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BPAL Madness!


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About Kakitiss

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 07/03/1990


  • Location
  • Country
    United States

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  • Favorite Scents
    Szepasszony, Lust. Rain, rain, rain, lemon, citrus, white flowers, tea, light, airy scents, or classy multihued scents that aren't too heavy, nothing cloying, sweet, flowery, dead, earthy, foody, etc.


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
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  1. Kakitiss


    Today I received my very first order from BPAL- I ordered Szesspazzony (which I probably misspelled) and Lust, and with it came a little family of what I presume are imps ears, though they look more like mini tester sized perfume bottles to me. Haha. Dry joke. My abysmal humour aside, Jack was one of the imps, and I eagerly lined them up to open them and try them. As soon as I got it open, the smell made me almost nauseous. It's in my nose, on my fingers even though none of the oil touched me, and overpowering my room. It smells like... sickly sweet pumpkin bread. I want to say banana bread, but that's because I hate bananas. It's... disgusting. I loved my other scents, but this one is just... revolting. It's too strong, too powerful, too lingering, and worst of all it smells like someone took a pumpkin, choked it, drowned it in fake, sugary frosting, punched the frosting in the face, added a large amount of high fructose corn syrup, and then sprayed the whole mess on a bunch of people who hate sweets. I'm really disappointed in this scent... it might work for those who love foody, warm, strong scents but as it is it's cloying and revolting to me and I really hope it'll get out of my nose soon. Now excuse me while I go open the window, ignore the 40ยบ weather and hope the smell will go away soon. I'm sorry to everyone who liked this scent btw- but I see I'm not alone in my nausea and headache from this scent. PS- It's been half an hour. I've washed my hands countless times. That smell is still in my nose. I've smelled everything I can find from coffee beans to tea tree oil and it won't go away. I might actually be sick soon.