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Everything posted by hlemonds

  1. hlemonds


    Hmm....Initially this smells almost identical to Mlle. Lilith on me, so i think my skin must amp the pink musk note. I am hoping that with a few days rest this might gain a bit of "definition" so to speak. As of now it dries down to a vaguely pink and creamy scent with a light sweetness and a slightly tart powderyness. These descriptions probably make very little sense, but they're the best terms i can think of to describe what my uneducated nose is picking up. I'm hoping that perhaps with some age i'll be able to get a better sense of the notes working together to create a whole, rather than just vague pink powder. Hopefully i'll be able to revisit this one over time and find it improved. It has some elements in common with The Girl, which is a tremendous favorite of mine, so i'm unwilling to give up on Vasilissa without some more time and effort first.
  2. hlemonds

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Bengal and Snake Oil both burn if i put them on more sensitive skin (inside elbows, between bewbs, and sometimes my neck) so i just have to be selective about where i apply.
  3. hlemonds

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Here's Clarimonde's color label: Ooo! That one is lovely! I kinda want all the color vamp bottles just for the label art, even though i know i'd hate some of the scents.
  4. hlemonds

    Le Père Fouettard

    Wow, this is one interesting blend! I definitely like it, and will enjoy wearing it, but i will probably NOT be wearing it, say, to the library for the childrens' story hour i run, lol. On the top i definitely get sweet (slightly buttery) licorice cookies, but underneath there is a very dark and sinister smoky leather that makes this blend so unusual! The throw is primarily the warm sweet cookies, with the coal and leather hiding underneath. But close to the skin the leather (and coal, whoa!) are much more potent, enough so that huffing my arm kind of tickles my nose and throat (i'm guessing that's the coal dust). I'll definitely be keeping my bottle, and i for sure want DH to try this too, his skin loves leather! But this bottle should last a good long time
  5. Apple- Thanks so much, i didn't realize Vixen or Sin even had Red Musk! CaudaPavonis - You're totally right about Midnight Kiss, i actually do have that one (i always forget to mention it when i'm discussing Red Musk for some reason) and it is really, really good! ImperatrixMundi - Thanks for the Marianne rec, i'll have to add her to my WL and hope i get lucky! Also, is the Vetivert in Bloodlust really strong? And thanks IvyandPeony, i had no idea there was a whole thread for Red Musk!
  6. hlemonds

    Red Musk

    *joins the red musk love fest and necro bumps the thread* Mmmmm.....i fell in love via Mircalla, then Scherezade. Midnight Kiss is also incredibly luscious. On my need to try list: Grindhouse, Marianne, Krampus, and maybe Spellbound (rose and i aren't usually friends, but its red musk!)
  7. I have fallen HARD for Red Musk. It is quite possibly my favorite BPAL note, with vanilla perhaps a close second. Here's the issue....i want to try more blends with this beloved note. So far Mircalla and Scherezade are absolutely awesome on my skin. Snake Oil is also great around one year aged, but i get zero Red Musk from it, i've simply seen that many suspect Snake Oil contains red musk. Mme Moriarty was ok, but something in that blend skewed it toward a more masculine scent on me, i'm not certain what the culprit was. Smut was, again, just ok. Not awful, OMG, wash it off, just mostly an unremarkable powdery scent. I've heard that The Grindhouse is a great spicy red-musk floriental type fragrance, and it's on my "to try" list. What next? Recommendations from my fellow red musk lovers?? PS - i do well with many other musk notes that Beth uses....skin, white, blue, "pale" (as in The Girl); Rose hates me, otherwise i'd be all over Spellbound; Jasmine and Gardenia can be bad in large doses; I love notes like vanilla, honey, spices, carnation. Other favorite blends (not including Red Musk) are Antique Lace, Black lace, Antikythera Mechanism, Illustrated Woman, Giant Vulva, O, Dorian, and The Girl. Sorry for the novella, any recommendations are greatly appreciated
  8. hlemonds

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    "O" is an amazing honey scent on me. I know some find it too strong, and to some it smells like, er, sexy lady parts. But on me it is glorious sweet honey, not really overtly sexual at all, just really beautiful!
  9. hlemonds


    Sniffing this on my skin, i have to at myself. Prior to BPAL i would've sworn i'd never wear a blend that smelled like "hippy incense". But here i sit, wearing it and LOVING it. Because Beth does "hippy incense" in the absolute best possible way. It isn't an overpowering reek that makes you think someone is burning incense to cover up bad smells (or that they recently toked a doobie). Its this subtle, softly wafting, ever so slightly sweet and spicy scent that makes me feel.....warm, sensual, and relaxed. This is the super high quality expensive incense, not the cheapie stuff by the counter at the first head shop i ever visited. Because Red Musk tends to be sweet (almost juicy?) on my skin, it almost makes me think of vanilla, not that it really smells like vanilla, it's more a feeling than the actual scent. I'm sure that makes no sense, but what can i say, lol. Red Musk is steadily becoming a big time favorite with me. I adore Mircalla, but where it is spicier and a bit more of a perfume scent (as opposed to incensey like Scherezade), this is more subtle and calming. Sexy, but not quite as sexy as Mircalla. This is more laid back and sensual, Mircalla is more va-vavoom. Also, if Mme. Moriarty didn't work for you, this might be a nice one to try if you still like the idea of an incense-musk sort of scent. I think perhaps the plum and/or patchouli in Mme didn't work on me, but Shcerezade is fabulous
  10. hlemonds


