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Posts posted by scarrengirl

  1. Here's my first attempt at a real, serious review. Woo! *ahem*


    In the imp it weirdly enough smells bubblegum like at first whif. I really get the honey in there and..maybe it's the amber? (i'm a new nose.)


    On the skin wet - it's strange...almost a licoricey undertone to it. I'm thinking again it's the amber, it's surrounded by that honey. We'l see how it ages. I have high hopes for this one, I really want a sexy scent and I hope my body chemistry doesn't eff it up.

  2. All I can think of is that I smell like an autumny Yankee Candle.


    Edited to add : not that this is a bad thing. I love the spice, but I think it'll be a fall season scent for me. I'll have to give it a full wear, though as I'm too impatient with things.
