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Posts posted by torikitty

  1. The Fortunes that Govern Childbearing, the Fortunes of a Child at the Moment of Their Birth

    A hymn for blessing new mothers and newborn babies: white ambrette seed, motherwort, peony, jasmine tea, green tea leaf, Italian bergamot, and white cedar.

    (If you are pregnant or nursing, please do not use this oil, and please do not use this oil on infants or toddlers. It is best used in a scent locket, or to adorn clothing or amulets.)

    I'm the worst person to do the first review. I only tried a drop since I wasn't really excited about the first sniff out of the bottle. It's kinda like herbaceous pencil shavings once it's been on the skin for a bit. It's not strong, none of the elements end up taking over. It's kinda like a clean, green scent without thinking of SUPER green stuff.

  2. This reminds me of a seasonal chapstick you'd pick up around Christmas. I feel like the pomegranate is too sweet, the mint fades quickly, and juniper just yells Christmas. I think would make a good room scent for the holidays. Doesn't really work with my body chemistry.

  3. Love, love, love this. Snuggly tobacco with a hint of leather. Definitely had to get a second bottle of this. The cedar kinda evens it out so it's earthy enough that things don't seem so sharp to me.

  4. Earthly patchouli and cedar. The tobacco rounds it out nicely. I feel like this is somewhat similar to Nasty Woman, at least with my skin chemistry. It's like this patchouli darkened by tobacco, sweetened up with bourbon vanilla. It's great for feeling powerful and yet feminine at the same time.


    Orion, from the Winter's Grand Constellations in 2017 Yules has just become my new favorite fig. This is an amazing scent and I soooo wish it would be permanent!

    - Weathered brown leather, wild fig, Macedonian cedar, fire-red tobacco, pepper, white musk, and cardamom.


    How funny, that's my new favorite tobacco. I struggled to smell the fig in it. I have a giant fig tree in my yard, and I still don't know what they smell like. I could not pick it up out of a lineup. It's just a generic sweet fruit smell to me.

  6. What is this? A honey that doesn't go icky on me? Incredible. Cocoa butter and the smell you associate with goat's milk, honey, oatmeal soap. It's got a low throw, and doesn't seem to last long. If you're a fan of that soap, I definitely recommend this, or if you adore the way cocoa butter lotion smells, but you don't want something super powerful. This kinda reminds me of a sweeter, less over-powering version of Adrastea.

  7. Yep, lavender candy is a good description for this. It's sweet without being oversweet. I get a hint of powder, which I guess is the musk on me. And the lavender adds a dimension of clean to this, too. This makes me think of Sunday Morning church, and I'm not sure why. I guess the innocence.

  8. I love this, it just doesn't last as long as I'd like. Creamy coconut and berry scones. Which is funny because I had forgotten the notes when I tried it, and could have sworn it had tobacco in it. I guess the tea and rum translates that into tobacco in my nose. It does morph a bit, and is coconut heavy to my nose, at first. The berry does becomes vague, and hard to pick out. The tea comes forward later, and ends up smelling like sweet tobacco, and the coconut chills the F down. Overall, I think it's a great scent for foodie lovers, I guess it just depends on your chemistry. Opt for a decant before buying a bottle blind .

  9. I honestly don't know what I was expecting. I think I was reading reviews, and got some expectations mixed up. I think galahad nailed it. I can get the snow note from Snow Glass Apples, but it stops there. I wouldn't get this in comparison to SGA, hoping for something similar. It smells clean, which I guess is the pine. The apple eventually vanishes, and the sweet snow note lays thickly over the pine. Overall, it's okay, but does nothing for me. And I don't pick up any Rosewood. :(

  10. Yeah, I'm with Lucchesa. I was hoping for wine, but it went pomegranate on me. Or, like that super cheap Manischewitz wine. Just kinda cheap, generic sweet berry. I'm not getting any of the lovely musk or oude. I'm glad this is going to a better home.

  11. I admit that I got this completely for the Snow Glass Apples part. It doesn't feel too busy to me. I think the wine gets amped over everything else, so it's like this really nice apple red wine. Unfortunately, it doesn't stick around very long, I think my skin slowly ate it, and I got maybe 4 or 5 hours out of it.

  12. I can smell the gin in the bottle, but on my skin it's leather and chocolate. Sweet, milk chocolate with well-worn leather. I sense the tiniest hint of bubbles (perhaps the lab's champagne note), but I'm not getting any overwhelming juniper note. Super nice! I'd recommend this for chocolate lovers, but I think leather lovers would be disappointed, unless they super amp leather.

  13. I bought a bottle in December, so they must have fixed whatever was causing the welts. I haven't had a reaction.


    Wet: apple pie.

