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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Every time Amazon ships my stuff via USPS, it ends up late. What's the point of doing 2day Shipping via Prime when that NEVER happens?

  2. Feverfew, what is that, a band? LOL #BeingHuman

  3. Finally catching up on the Arsenal/Udinese game. http://t.co/8Y9XvOY @GetGlue #UEFAChampionsLeague

  4. Finally got around to checking out Google Voice. There aren't any numbers for any of the WA area codes. http://ff.im/C74Ld

  5. Fine ass tattooed guy rocking a Mohawk just threw me the devil horns and smiled as I was jogging. #littlevictories

  6. For the last couple of weeks, every time things get slow, I get the 'incidental' investigating music from Scooby Doo... http://ff.im/A1pHw

  7. Fuck, yeah. #Fringe renewed for another season!

  8. Glitch by Glitch - the series — Kickstarter http://t.co/wPKYSl8B via @kickstarter

  9. GO SOUNDERS!!! (@ CenturyLink Field w/ 106 others) http://4sq.com/qax6lO

  10. GO SOUNDERS!!! (@ Starfire Sports Campus w/ 48 others) http://t.co/bZdaG7R

  11. Goddamn addictive Dark Shadows. #whyaminotasleep

  12. Good lord. They're using the 'stick men' cypher on Hawaii Five-O. #getoffmylawn http://ff.im/BY523

  13. Guess who ISN'T supposed to be where he is? #catsgowheretheywannago http://t.co/fwkJhJ81

  14. Hate watching games on #fsc They're always cutting away from the live game for replays & commentary is awful.

  15. I am listening to Rethink Music 2011 (w/3056 others) http://bit.ly/hIyD2T @GetGlue #8in8

  16. I am such a sucker for puzzles. And stickers. So, well done HBO & GetGlue.
