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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. I will be mailing your stuff tomorrow. Sorry I was off yesterday and I forgot it at home today because P was sick and I had to wait for B to get home. Smells different on me, have not reviewed yet, will tomorrow xxx

  2. I'm so sorry about your mom :( sending you lots of white light and love :hug:

  3. JGL icon in my signature, feel free to use :)

  4. Lake Summit NC in 21 days :)

  5. Leaving for NC tomorrow. Excited and nervous!

  6. Like the woman who go after younger men. The Lotus Tree does not work well on my skin at all!! xoxo Hope you're doing better today!

  7. Mis u too, we'll catch up soon xxx

  8. Miss you, have fun in Brazil!

  9. Missed you BFF XX

  10. Morning gorgeous!

  11. Not doing well at all :(

  12. Now I'm stalking you :)

  13. OF COURSE!!!! What are you up to??

  14. OMG I didn't realzie you were a Rocky Horror fan :)

  15. OOOOH Eric prehaps?????

  16. Positive thoght for the day #21 2nd Chances...

  17. Positive thought for the dat #36 Home sweet home!

  18. Positive thought for the day #1 coming home to a spotless house (thank-you DH) dinner on the table and relaxing with vanilla ice-cream.

  19. Positive thought for the day #10 FRIDAY

  20. Positive thought for the day #11 Early day (even if it is to go to the dentist)

  21. Positive thought for the day #12 donuts and a phone call :)

  22. Positive thought for the day #13 being told I'm not working tonight!!

  23. Positive thought for the day #14 Choosing a door!
