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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. I earned the Doctor Who Marathon sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/mq9Rgv

  2. Fine ass tattooed guy rocking a Mohawk just threw me the devil horns and smiled as I was jogging. #littlevictories

  3. Woo. Double surprise nap. Um, I was tired?

  4. Need a time-turner today. US v Spain vs. getting my hair did. Sounders v Fire vs. Roller Derby. Not enough hours!

  5. I love that since it is too hot for Ugg boots, the girls in line in front if me are wearing Ugg slippers instead. #notshoes

  6. I am watching X-Men: First Class w/621 others http://bit.ly/kezoYL @GetGlue #XMen


    #BPAL of the day: No. 93 Engine

  8. Aw, man. The cool envelope in my mailbox from the State Dept wasn't my new passport, but the old one. YOU'RE STILL SAFE, CANADA.

  9. The Best Daily Deals in Fandango: Two Movie Tickets: http://t.co/IyXgIC3 via @addthis

  10. I am watching So You Think You Can Dance w/761 others http://bit.ly/ks63R4 @GetGlue @danceonfox

  11. Double thumbs up to Trader Joe's dairy free mochi. Yummy.

  12. Achievement Unlocked: made Fried Chicken from scratch


    #FSC commenters need to talk about the game more, Landon Donovan not being in it less. There are people actually playing right now.

  14. $%&@! Ordered the wrong cable for my computer. Cost me only $3 to be stupid, but still. *orders correct cable* *mutters irritably*

  15. In a sparkling display of brilliance, I managed to wash my car keys last night. No auto-alarm for me. http://ff.im/GhtWe


    #BPAL of the day: Half-Elf; White sandalwood, beeswax, white tea leaf, oud, and a hint of sophisticated urban musk.


    #BPAL of the day: Tombeur; vanilla-infused sandalwood, blood musk, antique patchouli, vetiver, lavender, bitter almond, amber + Snake Oil.

  18. My recycle makes me look like a Cheerwine-o.

  19. Comcast. *runs around and breaks stuff* #rageface http://ff.im/HjHni

  20. Pulled my hamstring picking strawberries. #Ifeelold #ouch

  21. Whoa. Sudden onset unhappy tummy. Yurk.
