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BPAL Madness!


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Status Replies posted by loubric


    1. loubric


      Oh I'd love to go, will try and make sure I have "business at the same time" :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Switch Witch Switch Witch SWITCH WITCH!!!

  3. Still in shock from my BPAL-filled weekend at Dragon*Con!! **Squee!!**

  4. Oh, grad school. *sighs* Miss having time to catch up with my bpal gals. :*o( Or any pals, for that matter!

  5. Positive thought for the day #16 wearing Harvest Moon 2011 in anticipation of Fall. Only 36 days to go!

    1. loubric


      Yes! I was so happy you sent it to me because I had a small decant that I recieved last year but thats all gone :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Just lovin my bpal gals!! You are awesome! <3 <3

  7. Why does Starbucks hafta whore around signs for the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino all over the place? I just can't resist the temptation when it stares at me like that! I don't think my light/soy/half-syrup blend really helps that much. *Shakes fist at Starbucks marketing department*

  8. Why can't I just figure out what to do to make it all work!?! Why can't I make it work! :(