    This review is for an aged (over one year old) bottle of Perversion, i've not tried it fresh. Wet i definitely get the chardonnay, it's bright a fruity, the leather is trying to peek out. Once dry this is an incredibly warm, inviting scent. I still get a bit of the rum, but primarily i get the warm muskyiness of the leather, and the soft sweetness of tonka and tobacco. This blend really doesn't say "perversion" to me. I would say it's a very sensual scent (perhaps too soft to be overtly sexy), more made for snuggling in front of a fire than going to a fetish ball
  11. Hillary, have you tried Scherezade, Spellbound or The Grindhouse? Those are all pretty long lasting on me. I agree, Snake Charmer doesn't have quite the lasting power I'd prefer. It's a gorgeous scent, though! Does it even have red musk? I have yet to try Mircalla, but I have a bottle on the way so I'll let you know if my experience is similar to yours. I'm working on swapping for The Grindhouse, but i haven't tried the other two yet (i should look for imps!). For a while i though Red Musk didn't work on me (because Smut was funky and Mme. Moriarty was a big ole head-shop) but after falling in love with Mircalla....well, I'm determined to find other Red Musk blends that love me
  12. hlemonds

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    So, i'm guessing all of the Literary Vampires have dual labels? So far i only have The Girl (x3) and Mircalla (x2, soon to be three). I LOVELOVELOVE the color labels on these, they fit the stories beautifully. So i guess i'm wondering if anyone has color labels for any of the other Vamps, especially Clarimonde.
  13. Is it just me or do Red Musk scents seem to be a little short lived? It seems as though i only get a few hours wear from Mircalla (although it is still totally worth it, don't get me wrong). It lingers in my hair or if some of the oil gets on the collar of my shirt, but on my skin it only lasts maybe 4-5 hours tops. Snake Charmer seems to do the same thing, and Midnight Kiss as well. For some reason light musks and skin musk seem to last a really long time on me (The Girl, Velvet Nudie, Illustrated Woman).
  14. I'm not certain how the lab's Arabian Musk would compare, but Snake Charmer lists arabian musk as the first note. It can be a bit hard to find, but perhaps see if you can track down a decant? I thought i had seen it mentioned that Arabian Musk is a close relative of Red Musk (as far as the lab's notes are concerned) but i've no idea if it's true. And as for the thread's topic, i've finally found a Red Musk that works PERFECTLY on me! I've got a few blends that are "almosts" (Mme. Moriarty was ok, but a bit too head-shop for my tastes; Midnight Kiss is also good, but maybe a hair too grape-y; and Snake Charmer which is good, but i have to be in the mood for smelling very incense-y) Mircalla is a divine Beth-Goddess creation of mythical Red Musk proportions! I kid you not, this sh!t smells so good i truly would bath in it. Oh, and The Girl is vanilla and pale musk perfection. K, done now
  15. hlemonds

    Mircalla, Countess Karnstein

    If the girl is sweet, soft, and innocent, Mircalla is her polar opposite. Mircalla is the sexy, sassy, spicy, and sophisticated vampire. One look at (or sniff of) this deadly gorgeous Countess, and you are utterly done for. Wet: Whoa, that is alot of clove. I do like clove, but i don't particularly want a fragrance that is ALL clove. But underneath i can pick of hints of smoky vanilla, orchid, and red musk. Initially this is quite spicy, i can actually feel it (in addition to smelling it) in my nose. Initial dry down: Still a good bit of clove, but it is starting to mellow out and the other notes are beginning to bloom and reign in the spicyness. At this stage the clove begins to remind me of the sweeter, milder scent of a clove cigarette. Dry: The clove is still present, but no longer dominant at all. Now i get the most gorgeous smoky vanilla and spice over a base of incredibly smooth (and slightly sweet) red musk. The orchid is in their, but only a hint, this does not come across as a floral at in point. I think the parchouli may be present beneath everything, but this isn't a "dirty hippy" sort of fragrance. On me this is the best red musk blend i've yet encountered. I can see comparisons to Mme Moriarty and Snake Charmer. But while Mme Moriarty went totally headshop hippy on me (which can be nice, but isn't me), and Snake Charmer tends to be just slightly powdery, Mircalla is utterly perfect. Although the intial clove rush may be too much for some, i find it well worth waiting through for this incredible dry down. Plus, my bottle just came out of the mail box, so with a few days rest the clove in the beginning may become a non-issue. Overall: This warrants MUCH hoarding!
  16. hlemonds

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I have one of each of the different The Girl labels, and now i'm hoping i end up with one of each of the Mircalla labels (i have a full bottle coming from a forum sale and a half coming from a decant circle, so i've got my fingers crossed!). Thanks for the pics!
  17. hlemonds

