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Posts posted by seimaisin

  1. I fell in love with Gypsy Queen at first sniff - so very dark and exotic, rather like a walk through an opium den.


    The incense is the most powerful note, by far, but the floral undertones give it just that much depth. This isn't a hippie-store incense, but an elegant one, smoky and romantic. The effect isn't quite masculine, but it isn't entirely feminine, at least not traditionally. This is a woman with power, one unafraid of her sexuality - one who knows that you use every tool at your disposal to make your mark.


    This one makes me very glad that they extended Carnivale Noir a month - I definitely need a second bottle of it. :P

  2. Just got this as a freebie in my latest order. Like many others have said, it's a clean, slightly soapy scent, but in a good way - rather like sitting in a warm bath filled with relaxation aromatherapy salts soaking in the water.


    Testing the free imps in my order, I put Peace on one arm, and Juliet on the other. They smell slightly similar - are some of the floral notes the same? But, Peace veers off into sharp where Juliet stays sweet.


    I would definitely consider a bottle of Peace, if available - perhaps not for a regular wearable scent, but it would make a hell of a room scent, especially for meditation or simple relaxation. I could imagine this scent filling the room while I did yoga. It does live up to its name - clean, simple, peaceful. Very nice.

  3. I'm going to try my first review here ... I'm not terribly good at picking out individual notes, so mostly, just personal impressions ...


    In the bottle: Rather medicinal - it smells like a rich cough syrup, not unpleasant; the kind you'd take on sick days as a kid, before you curled up in front of the window and watched the rain.


    Initial impression: Very sweet. It's sort of an old lady scent, but again, not in the bad way. It somehow reminds me of an elegant antique shop, of somewhere I'd shop with my grandmother. Fruity, with a musty undertone.


    Drydown: The must cleared, leaving mostly a sweet, fruity scent. I haven't really smelled spices at all, unless that's what made me think of must and antiques. The cranberry seems to be the dominant scent on my skin.


    Overall: A pleasant scent, but no more than that. I prefer stronger, more perfume-y scents, so this probably won't be one I wear on a regular basis. I might keep it, though, for the times I want to smell elegant without overpowering anyone.