    Dry: some of the cake and sweetness is coming out, and somehow mellowing the apple. It's like a nice, light, vanilla and cinnamon-apple cake. It's super comforting to me. I don't find it overpowering at all.

  14. I agree with grassy. I don't think this smelled anything like I was expecting. It was more astringent than I was expecting thanks to the lavender. And it seemed like the clove wanted to take over. I don't know enough about Dorian to say whether this is a must-have for Dorian lovers, but it's worth trying.

  15. I really wanted to like this. The first 10 minutes, it definitely smells like gingerbread with some candy laying around. About an hour in, the candy becomes more apparent, definitely picking up candy corn. It's really hard to pick up after 2 hours. I can't tell if my skin ate it, or my chemistry just doesn't like it. It ended up with the fake, plastic vanilla smell so many other people mention.

  16. Well, this one has had a good 5 years to age. It's like if you took gingerbread pancakes, and dunked them in honey. It's super sweet, and the honey overwhelms most of the gingerbread. I feel like this has good staying power. I washed my hands, and it's still there. Plus, it's even overpowering the Gingerbread Dodo that I'm actually wearing.

  17. I managed to snag a bottle from Etsy when they were cleaning out a bunch of stuff. I actually thought I was buying it for a friend, but turns out she didn't want it. Sniffing the bottle, I was unsure if i'd want it. I think the oakmoss was most apparent. But on, oh my gosh! It's so beautiful! It kinda has a tiny bit of "fancy perfume maker" with the lillies and lilac, but I think the amber and violet really save it from becoming "generic rich lady perfume". It's so dark and mysterious. But I do feel like this is how Lucille would smell, or perhaps just her room. It somehow evokes the thoughts of a strong, confident lady who doesn't take any crap. I'm sure there's something similar to a mainstream perfume out there, and once I remember, I'll update here.


    Not that this has the desired fruit or musk, but I just spotted a new bois de rose blend in the Exquisite Corpse chapter opening this afternoon:



    Thorny red roses swirled with mandrake accord, bois de rose, ambrette seed, and khus.



    Thanks for thinking of me! I'm afraid that would be too much rose for me to handle, so I'm not blind bottling this. I'll have to keep an eye out for a decant.


    I've figured out that I really enjoy Rosewood, especially with a hint of lavender at bedtime. I have a mixture of King of Hearts and Knave of Hearts in an atmo I've created for bed. Somehow the wood and lavender makes a really nice, relaxing, comforting smell for me. And it's odd since I don't enjoy lavender, especially when it's medicinal. It's usually too sharp to my nose.


    I have Solstice Scents Estate Rosewood, but that's fairly expensive for turning into a bedtime atmo.


    I haven't tried any of these, so I don't know how the blends will work for me.



    The Magician


    Lupercalia 2014 » A PECULIAR GAME OF SHOJI

    Pumpkin II


    Belle Vinu



    So I'm wondering if there's any rosewood recommendations that lean towards fruity or musky?


    Of those on that list that I have tried I think Morana and Dee are not what you are looking for (Dee is very dry and woody but maybe could be paired with something else to get the desired effect?). Belle Vinu from what I remember is very fruity and I do not remember the rosewood distinctly. Also I don't know if you have already tried it but Old Scratch might be what you are looking for "a lavender fougere with tonka, amber, rosewood and a whiff of diabolical patchouli."


    Also be on the look out for bois de rose as well, while I have seen some maintain that they reference two different trees I have mostly seen the term interchangeably. Some scents listing bois de rose that might be good are Endymion and Spirit Board



    Thanks! I do have Old Scratch, in fact, quite a few imps from the lab. I think, initially, there's something with the tonka or the patch that makes it a tad too masculine. And somehow reminds me of staying in a clean hotel room? But I think I can make this work. I'll play around with it. I might try The Cheshire Cat.


    Thanks for the tip about the bois de rose. That's super helpful!

  20. I've figured out that I really enjoy Rosewood, especially with a hint of lavender at bedtime. I have a mixture of King of Hearts and Knave of Hearts in an atmo I've created for bed. Somehow the wood and lavender makes a really nice, relaxing, comforting smell for me. And it's odd since I don't enjoy lavender, especially when it's medicinal. It's usually too sharp to my nose.


    I have Solstice Scents Estate Rosewood, but that's fairly expensive for turning into a bedtime atmo.


    I haven't tried any of these, so I don't know how the blends will work for me.



    The Magician


    Lupercalia 2014 » A PECULIAR GAME OF SHOJI

    Pumpkin II


    Belle Vinu



    So I'm wondering if there's any rosewood recommendations that lean towards fruity or musky?
