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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by loubric

  1. Positive thought for the day #16 wearing Harvest Moon 2011 in anticipation of Fall. Only 36 days to go!

    1. Glambie


      Oooh, I see it got a loving home!! <3 :)) hehe Nothin gets you in the mood for fall like Harvest Moon!

    2. loubric


      Yes! I was so happy you sent it to me because I had a small decant that I recieved last year but thats all gone :D


    1. Glambie


      Oooh, yay! That's awesome, hon! :) Miss you! Hey, speaking of Atlanta...hope we can meet at Dragon*Con in August! xoxo

    2. loubric


      Oh I'd love to go, will try and make sure I have "business at the same time" :)

  3. 91 Days down :(

    1. Glambie


      Awww, so sorry babe! I'm anxious for it to hurry along, too, cause I'm ready for our tea and chocolate night! :o) Sending positive thoughts your way that you'll have some resolution soon!

  4. Positive thought for the day #4 being fortunate enough to be able to afford a new pet.

    1. Glambie


      I'm so lovin your positive thoughts!! :) Have fun with your new lil furbabies! xoxo

  5. Positive thought for the day #6 looking on the bright side of everything and turning lemons into lemonade (not literally mind you)

    1. Glambie


      Absolutely! But hey, there's nothin wrong with making literal lemonade, either! hehe ;)

  6. Positive thought for the day #9 everything happens for a reason.

    1. Glambie


      Hell yeah, girly! :)) <3

  7. Positive thought for the day #33 Halloween decorations and NEWS!

    1. Glambie


      NEWS?! Oh shoot! I've been out of the loop! Sorry I've been so swamped lately and out of touch. :( Miss you, girl!! **hugs**

  8. Feeling a change coming on...

  9. Hope you're doing ok xx

  10. "The Nine of Wands card suggests that my power today lies in remarkable gratitude. I am not a victim. There are no lost causes. ""I've been there, done that, and know suffering -- but it's all good."" I'm still standing. ""Can't touch this."" Self-pity is an excuse to do nothing. To appeal to sympathy for pity's sake is to seek affirmation of the choice to do nothing. I am empowered by the spirit and support of meaningful experience and ...

  11. Can't wait for Valentines Day ....

  12. Positive thought for the day #1 coming home to a spotless house (thank-you DH) dinner on the table and relaxing with vanilla ice-cream.

  13. Positive thought for the day #2 getting the night off from 2nd job. I do need the money but a surprise night off is just what I need :)

  14. Positive thought for the day #3 being an adult and therefore able to have wahtever I want for lunch. Pizza, ramon noodles and bbq chips.

  15. Positive thought for the day #5 FRIDAY. Nuff said.

  16. Positive thought for the day #7 being alive.

  17. Positive thought for the day #8 red lipstick, sparkling nails and pearl necklaces!

  18. Positive thought for the day #10 FRIDAY

  19. Positive thought for the day #11 Early day (even if it is to go to the dentist)

  20. Positive thought for the day #12 donuts and a phone call :)

  21. Positive thought for the day #13 being told I'm not working tonight!!
