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Everything posted by Lambent

  1. Lambent

    Night Scene

    I don't know how this was managed, but Night Scene actually does evoke its namesake. I'm not sure how wisteria smells, but I am familiar with the scent of frankincense. The frankincense is strong, but transformed by the other notes--"blued" and then lightened by lemon lights. It makes me think of walking across an empty park at night, streetlamps in the distance and the cool moistness of the grass against my legs, the crispness of night air, and the squares of golden light from houses or buildings in the distance.
  2. Lambent

    Metallic scents

    Paladin has a metallic smell from "the armor."
  3. Lambent

    The Bride

    I get a non-foody vanilla with a soft lingering breath of a musky floral hovering around the whole. The dry down is reminiscent of Antique Lace (on my skin, anyway). I think I'm going to need a bottle.
  4. Lambent

    Somewhere or Other

    I didn't know what to expect from Somewhere or Other just on description alone. A rose scent, obviously. Unfortunately, it became a rather soapy, laundry detergent-esque rose on me. I hope others have better luck with it.
  5. Lambent

    The High-Ranking Courtesan

    Straight on my skin from a decant, the white chocolate note is most prominent. A few minutes later, it takes the back seat and the High-Ranking Courtesan smells vegetal (probably the musk) and a bit dusty, as Lycanthrope mentioned. It morphs again into a "perfume-y" floral scent with low throw. Thankfully, it never really becomes soapy or too powdery and dry. I think it's pleasant, but ultimately not one I'm aching for a bottle of.
  6. Lambent


    Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein. I found a 2007 bottle of Samhain on Etsy. Patchouli and I have a rather tense relationship. But this is absolutely lovely. I get mostly apple and something almost boozy/spiced wine-like and that tingling minty quality of tree smells. The patchouli doesn't overwhelm the blend and it immediately gets me into that October frame of mind.
  7. Lambent

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2015)

    I haven't smelled the original formulation, so I can't compare the new formulation to it, but Mme. Moriarty is mesmerizing, indeed. Reminds me a lot of Snake Oil. I'm normally very wary of patchouli, but here it is rather clean and grounds the other notes. A slight punch of fruityness appears in the drydown, but the scent never crosses the line into saccharine sweetness. I'd like to see how the fragrance ages.
  8. Hi. I've just started really expanding my collection of BPAL scents and would like to explore and acquire more. If you can recommend me anything (preferably general catalogue) based on the info below, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! Full Bottles I own: Kumiho, Veil, Whip, Wensleydale, Haloes, Snow White, White Rabbit Imps of scents I really like: Antique Lace, The White Rider, Snake Oil, Manhattan, Cathode Notes I like: fresh/green notes (I really like the smell of tomatoes--vine, leaf, etc., grass, etc.), ginger, tea, light florals, fruit notes, creamy notes, skin/soapy scents, citrus (bergamot, lime, etc.), incense, soft woods Notes I avoid: aquatic or ozonic notes (they tend to smell like egg yolk on my skin), really grimy patchouli, teakwood Notes I am cautious about: spices, jasmine, tuberose I'm not a huge fan of foodie/gourmand scents for myself, although I like smelling them. I would like to look for creamy scents, though (such as Reflected Vulva--if anyone can recommend a GC dupe for it, that would be awesome).
  9. Lambent

    Can anyone recommend scents for me?

    Thank you so much for the recommendations! I'm quite excited to try them all.
  10. Lambent


    Another great scent. In the bottle: I can smell an even mixture of leather and rose. On skin: The leather reaches its peak in a few seconds then retreats into the background. The rose is dominant here. It isn't too strong and doesn't smell like a rose an old lady would favor. Later on, I can smell a very clean scent. The rose has died down considerably. This scent lasts a few hours.
  11. Lambent


    Oh my. I just fell in LOVE with this scent. It was so lovely. In the bottle: It smells very sharp and tangy. Smells very citrusy. On my skin: It was just a lovely scent. On my skin, it was a toned-down citrus and I could smell a whiff of ginger. It smelled very clean and fresh - like a windy, cool summer morning. Unfortunately, the scent didn't last long enough. It disappeared in a matter of hours... But I guess reapplying it would be worth it because it smells beautiful!
  12. Lambent


    In the bottle: I can detect the greens. They aren't sharp, but maybe my sense of smell has been dulled. It's fruity, but not in a overwhelming way. There is also something very tangy within the scent... Pleasant. On skin: The first thing that hits me is the green aspect of the perfume. Then the sweet blackberries pack a sudden punch. Afterwards, the scents just sort of merge together. Where did the blackberry go? What's left is the smell of the wild berries and-I think-sage. I don't know why, but for the time that the blackberry lasted on my skin, my insides just felt fuzzy... Like someone showered me with compliments or the feeling you get when you really, really adore someone. Maybe it's just me? What do they put in this stuff, anyway? Final verdict? It smells much better in the bottle and for the first few minutes. My skin likes eating the notes I like.
  13. Lambent


    In the bottle: I can smell the cocoa and a bit of soft rice milk. It smells almost hazelnut-y. So far, so good. On skin: Sadly, my skin devoured the cocoa and rice milk in minutes and all that was left was what I presume is Snake Oil. I tried to like it. I really did... But it ended up giving me a headache. Very heady. I couldn't smell any teakwood. It is a wonderful, dark smell, but it's just not that great on my skin. The perfume is long-lasting, though.