    Midnight Kiss

    I was gifted with an imp of this, and it is one of the first red musk blends i've been able to wear without the red musk taking over completely. I definitely get cocoa and nicotiana, plus a hint of fruitiness which i'm guessing is from the wine. Overall i really, really like this blend. Moreso than other red musk blends i've tried as they simply became too red musky and/or headshop-y on me.
  18. hlemonds

    Giant Vulva

    I definitely get Copal (i recognize it from Xiuhtecuhtli), beeswax, and skin musk (that i recognize from Velvet Nudie) and honey right off the bat. This is absolutely luxurious! It doesn't put me in mind of Giant Vulva at all, but it is a celebration of sensuality. Warm, inviting, with the copal spicing things up. Really, really gorgeous! Back up worthy for sure. As this begins to fade i can definitely smell the smooth, sweet honey more, and a bit of the skin musk. The copal has faded to near non existence towards the end, and the beeswax is just a hint of soft powder in the background. Overall i really this blend!
  19. hlemonds

    The Girl

    Lovely! I know it isn't listed in the notes, but i definitely get some vanilla from this one. Add in the pale musk, amber, and subtle florals, and this is just a lovely scent! I almost felt as though there was a hint of mintyness in the bottle and just after application, but that disappears very quickly. Or perhaps it doesn't disappear, but rather blends into the background to add to the "crystalline" quality of this perfume. I agree that it isn't "crystalline" as in frozen, more like sugar crystals. I really love this, and may end up getting a back-up! ETA: I already have one back-up on the way and will likely purchase at least one more. This is an HG scent for any lover of vanilla/(light)musk combos. And the lasting power of this blend is amazing, particularly for such a "quiet" scent. I'd say the throw is moderate, this isn't a big, "smell me!" kind of scent. But i can put it on at bed time and wake up in the morning still able to smell The Girl wafting around me.
  20. hlemonds


    Lyonesse is freakishly gorgeous. On me the dry down is a glowing, golden vanilla-musk and amber. I get hints of the other elements, but only in so far as they enhance the lovely smooth base notes, rather than fighting to stand out. I absolutely recommend this if you like Inez, L'Estate, or the vanilla musk in Torture Queen. IMO this scent is even more beautiful than those, and its GC!!!!
  21. hlemonds

    suggestions for a girl's writing class

    I agree the Mad Tea Party scents sound like a great option, also Morocco and Antique Lace are quite lovely and the names aren't suggestive.
  22. hlemonds


    Unfortunately this went totally plastic on my skin. In the bottle it was very sweet, but i wanted to skin test anyways, and it turned to burnt, sugary plastic. So sad ETA: I've reevaluated this one. It has actually grown on me. I really enjoy it provided i a) don't put it anywhere near Lawn Gnome as it turns to nasty burnt berry-plastic & don't wear it in the crooks of my elbows, as it for some reason goes kinda funky if applied there. As long as i follow those two simple rules it smells simply delicious on me, sweet, creamy, maybe slightly vanilla, and possibly also hinting at caramel. I only get the faintest smidgeon of "cotton" in the late dry down, as the scent is starting to fade, but i'm ok with that
  23. hlemonds

    BPAL Fruit Blends - the many variations

    Lawn Gnome is very fruity on me The red currants are really ripe and juicy, and i think the molasses adds to the fruitiness too.
  24. hlemonds

    Lawn Gnome

    Wet: lovely, juicy red currant and syrupy molasses, with the tiniest hint of creaminess underneath. Early dry down: the Patchouli and moss warm and come to the surface just enough that i can pick them out, but they're not at all overpowering. Still primarily red currant/molasses. Later dry down: The currant fades a bit (but is still very much present, just not quite as juicy) and the vanilla cream comes forward to blend with the molasses, really yummy! At this point the moss and patchouli are farm in the background, seeming to keep the blend from being too over the top sweet, but not really noticeable otherwise. For me the patchouli and moss are what make this wearable for someone who generally doesn't do foody scents. These notes ground the scent, give it just a tiny hint of earthiness, and keep the sweet juicy currant, cream, and molasses from becoming nauseating on me. Overall: I really love this blend. It's comforting, cheerful, and has a "friendly" feeling that definitely fits the title image
  25. hlemonds


    Only tested a tiny drop because i'm already wearing Morocco + Antique lace, didn't want to go too 'fume crazy. Even with just the couple of droplets on my inner arm i can still smell the lovely sweet violets wafting and blending with the vanilla of the antique lace. I don't get much mint, just a hint in the background, and perhaps a touch of powder under that. Overall i would say this is very lovely, feminine, and soft. With a full application i think this will have a decent throw on me. It is old fashioned and quite traditional without smelling old lady-ish. Edited to add: A more generous application made the mint and a delicate hint of Absinthe come forward to blend with the soft, sweet candied violets. All the notes blend so beautifully, just so pretty! The dry down is so soft and girly! Must have MORE!