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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. And now my journey really begins...

  2. And now my journey really begins...

  3. Happy Birthday sweetie! Xxx

  4. Well the way that I write it you can just pretend it’s you :) it’s like a generic person!

    I have the whole story in my head, but it’s hard trying to put it all down :) If you want I’ll send what I have. PM me your e-mail!

    No laughing I’m no writer :lol:


  5. I started writing a JGL fanfic, you’ll have to read it sometime :)

    Yes apparently I am that sad!


  6. Duh, for some reason I thought Brazil was sooner :)

  7. Miss you, have fun in Brazil!

  8. JGL icon in my signature, feel free to use :)

  9. Hope you're feeling better!


    1. Glambie


      Oooh, yay! That's awesome, hon! :) Miss you! Hey, speaking of Atlanta...hope we can meet at Dragon*Con in August! xoxo

    2. loubric


      Oh I'd love to go, will try and make sure I have "business at the same time" :)

  11. Exciting things in the future...

  12. Not doing well at all :(

  13. So technically it's the 21st there in Oz land. Good luck ;)

  14. When I saw that GIF I was like *drool* I'm just happy to have found someone else who likes him!

  15. How far away are you from Savannah?? :)

  16. Hope you're doing ok *hugs*

  17. Hope you're doing ok hun xx
