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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by torikitty

  1. Check out my Fatherhood decant circle!

  2. Don't you hate when you're sitting on an imp, waiting to try it out, thinking it's not going to work...turns out you love it, and need a bottle ASAP?

  3. On Hiatus for the next 2 weeks. Responses delay. All packages from sales have gone out.

  4. Pumpkin Orange is amazing.

  5. Responses delayed over holidays

  6. Shango, Shango, Shangooooo

  7. Testing, Reviewing, and Swapping

  8. Whoa, so much good stuff!! Need to go on a no-buy!

  9. Won't someone please buy some of my lovely bottles? I'm running out of room.
