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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by littlebellamy

  1. Finished listing the 5MLs listed alphabetically! Will be adding some that were previously taken down.

  2. Working on making my BPAL 5ML list for sale alphabetical, only about a fifth done!

  3. Hey, you still interested in Womb Furie 2016?

  4. My twitter is dark_roses69!

  5. Please respond to my message about your address for the BPAL! (Aries, 2016)

  6. It's my birthday! :-)

  7. Not much, but trying to get to bed earlier! :-) Have a fantastic week all!!!

  8. A miracle happened today! My cat stayed on my lap for over a minute, letting me hold and pet her. She actually was crying for me to pick her up!

  9. Starting a little later today, I get to pet-sit 2 cats of a friend. I seriously cleaned my bedroom for them!

  10. Still have a stupid cough, but otherwise feel fine. Hope everyone has a peachy keen weekend!

  11. Have had a cold & cough since Thursday (2/4/16).

  12. Going to church tomorrow, so have to get to bed soon. Good night & sweet dreams all!

  13. Planning on going to bed early tonight, so can get up at a decent time tomorrow. Watching "Grey's Anatomy" on Netflix!

  14. Have a terrific weekend!

  15. Pizza & salad for dinner!

  16. Enjoying some time to myself.

  17. Feeling better!!! Will start getting caught up tomorrow (Friday, 01/08/16).

  18. Currently dealing with a sore throat and either the flu or a cold. So it may take longer than normal to respond and get packages out.

  19. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

  20. Trying to clear out more of my crap.

  21. "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." --Walter Bagehot

  22. "Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." --Bruce Lee

  23. "Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." --Franklin D. Roosevelt

  24. I want my BPAL gone! Come get a 2nd 5ML Bottle for 50% off!

  25. Praying I don't need a 2nd antibiotic for my upper respiratory infection. I'm not as sick as I was, but it isn't over yet.
