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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Realized that while I've read his work and bio, my mental image of Samuel Johnson is entirely based on the Black Adder dictionary episode.

  2. As usual, super early, but with good parking. (@ Skateland) http://4sq.com/gPLpXG

  3. My grandma must be smiling right now; 6 months later, the drunken whisky raspberries are perfect and make one hell of a cocktail.

  4. For the last couple of weeks, every time things get slow, I get the 'incidental' investigating music from Scooby Doo... http://ff.im/A1pHw

  5. Trimming extraneous expenses. Debating with myself about subscribing to the NYTimes online thing.

  6. 5 of 5 stars to A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/152758500

  7. Bob says it is snuggles time. NOW. http://twitpic.com/4i6n9n

  8. The "Scooby Doo" incidental music has finally stopped haunting me. It has been replaced by Kronk's self-theme music. #notbetter

  9. So I was caught up on my Goodreads, and in /less than a day/ I am two books behind. WTF.

  10. I must have pissed off some deity to get stuck sitting in front of these ignorant diarrhea mouth trash talking motherfuckers. #sounders

  11. Current experiment: made my own ketchup. Turned out pretty good. http://ff.im/AMtq2

  12. 4 of 5 stars to Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/159269053

  13. Most excellent ending song for the finale, #BeingHuman -- well played.

  14. Surely, it is no coincidence that Portal 2 is set to release the same day Skynet becomes active. I knew GLaDOS was... http://ff.im/Beiy4

  15. Reviewers for #GameofThrones in the #NYTimes and #WAPost are terrible. Don't care if you hate the genre, review the show, not your ego.

  16. Me: 0 103-degree-fever: 3. Missed derby debut for friend, birthday party, and still had to work. #noimnotbitter

  17. Apparently you only get the premiere sticker for #GameofThrones if you checked in before the show aired on this coast. Lamesauce, #getglue
