 Things slowly coming together

  2. YAY! Glad it arrived! :)

  3. Positive thought for the day #14 Choosing a door!

  4. Anything arrive in the mail???

  5. Positive thought for the day #13 being told I'm not working tonight!!

  6. Positive thought for the day #12 donuts and a phone call :)

  7. Eh foot is ok, just tender and sore. Fun times! How are you? AC working yet?

  8. Positive thought for the day #11 Early day (even if it is to go to the dentist)

  9. Ha ha I was startled for a second and wondered if I had the right Glambie. Love the profile pic - so silly <3

  10. Hey glum face... Next time there's a rainbow, look up. You'll feel better. - Rainbow Brite

  11. Missed you BFF XX

  12. Positive thought for the day #10 FRIDAY

  13. Positive thought for the day #9 everything happens for a reason.

    1. Glambie


      Hell yeah, girly! :)) <3

  14. Writing you a loooong pm :)

  15. Positive thought for the day #8 red lipstick, sparkling nails and pearl necklaces!

  16. Have a happy weekend *hugs*

  17. Positive thought for the day #7 being alive.

  18. Positive thought for the day #6 looking on the bright side of everything and turning lemons into lemonade (not literally mind you)

    1. Glambie


      Absolutely! But hey, there's nothin wrong with making literal lemonade, either! hehe ;)

  19. Positive thought for the day #5 FRIDAY. Nuff said.

  20. Positive thought for the day #4 being fortunate enough to be able to afford a new pet.

    1. Glambie


      I'm so lovin your positive thoughts!! :) Have fun with your new lil furbabies! xoxo

  21. Hi sweetness xx

  22. Thank-you for my Art cards :) they're beautiful. I'm waiting for an IGI thread to be available so I can squee there! You brought a huge smile to my afce today! xx

  23. I got the package, thank-you so much sweetie you made my day. Hope you're doing okay xx

  24. Positive thought for the day #3 being an adult and therefore able to have wahtever I want for lunch. Pizza, ramon noodles and bbq chips.
