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Everything posted by torikitty

  1. torikitty

    Mary Read

    Wet: How interesting. I can pick out a lot of the individual scents, but a quick sniff smells like laundry to me. I guess the ocean mist is what comes out the most. Drydown: the rum and leather come out more. It definitely leaves the clean realm, and makes its way into masculine. I think I can even smell the gunpowder. Gonna try this on the husband.
  2. torikitty

    Black Phoenix

    wet: Yeah, I can see cola for this. Drydown: Instead of going more almond on me, I seem to be amping roses? Powdery roses. Not a fan.
  3. torikitty

    Recalcitrant Dragon

    I got this based on the last few reviews. It's definitely leafy and green when it's wet. During drydown, the vanilla starts to inch out. So now we have a sweet, green branch. The tobacco rounding it out to be somewhat masculine. The green musk ends up sweetening up, and with the sandalwood, it takes the masculine edge off. This reminds me of a shampoo my grandma used to have. Suave? Green, clean, slightly sweet.
  4. torikitty

    Fuck You, Said the Raven

    Yeah, I can get behind gravel notes. And a bit of earthy resins. The violets allllllmost add an old-lady perfume sweetness that I can't stand. Depends on if this goes powdery or not. It's cool, dark, and different from what I normally try. I'm still trying to figure out the notes, but I feel like this scent aptly distills what the raven should smell like.
  5. torikitty

    Eat the Strawberries

    So strong!! There was some on my imp, which got on a piece of paper. Days later, I could still smell it wafting across the room. Sweet strawberries, for sure. I can see how someone who is sensitive to artificial fruits would not like this. It reminds me of strawberry chapstick, strawberries cut up for a pie, and my Strawberry Shortcake doll from when I was a kid. I think Strawberry Moon is more wearable, but this is such a happy, bright, excited about summer scent.
  6. torikitty


    This is really faint on me, too. There's something my nose isn't picking up. I smell sweetness, and that's about it. I can't identify any other notes. I'll have to try again later.
  7. torikitty


    The bourbon vanilla in this plays much better with the amber and myrrh with my skin. It's just kinda a generic sweet scent. Cardamom, honey, and cacao aren't too apparent, but I think that just means they are blended well.
  8. torikitty

    The Small Brown Cat

    In the imp: warm cinnamon with a hint of dirt On the skin: vanilla and cardamom. actually kinda coming across as warm pencil shavings. I wonder if this what my skin chemistry does to cedarwood? I guess I'm amping that over anything else. Drydown: fuzzy, powdery from the cedarwood. Still sweet pencil shavings. I wanted to like this, oh well.
  9. torikitty

    The Sun's Treasure

    Amber and green orange blossom. It's got that bright, outdoorsy feel. I guess the saffron is giving it more of a green edge, or perhaps plastic? It's not exactly what I'd expect from saffron. The honey is hanging out in the back, it hasn't overpowered yet. This is pretty, but this isn't a "me" scent. This does settle down into a more orange blossom and honey. Low throw.
  10. torikitty

    Tobacco scents

    And don't forget The Jeweled Spider. The cigarillo smoke is so nice in that one. It doesn't end up smelling like smoke, it smells like fresh cigarillos.
  11. torikitty


    I get more of the hibiscus and cassia. I can pick up a sweetness from the wine. I'd say this is a sweet, fruity, summertime scent. I don't pick up anything dark from this.
  12. torikitty

    The Bones of Capys

    Sweet mandarin, and I think I'm amping the chamomile. Fresh, white flowers with orange juice are what's coming to the forefront. The floral is not what I'd consider orangesicle masculine. As it warms up, during drydown, the tobacco comes out a bit more. The floral dries up, and the sandalwood goes a bit powdery. Still trying to decide how I feel about this.
  13. torikitty

