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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Serpentsdottir

  1. Serpentsdottir

    Temple Viper

    OK, I got my very first imps yesterday. I put a spot of 2 on my skin in different spots, to see how they would work on me. I wanted to try a light one for today, because of some important appointments. All night long, I smelled the Temple Viper... yummm.. but I don't want it to be this one!!!! mmmmm! I kept my hand with the spot near my nose all night. I bowed to fate and put it on this am.. now I'm just drinking it in! mmmm! Has a feeling of church incense and sweetness, with a tinge of something dark.. yummy! Snakes! MMM! Like a dark small viper in the shadows.. a keeper! Now if this is my first scent tried from BPAL, I think I'm in trouble! Namaste, Serpentsdottir