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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by RogueKiss

  1. RogueKiss


    Some of my BPAL happy scents are: JABBERWOCKY - It's bright, citrusey, piney & eucalyptus-ey. It lifts me up. It also helps clear your sinuses when you have a cold or allergy issues. STRAWBERRY MOON (09) - I love this. It smells of summer. It's just happy with strawberry and dandelion-ey goodness.
  2. RogueKiss


    It smells a lot milder on my skin than in the bottle. I wasn't sure I'd like it, but as the Lab was kind enough to include an imp with my order, I gave it a whirl. It's calm, aquatic - no hint of mint for me. Oddly enough, it reminds me of summer camp. I like it!