    Laurel Hill

    I thought this might have the smell I associate with the Mountain Laurel trees here in Texas, which are similar to grape soda. It doesn't smell like that all. It's more floral, and something sharp to my nose. Perhaps the hemlock? It does come down in sharpness, but it's still a note I find headache-inducing. A green floral. Not for me.
  14. torikitty

    St. Louis #1

    I have no idea how to identify any of these notes. I was thinking that the moss was the general sweet, floral scent, but maybe it's olive blossom? In the end, I agree with zankoku_zen, amazing transformation of tobacco + bay rum + patchouli comes out. This smells wonderful on my husband, but that isn't saying that it's expressly masculine. I just happen to enjoy the earthy way this smells on my husband. It does smell a bit sweet, but it seems complex enough that the sweetness fills out well with everything.
  15. torikitty

    Peach V (2016)

    Peach and tobacco. i'm sure it's just the teak mixed with the blackened vanilla, but it ends up having a tobacco note. This is wonderful. Sexy peaches.
  16. torikitty

    Harigata II

    Delightful! Coconut and hazelnut. Sweet and creamy. A deeper, sweeter alternative to B&BW's Creamy Coconut. Low throw. I'm glad I got to sample this, but don't feel like I need a whole bottle.
  17. torikitty

    Antique Lace

    Really glad to have a tester of this. Gorgeous vanilla and creamy. I think "wistful" is an apt term for this. Low throw, good wear time. Looking forward to getting more.
  18. torikitty

    The Jeweled Spider

    OMG! I'm in heaven! When it's wet, I can smell all the individual notes. The coffee and the sundae are more apparent. When it's dry, the curry really shows up. Mixed with the tobacco, it's glorious. It reminds me a bit of one of the pumpkin patches that had curry. Sweet, spicy, foodie. This just screams "big, comfy sweater during the fall". Big throw. Definitely getting a bottle of this.
  19. torikitty

    The Ifrit

    This ends up going to clean laundry on me. It's really nice, but not what I expected from this blend. I'm unsure what I would be amping that would smell this way. It is a decant, so maybe the wrong thing is in here.
  20. torikitty

    The Star

    Wet: a peppermint, with a tiny hint of coconut in the background Drydown: peppermint and lemon pledge. clean, sweet, and minty. no complaints. Dry: the peppermint stays clean and fresh, but not as overpowering. The coconut and lemon somehow balance each other out. It does end up becoming a nice, fresh, summer scent.
  21. torikitty

    Dragon's Reverie

    I don't know that I have the vocabulary to describe this. It's lighter than I'd expect from a dragon's blood derivative. It is pretty and dreamy. Glad I got an imp of this.
  22. torikitty

    Lucy Westenra

    Orange and floral. Really interesting. It's becoming more clean, a soapy floral. It ends up going to playdoh on me. I'm guessing it's the iris or the Moroccan rose. Possibly mixed with the magnolia.
  23. torikitty

    Te Po

    Holy vodka, Batman! How does that even work? Fizzy vodka and mint. With some dry almond floating in the background. During drydown, I really start to amp the mint. It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas at Yankee Candle on this wrist. Mulberry spice, is that you? Boo, I wanted to smell like some of the things other people noted. Oh well!
  24. torikitty

    Velvet Cthulhu

    Wow, this is super interesting! Fresh, green, clean, slightly minty at first. On drydown, you can smell a bit of the wasabi coming out. Like it actually has the effect when you smell a fresh jalapeƱo up close, like inhaling the capsaicin. I like that the cedar isn't overpowering. And the tea gives it a comforting quality. I really just wanted to try something with sage, which other reviewers noted. This doesn't disappoint. I thought it would end up coming off more aquatic, but it's mostly clean and green. I think I'm mostly getting tea, sage, and vetiver. However, this version of vetiver isn't overpowering.
  25. torikitty

    Snake Skin

    I think my nose is doing something similar to a previous reviewer, where it's reading the leather + vanilla = cherry. So Cherry Snake Oil is a big thumbs up for me!