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BPAL Madness!


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About loubric

  • Rank
    donum vitae
  • Birthday 04/06/1983


  • Location
    The beach
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Apple V
  • Favorite Scents
    Alice Bordello Come To Me Dirty Dormouse Embalming Fluid Hell's Belle Hemlock Jabberwocky Jazz Funeral Juke Joint Lampades Lightining March Hare Oblation Phantasm Pink Snowballs Poisoned Apple Pomona Samhain Schrodinger's Cat Screeching Parrot Sea Foams Milk Serpents kiss Shanghai Shango Shattered Sherlock Snow Bunny Strawberry Moon Swank Szepasszony Ungrateful Governess Water of Notre Dame The Unicorn

Contact Methods

  • ICQ
  • Website URL

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    In no particular order … Glitter, pink, nail polish, red lipstick, bright colors, rainbows, unicorns, cooking, FOOD, music that makes me laugh and smile, country pop, the beach, stars, stickers, candles, art, painting, reading, musicals, Dolly Parton, ice-cream, fish net stockings, high heels, wine, cocktails, the sound of rain on a tin roof, my wonderful husband, my silly boys, fairies, mermaids, fairy-tales, happy endings, herbs, dancing, sleeping, dreaming, Care Bears, my childhood, memories, Barbie Dolls, teddy bears, books, the internet, bubble baths, beer, not caring what anybody thinks, porn, swearing, the F word, woods, photography, long necklaces, beads, iced coffee, tea, Twilight, Golden Girls, dressing up, themed parties, eating, shopping, birthdays, Fall, Halloween, crispy mornings, cold winds, snuggling, sitting by a fireplace, elevator music, being ninja, mail, this forum, flowers, weekends, drawing, blue, beach boys
  • Mood


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign

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  1. I am home sick today. Boo. :(

    How are you?
