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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Positive thought for the day #40 mint mocha creamer in my morning coffee!

  2. Positive thought for the day #39 Short work week!

  3. You are the best!

  4. Positive thought for the day #38 BESTIES!!

  5. Sending you lots of love! Hope you're doing ok! xx

  6. Positive thought for the day #37 New hair = confidence!

  7. Positive thought for the dat #36 Home sweet home!

  8. Positive thought for the day #35 DONUTS!

  9. What's on your mind?Positive thought for the day #34 Free Burger from a co-worker :)

  10. Mis u too, we'll catch up soon xxx

  11. Positive thought for the day #33 Halloween decorations and NEWS!

    1. Glambie


      NEWS?! Oh shoot! I've been out of the loop! Sorry I've been so swamped lately and out of touch. :( Miss you, girl!! **hugs**

  12. Hi new friend *waves*

  13. Positive thought for the day #32 coffee and a smile ;)

  14. Hope you're doing okay *hugs*

  15. Positive thought for the day #31 Fall festivals!

  16. Hope your "talk" went well xx

  17. Positive thought for the day #30 SOAP FROM TARTY!

  18. Positive thought for the day #29 3 day work week!

  19. Thinking of you, sorry things are so crazy for you right now. You can do this though! I'm here if you need anything xxx

  20. Thanks for the text this morning *hug* it went really well, can't wait for the next step! Miss you xx

  21. Positive thought for the day #28 anticipation for tonight (Phase 3) and SWITCH WITCH and Fall ... :)

  22. I totally got excited and thought the 1 msg from you was my witchee!!!! Ha ha!!
