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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by HKB

  1. HKB

    Santa Muerte

    I usually love vetiver, but in this blend it smells slightly off, a little like burned peanut butter, and that's all I smell.
  2. HKB

    The Red Rider

    This is a weird scent association, but this smells just like Disneyland to me. It's that recycled water smell from the Pirate's of the Caribbean. I love it.
  3. HKB

    Snake Oil

    I thought I would love this, and in the wet stage the vanilla is quite nice. It reminds me of Hunger. On the dry down it smells like total baby's ass. A little urine-y and covered in baby powder, with a hint of vanilla. Yuck!
  4. HKB

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I was thinking that...I'm also sceptical about the 'not shaking' idea. But maybe it quickens oxidisation because by shaking, you're introducing more air into the scent? Shameless wrist-smasher here too! From experience I can say DO NOT SHAKE or vigorously roll your blends. It CAN alter them totally and permanently. I do not know why.
  5. HKB


    I like some patchouli and vetiver has really grown on me and become one of my favorite notes in the right context. However, together, this is just too much. It smells like burning peanuts. It smells like charcoal.
  6. HKB


    Usually berries including raspberries go too sweet and Kool-Aid smelling on me, but in this blend its balanced by the woody notes. The olive leaf is subtle and interesting. I can pick out everything but the vetiver. The raspberry leaf note gets stronger on me as it dries, I think I amp berries and that's the problem. I wish it would step aside and smell more woodsy like it did initially.
  7. HKB


    I actually really like this even though I'm usually not a fan of lavender. I didn't realize pennyroyal was so minty. It's not as strong as spearmint, and more herbal. Initially its very sharp and I can definitely see where it was going with the concept. It softens up a lot. It's a good "clean" scent that doesn't smell like laundry detergent or a cleaning product. It smells like a minty, lavender-y tea.
  8. HKB

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    I must have poured half the imp in my hand and slathered it on me just so I could smell this. I can still barely smell it. Vaguely aquatic, flowery, apple, mint. It's all there and would be really nice, but it is so so so faint.
  9. HKB

    Black Pearl

    Every note blends perfectly, nothing overpowers or stands out on its own. It doesn't morph much. It's creamy and floral, sweet in a milky way, not in a sugary way. It suits its name/concept nicely. It might be my favorite bpal ever, definitely in the top five at least.
  10. HKB


    For some reason this smells a lot like Rose Cross to me, only the rose has gone bitter. Rose works on me most of the time but sometimes it ends up kind of bitter, sour and pungent. Smells bad in a similar way to Snooty Rose.
  11. HKB


    Something smells rancid in this. This confirms it, I hate "boozy" blends.
  12. HKB


    Cocoa and pear. Seriously, that's what it smells like to me. Then after a few minutes it just smells like super sweet sugary BERRIES for some reason. ???
  13. HKB

    The Apple of Sodom

    Immediately I think of generic man cologne, but soon it turns into a sharp apple. The apple gets sweeter and softer but it's dry, not juicy. Powdery and blah for a while. Something a bit richer comes around, but I have no idea what it is. Overall it's too weak.
  14. HKB


    Immediately it smells like fenris wolf, but something spicy, clove or something is in there, maybe even cinnamon. It burns my nose a little bit. I don't smell civet in this (a good thing). To me it smells like red musk and cinnamon. Not sure how much I like it yet. I'm still wary that civet might come in any moment and smell like old man pee.
  15. HKB

    The Witch's Repast

    Very fruity- berries and honey. I'm not a fan of berries, and 'wine' notes smell like extra sugary berries to me. Too sweet. After a few minutes there's a vague smokeyness.
  16. HKB

    The Great Sword of War

    On me this is surprisingly foody, edible and delicious. Chocolate cake and a little citrus. I can just barely sense the red musk in the background, which is a nice balance so it's not totally foody.
  17. HKB


    Sweet, tart almond. Unfortunately it's very weak on me and my nose has to be in contact with my skin to smell it. It also fades completely after about three minutes.
  18. HKB

    Black Phoenix

    Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won’t stop kissing mirrors for a month. At first, very strong cherry, almost licorce-y, with a hint of almond. After only about ten minutes the cherry is gone and I'm left with a flat, weak almondy smell. The initial phase is nice but the drydown is weak and underwhelming.
  19. HKB


    Smells like lemongrass to me, a little more powdery and dry though.
  20. HKB


    Fall under the spell of our Green Fairy! An intoxicating blend containing wormwood essence, light mints, cardamom, anise, hyssop, and the barest hint of lemon. Starts out too astringent; lemon and alcohol. Then the anise and cardamom come in and I like this stage, but shortly after the anise takes everything over. I like anise, but that's all I smell after 10 minutes and it's overpowering.
  21. HKB

    Pink Snowballs

    I love this, this is what I hoped Snow White would be. It smells like what Snow White smells like the millisecond before it turns weird and play-dohy on me. If you want to like Snow White but it fails on your skin try this one.
  22. HKB


    Cranberry and a little tinsy bit of, what smells like, red musk. I might be interested in if the dominant note was red musk and the cranberry was lesser. As it is the cranberry is the dominant note and I don't smell any ginger or lilies, sadly. It's way to sickly sweet for me. Like most berry or wine notes, it reminds me of Kool-Aid.
  23. HKB


    It smells like lemongrass, but sweeter and sugary. I could see why some people thought of Lemonheads. I like it though. It doesn't smell like a cleaner to me. After a little while it gets a little grassier. Reminds me of summer. I hope I get a bottle by then.
  24. HKB


    Unfortunately, no matter how much I apply, this blend is super light and undetectable unless my nose is right up to my skin. I smell a powdery rose, but I barely smell anything at all. I tested it on a little piece of fabric to see if it will work in a scent locket and it's still weak, but more sour smelling. Sad!
  25. HKB


    A leathery, dry, herbal smell. Musty, almost moldy. It doesn't smell like patchouli as I know it, which is a good thing. It's very strong. The apricot just barely peaks through, I wish it was a little bit stronger. It's a very interesting blend.