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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Sending love and hugs xx

  2. Positive thought for the day #27 Having a loving family that I get to go home to every night.

  3. Positive thought for the day #26 CRISP MORNINGS!

  4. Positive thought for the day #25 Phase 1 complete :)

  5. I know sweetness! I wish I could just pop over and go for coffee too! Maybe oneday *hugs*

  6. Positive thought for the day #24 Cousin is safe and sound!

  7. Positive thought for the day #23 Journey is on it's way .. can't wait for Thursday!

  8. Positive thought for the day #22 WEENIES

  9. Positive thoght for the day #21 2nd Chances...

  10. I met you in my dream last night!!!!! Details in the GUSP thread ;)

  11. Thank-you for my unbirthday gifts! I love it all!! *hugs*

  12. Your package should arrive early next week!

  13. Have a lovely weekend *hugs*

  14. Positive thought for the day #20 Feels like the beginning of Fall today!!


  16. Morning gorgeous!

  17. Positive thought for the day #19 My morning coffee.

  18. Positive thought for the day #18 Free lunch from 5 Guy's Burgers. 1 hour and 48min to go!

  19. You just made my day. I know it's just things are moving too slowly for me. I want to start scheduling appointments right this second! *hugs* will keep my fingers crossed for Brazil! xx

  20. Positive thought for the day #17 Oatmeal from McDonalds YUMM-O!

  21. I saw your post about blogs ... you're moving to South Africa? What part? When? Why?

    I'm originally from there ;)

  22. Positive thought for the day #16 wearing Harvest Moon 2011 in anticipation of Fall. Only 36 days to go!

    1. Glambie


      Oooh, I see it got a loving home!! <3 :)) hehe Nothin gets you in the mood for fall like Harvest Moon!

    2. loubric


      Yes! I was so happy you sent it to me because I had a small decant that I recieved last year but thats all gone :D

  23. I know, I cannot wait for Fall it really is my fav time of year. I might have to create a coutdown timer too :)

  24. Yes we are :) Hope you don't mind!

  25. Thinking of you *hugs*
