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Everything posted by torikitty

  1. torikitty

    Dwarven Ale

    Wet: Banana bread!! Sweet, almonds, like banana bread fresh out of the oven. Definitely a foodie's dream without being overly banana. Drydown: I can see the butterscotch comparison, but I'm picking up more of a nut note, and maybe a bit of nutmeg. Dry: I'm sticking with banana bread. Beer and mushrooms I'm not getting, which I'm okay with. I think there's a bit of an earthy note, which I'm guessing is the rootstock. Overall, I think this is amazing. I didn't know it was possible to smell like banana bread. Winner!
  2. torikitty


    My only other experience with violets is Solstice Scents Violet Mallow, which is very soft and comforting. On the skin: the violet comes through very strongly with the tea rose lurking in the background. Drydown: the violet continues to be the prominent note, but it is softened by the rose, which does come forward more. Definitely reminds me of the french bathroom powder my grandma used to have. Dry: Reminds me too much of "old lady smell". The violet is dry, and the rose ends up overpowering. It does smell clean, though.
  3. torikitty

    Queen of Sheba

    Wet: Buttery saffron with a hint of sweetness and pepper. Fairly exotic. Dry: Spicy almonds. I'm happy that this going towards a sweet honey. However, I feel like the throw is really low. My skin might be eating this slowly. I really have to get my nose close to smell anything. It's nice, but I'm sad that the saffron seems to fade quickly.
  4. torikitty

    Redoul Honey

    Wet: Blackberries, then a hint of sweetness from honey? Dry: Blackberry jam, with a tiny hint of green leaves. Overall, this is a winner for someone wanting to get on the blackberry train.
  5. torikitty


    At first, I get a sharp incense note that I find really off-putting. Like cleanser and incense. Unfortunately, I don't know if that's the sandalwood or the champaca. I'm going to guess the champaca. After it sits on the skin, it calms down, and that sharp smell mellows. I think the sandalwood ends up smelling like the smell of fresh towels when you're drying off from the pool, mixed with sweet-smelling sunscreen and damp hair. This strangely becomes very nostalgic for me. Definitely a morpher that deserves a skin test if you're usually put-off by incense.
  6. torikitty


    I have to agree about the bubblegum smell, and the "gentle, naive quality" that someone else mentioned. They are both really good points that I think aptly describe this. Very sugar, pop, bubblegum, happy teenager vibes. It's nice if you want a happy, uplifting scent, but I wouldn't attribute musk in any way to this description.
  7. torikitty

    Aquarius 2016

    I think Little Bird got it right. Fresh and clean, high pitched, soapy dryer sheets, and a slap of very sharp pepper. Minus the shower feel for me. The clove ends up feeling dry.
  8. torikitty

    A Breathless Chuckle

    This smells amazing. Unfortunately it goes plastic on me. I'll have to try it with a locket. The cookie, chocolate, marshmallow is so comforting and decadent.
  9. torikitty


    shriekingviolet has a really good review that I agree with. Clean, floral, fruity. Something to wear on a brisk Spring day. It definitely smells happy. And surprisingly, it does evoke the smell of Japanese candies or something Asian. Kinda reminds me of the crappy Hello Kitty gum when I was 5. This is fun, I'm glad I tried it.
  10. torikitty

    Cohen v. California

    So, so happy to buy this from a lovely forumite. This smells better than I imagined. The tea and apricot aren't heavy, I picked up a bit of tobacco and ginger. This manages to remind me of California, minus the orange blossoms. I think the saffron gives it an earthy sense without being overwhelming. It's lightly fruity, earthy, grassy, and tobacco-y. Kinda like hanging out an a botanical garden in the valley with a friend that smokes.
  11. torikitty

    Dead Leaves and Sugared Cardamom

    So potent when it first goes on! Soapy and cologne. This doesn't work for me at all. I was hoping for something more earthy, like a mellow version of Solstice Scent's Cardamom Rose Sugar, but this is very different. I'm glad so many others enjoy this, but it doesn't work for my skin type.
  12. torikitty

