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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Jenn2D2

  1. Feverfew, what is that, a band? LOL #BeingHuman

  2. Whenever there's a big apple event, all I can think of is this: http://t.co/QC4BdpM Happy Rex Manning Day!

  3. WOW. Kudos to Ubisoft. Beyond Good and Evil HD looks amazing. Way to honor an under appreciated classic.

  4. I earned the Opening Week sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/eBqqjp

  5. OH: 5yr old - I don't wanna die getting hit by a car. I wanna get eaten by a TRex. Dad- well, it would be a noble death.

  6. Either I'm having a mild reaction to the fresh pineapple I ate or it wrecked my throat. Benadryl and tea with honey,... http://ff.im/zlhBU

  7. I am such a sucker for puzzles. And stickers. So, well done HBO & GetGlue.

  8. Dragon Age 2: it has shipped. Sweeeeeeeeet.

  9. Chiana kicked both other cats off of the couch pillows http://twitpic.com/47burq

  10. Wow - #BPTP Sachet de Senteurs III smells just like TKO. I might need a whole grip of these for my linen closet. #BPAL #etsy


    #BPAL of the day is "Twenty One" which smells less like martinis on me than fresh, light juniper.

  12. Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Mints are like a perfect version of Junior Mints. The thin candy shell makes all the difference.

  13. Commercials during the game? Super lame, #soundersfc and #kong -- YOU MISSED A GOAL.

  14. I earned the Fringe Division Agent sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/ftHwD6

  15. I get the best and weirdest tracts, unsolicited, in the mail http://twitpic.com/4ajsns

  16. Rewatching the beginning. Amazing how much stuff I missed the first time around. http://bit.ly/eS4CHy (via @GetGlue) #Fringe

  17. The #WarnerHomeVideo #Fringe Blu-Ray release is shamefully bad. Horrible, nonexistent menu design ruins what is a fantastic show.

  18. The touch of seasons gave me the fourth link on the Maester's Chain. Tough ass puzzle. http://bit.ly/eWdA3L (via @GetGlue) @GameOfThrones

  19. Fuck, yeah. #Fringe renewed for another season!