    Lavender Pumpkin Floss

    I never would have expected this blend to work for me because lavender usually smells medicinal and overpowering. Somehow, the sweetness of the pumpkin blends with the sharpness of the lavender for this creamy, cinnamon, sweet laundry thing. Definitely heavier on the pumpkin for this one. I ordered a backup.
  13. torikitty

    Yellow Pumpkin Floss

    I can agree with all of the positive comments posted above. A bright, beautiful lemon with pumpkin mellowing in the back, kinda earthy without being in your face. Not quite the same as Lemon Scented Sticky Bat, but close enough. I think this is another winner in the pumpkin floss group.
  14. torikitty

    Dead Leaves, Raw Leather, Bourbon Vanilla, and Clove

    The leather and clove come out the strongest for me. Because I don't find it very sweet, I think it's a good masculine scent. I know clove smells wonderful on my husband.
  15. torikitty

    Dead Leaves and Blackberries

    Not overly sweet, and not overly blackberryish. I was hoping for something like LaVanila's Blackberry, but this is sweeter, and not as clean. And my skin chemistry sucked it up after 40 mins, so hardly anything was left. Overall, I think it's a great scent for someone looking for something fruity without being juvenile.
  16. torikitty


    I'm agreeing with most of these reviews. Laundry, so perhaps lavender. Maybe some ozone, as well. Green, as well, perhaps lilies, orchid, and daisies. I'm not picking up aquatic, though. It is rather sharp, though. A sharp clean, though. I feel like this smell is akin to a popular laundry detergent that other people enjoy.
  17. torikitty


    In the bottle: root beer, cream soda, hint of leather. Wet: drinking root beer while wearing a new, leather jacket. Painfully new, where each breath contains a whiff of "hey, look at my new jacket" Drydown: getting sweeter, leather is still very present Dry: less cloying, still sweet, but not overpowering. Basically, like a root beer barrel was wet, and lost in your pocket of your new leather jacket.
  18. torikitty

    Red Devil

    I think I'm picking up pepper and a stark, white floral. Not too sure what dragon's blood smells like, so I can't confirm this. Maybe some citrus rind, but that's hiding in the back. Reminds me of white sheets that have been starched. This is not friendly, very standoffish.
  19. torikitty


    Wet: mint and champagne Dry: mint is still there, but the aquatic blooms are what really stick around.
  20. torikitty

    Ode on Melancholy

    So light and clean. I think the lavender and rose appear the most, but are balanced by the wisteria and musk. Definitely not overpowering, a fragrance that just hangs out in the back, like lightly smelling someone's laundry on them.
  21. torikitty


    Banana and coconut smoothie! This is a happy, tropical scent. I can't pick out the apples or chili pepper on me.
  22. torikitty


    Wet: Plum and cherry. A bit like a chapstick from when I was a kid. Happy and sweet. Dry: Wine and currant coming out more. Like an adult form of cherry chapstick.
  23. torikitty


    Wet: Dry sassafras. Like if you took the sugar out of rootbeer. A bit medicinal, as well. Dry: Definitely feels like a male scent. It's strong, unsweet, a bit mysterious, and medicinal.
  24. torikitty

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    Wet: Lavender and astringent citrus, oh my gosh. Definitely feels heavy on the cleaning supplies for me. Dry: I think the jasmine is slowly peeking out, maybe a bit of sage, but to my nose the lavender is still overpowering pretty much everything else. It's a neat fragrance, I can see this being perfect for someone. There is not enough warmth for me here, but could be great for someone who enjoys "clean" smells.
  25. torikitty


    Unfortunately, I can't do the roses, it's nauseating to me. However, I am impressed with how the roses do actually smell dry, and the earth and moss are hiding in the background to provide context. This reminds me of one of those sachets you'd put in your underwear drawer. In the dry-down, the overpowering rose smell does lighten, and seems to blend well with the rest of its earthy counterparts. It's well-done, too bad I can't enjoy it.